Chapter One

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"Eleanora Chamberlain." I repeated for the millionth time to the cheerleader in front of my locker. Her icy blue eyes stared at me as if I were five, and I had grown a sudden dislike for this popular bimbo. Her blond hair was done up like all the rest, straightened the crap out of it with a side barrette. She wore a skimpy skirt with an even skimpier tank top. 

"Eleanora? What is this? The eighteenth century?" She asked making her posse of cheerleader friends giggle in amusement but I just glared at her with my brown/black eyes that multiple people have told me, could scare a vampire off. And it worked on the bimbo. She straightened her back up against the lockers and stared at me with fear and disgust. 

"Eleanora didn't become popular 'til the ninetieth century actually. And I would thank you to move away from my locker." I said not changing my eye position. The blond nodded and scooted her way towards the left leaving me to put my books in my locker before I go to hell, otherwise known as art. The art teacher often lectures me that the things I'm drawing are not suitable for high school art classes, so my visions of demons and ghosts have to lay on low key. 

I grab my sketch book and bolt out of the hall like a bat out of hell. All the students hustle and bustle while they stare emptily at the girl who is the sister of the quarterback. 

A.K.A... me.

I'm not popular by any means and I'm mostly shunned by everyone for my style and attitude. Max is one of the key bullies. 

Now, I've gotten used to all the names and rude glares but Max, my brother said that he was being noted for it and my mother didn't want poor Max to suffer any longer for my reputation. Weird how the victim always turns to the guilty man who started it. Mum thinks I'm crazy just like everyone else in the world.

Not that I mind. Mum has never been my favorite. Not that my step-dad is doing much better with all his excuses for not hanging out with me. Mum has always thought that if you avoid something long enough it will go away... it's been like that since Dad died. Death hits everyone differently... but it made Mum more distant if possible to me of course... never Max. That would be crazy.

As I enter the room and sit in my usual spot at the back of the class, I hear whispers and snickers but they're not about me. But about someone else. 

"Did you hear that Mitch Grape got murdered last weekend? That's why he wasn't at school." I perked my head to the side and listened about the homosexual artist who was one of my acquaintances. Not that we were friends, we just didn't dislike each other like I did with most people. 

I caught myself eavesdropping on my peer's conversations. Sometimes I do it just to make me feel like I'm included. It's pathetic but gives me a type of closure that's unexplainable. I watch as a few of them start bickering whether or not that it's a good thing or a bad thing. Let's just say in my school, gays don't last long.

I've never had a problem with gay people while most of the kids at my school are straight, there are others who like to hide from the bullies and go out with the opposite sex to seem like everyone else. A lot of the students at Harrison Flowers High School care more about what other's think of them then their health. But I'm not one of those people. I don't exactly blend in either with my mega eyeliner and black clothing, more often than never, students like to put me in the stoner or goth group. I've never smoked therefore I'm not a druggie but the goth one does fit me quite well with my strange visions. But not even the outcasts want to be seen with me in public. I'm the laughing stock of the school. The weirdo. The disease. 

When Mr. Myers, our hardy principal walks in I notice that he's holding back a smile. He is homophobic so this must just be a gain and not a loss for him. The reason I know this is because I caught him threating Mitch about wrong and right but Mr. Myers could never murder someone. He's not clever at all. 

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