Part two: Mark

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Mark was trying his hardest to put the whole body-switch episode out of his mind and into the past. The problem with that was of course that they still hadn't figured out who had done this to Ian and Kasey in the first place and if they would try again.
Most likely not with this particular curse, but maybe with something else. Something a bit more nasty this time around. Mark also hated the fact that he couldn't even say who the fucking target in their little group of three people was. It made planning for the future hard. They had gotten some charms from Travis that should ward off most of the common hexes, but Mark really wondered if that would be enough, because a body-switch curse, this body-switch curse in particular, didn't look like it was beginner's luck. Someone powerful was messing with their lives and Mark didn't like it one bit.
At least he thought, he wasn't alone in this mess. He had Kasey and Ian to talk to. Both of them would have his back no matter what.

"You look pensive boyfriend," Kasey said from the couch.

"I was thinking," Mark replied.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"It's not only one thing, but – I was thinking about that psycho who did this to us and that he or she is still out there and will most likely try again."

"Travis gave us amulets," Kasey said.

Mark nodded. "I know. And I do feel better wearing them," he admitted, even if they all looked identical and Ian had one too and people could read into that shit like it was nobody's business. Fans loved to speculate after all.

"I can hear a but," Kasey said. "And I'm pretty sure I know what the but is about too. You think that the charms won't be able to protect us against whatever nasty thing that sick person has planned next."

"There is always the hope they see the error of their ways and just let it be," Mark replied. He didn't believe in that and judging by his girlfriend's face she didn't believe in it either.

"Right," she said.

"Yeah, there is also the fact that Travis knew of three different curses that could did this to us and it was none of them."

"Which means that whoever did it to us is – powerful? Skilled?" Kasey mused.

"Probably both."

"But Travis knows that," Kasey argued. "He wouldn't give us a normal charm, because he knows that it would do nothing to protect us."

That was probably true, Travis seemed like a decent guy who knew his shit. Mark had also the impression that Travis took pride in what he did. He wasn't in it only for the money.
"Yeah, you're right, but I can't help but worry. I's been only a bit over two months since you've switched bodies with Ian."

"You're waiting," Kasey said.

Mark nodded. "Yeah, right now we're still vigilant, I guess, but give us another few weeks and we will put this behind us and not be as careful as we are now."

"What else is there to do? We don't know anyone who could do something like this and we can't think of anyone who would want to do this to me, us, either," Kasey sighed. "I'm kinda sick of being on edge all the time."

Mark got up from the armchair he had been occupying and set down on the sofa beside her. She leaned into him and he soaked up her warmth and the smell of her skin.
"Me too," Mark said.

"I just want things to be good now. I mean, you made up with Ian, I have a new friend because of this whole thing and we are better than before, because now you talk to me about important shit."

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