"New Possibilities" Seth Clearwater

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"Woo! Day out with the Cullens." Seth laughed and playfully hit Jakes shoulders. "What are we going to do?"

"I am going there to chat and check up with Nessie and (Y/N)." Jake replied as the Cullen residence came into view. "And if I remember correctly... You weren't invited."

"(Y/N)? I've never met them before."

"That's because they are the youngest, and they tend to stay in their room" Jake chuckled. "They are still in the process of becoming 'vegan' so they tend to avoid people...and they are pretty shy."

"I want to meet them." Seth was buzzing like an excited child. Jake simply rolled his eyes and chuckled. Both were not surprise to see Edward already opening the door, allowing them to step in.

"Hey Jake." The vampire greeted. "Hey Seth, didn't expect you."

"Little pup here wanted to meet the youngest bloodsucker." Jake ruffled Seth's hair as Seth swatted his hands away.

"Not cool man."

"Well come in, though I'll have to have Jasper drag them down stairs. They are a bit shy." Edward quirked his lips, inviting the two wolves into the home. They were greeted by the rest of the Cullen family; Esme, Bella and Nessie gave them both hugs while the rest gave a hand shake or a smile. Seth was a bit happy to see Rosalie more comfortable with them both.

"So where is this (Y/N) I've heard about?" Seth asked Esme and Carlisle.

"Probably in their room, reading or listening to their music. You'd probably like them, they are around your 'age'." Esme smiled fondly. "Speaking of (Y/N), they should probably get down here. Jasper, can you bring (Y/N) down please? "

"Sure thing, ma'am." Seth watched the southern vampire use his speed to run upstairs for a few moments before running down stairs. He expected them to run down like Jasper, but he was wrong. As (Y/N) Cullen walked down stairs at human speed, there seemed to be a white glow around them. Seth's pupils dilated as he watched the vampire, his heart began to speed up. Him running in his wolf form as (Y/N) ran alongside him, then him and (Y/N) lying next to each other in a field of flowers, smiling and laughing.He gulped and smiled with a goofy grin on his face. He found his imprint.

"Seth, are you serious?" Jake exclaimed with an exasperated sigh.

"What's going on?" Emmett asked while Edward started laughing, everyone except (Y/N) caught on. Rosalie stepped in front of (Y/N) protectively while her eyes narrowed towards the young wolf shifter.

"Uhm is everything okay?" They asked, their golden eyes glancing between Jacob, Edward and Seth.

"No, I will not allow this mutt imprint on (Y/N)." Rosalie growled and stood infront of them, her arms crossed as she glared at Seth. Jasper and Emmett stared sizing the wolf up, backing him against a wall while Jake and Edward laughed.

"Alright enough. All of you." Esme said with a stern voice. The two male vampires backed off while Alice pulled Rosalie away from (Y/N).

"Whats imprinting?" They asked nervously.

"Seth its probably best if you explained it to them." Jake commented but smiled nonetheless.

"Let's go for a walk so I can explain it to you." Seth asked (Y/N), scratching the back of his neck.

"Okay, s-sure." They smiled shyly before walking outside, with Seth following. He gulped when he felt eyes burn into his back when he left the home.

Seth and (Y/N) walked side by side for a few minutes into the woods in silence. Seth wasn't really sure where to start on the whole imprinting thing. It was feeling awkward between them so Seth started up a conversation.

"I'm Seth by the way. Seth Clearwater. A wolf shifter."

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N). Vampire." They giggled, which made his heart flutter. "So, imprinting...?"

"Here let's sit down." Seth pointed at rock, taking a seat next to (Y/N). He cleared his throat and started to explain, "So wolves have this thing called imprinting. It's kind of like a soulmate in a way, I'm unconditionally bound to you, (Y/N). You come before anything else in my life now. I can be whatever you want or need me to be. A protector, a friend... Or a lover." Seth gulped and looked at the vampire next to him. His mocha brown eyes stared into their vampiric gold orbs.

"I... I like the idea of that." They smiled in responce, though he saw their face change quickly.

"What? What's the matter?"

"It's just, I haven't really... gotten close with someone before in a romantic sense."

"It's okay, we don't have to be-"

"I want to!" They raised their voice. "I-I mean I want to be in a romantic relationship with you Seth. You seem really nice and pretty-pretty handsome. I'm just not experienced with relationships. I've only ever seen it between my adoptive family."

"We can take it slow, as slow as you want to. I'm just happy to be with you. Plus your cute, and I really like your smile!" Seth gave his signature goofy grin which brightened (Y/N) face.

"Uhm can I give you a hug?"

"Heck yeah!" Seth opened his arms and allowed (Y/N) to wrap their arms around his torso. Seth squeezed them tight in his arms before Seth felt his phone vibrate. He pulled away and took out his phone. A text from Jacob telling him it was time to get going, causing him to sigh.

"Really?" There was slight disappointment in their voice.

"Yeah, but don't worry. I'll probably sneak out to come see you." They laugh and walk back to the Cullen house hold, not quite holding hands, but they were intertwining pinkies.


As Seth and Jake arrive back in Quileute lands, Jacob had almost enough of Seth's nonstop talking about (Y/N). Though whenever he told Seth to shut up, the young Quileute simply told him it was payback for all those months of his nonstop thinking of Bella. Jacob rolled his eyes, though he felt happiness that Seth was able to find his imprint.

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