Rain☔ Part One

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Empty grey streets feel too bare
I open the glass window out of melancholy
Fallen raindrops atop my two palms
Filling full with loneliness it spills into my heart
Tonight I miss you for some reason
Tears are welling up
Reminiscing you in my heart

The weather mirrored my mood, turning it even gloom. Outside the sky opened up and rain came pouring down. The streets started emptying as people scattered into their homes and places of shelter. It was a cold and grey night.

For me, the rain held so many memories, some too painful to forget. Sitting by my window seat, I opened the glass window. The once warm room cooling down as the icy wind gushed in. Sticking my hands out, raindrops fell upon my palms and suddenly, I was overcome with a strong sense of loneliness.

My eyes filled with tears as I remembered Jeonghan. Tonight, for some reason I missed him as I reminisced him in my heart.

Memories come down when it rains, spreading pain.
Watching you as you get soaked
Clear in that moment,
wet with memories
I think of you when you were beautiful in the rain

There were many moments spent in the rain even before we started dating. It seemed as if our whole relationship happened in the rain. That wasn't true though, but because we both loved the rain, we were always outside when it rained and those were the moments that I treasured the most. But now looking at the rain, all it did was bring back memories that caused a painful ache in my heart. I closed my eyes as the memories flashed through my mind. 

The day he confessed, was a day that I could vividly remember. It had rained that day as well but it was the happiest day of my life.

It was silent as I walked through the empty hallways, school was out hours ago. To be exact about four hours ago, but I had a three hour detention plus an extra half an extra half hour to clean the class, as the rest went home even though it was their fault in the first place that I got detention, but because they were 'popular', they got off easy while I shouldered most of the burden. And this had to happen on today of all days, a Friday!

​​​​My ears perked up as I heard footsteps behind me. I stopped and the footsteps paused as well, so I turned around but there was no one there.

"I must be hearing things." I mumbled aloud.

But as I continued walking, I could still hear footsteps behind me even though they were light. Picking up my pace, I rushed out the building only to be ambushed by the rain. I dropped my bag in surprise, but soon I started smiling. Tilting my head up, I let the raindrops fall down onto my face, until it abruptly stopped. Confused, I opened my eyes to see an umbrella covering me.

"Pabo! You'll catch a cold if you're not careful." A familiar voice scolded.

My eyes widened as I looked up to see Jeonghan, my classmate and crush.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I was waiting for you." He said. "You sure took your time, but at least I finished all my homework." He looked straight ahead at the rain.

"Why?" I had to ask because why would he wait for me? It didn't make sense to me, not that he never spoke to me, but still it was weird.

"Why you ask, because I have something to tell you." He now focused his gaze on me, but his stare was so intense that I felt my cheeks darken.

"What?" I asked, averting my eyes as it was too much.

"(Y/N)... Look at me." He dropped the umbrella and the rain instantly soaked the two of us. He gently grabbed my chin, tilting it up to look at him. "I really like you, I have for a while now." He confessed, a slight pink hue across his pale cheeks.

I looked up at him, the rain pouring down his face and pulled him closer, the kiss was wet yet sweet. Pulling back, he leaned his forehead against mine and smiled fondly at me. I was about to return the smile, but I had to pull away and cover my nose as I sneezed.

"Aigo! What did I tell you?" He lifted the umbrella back up to cover the two of us and grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers.

"Let's go, Jagiya." He smiled down at me as he walked me home. I couldn't help admiring how handsome he looked in the rain.

"Is there something on my face?" He asked, looking at me with a smug smile.

I blinked, flustered that I was caught staring. "Uhm... No?" It was more of a question than answer.

He chuckled and reached out his hand to pull my cheek. The moment his fingertips made contact with my cheek, I shivered at the icy feeling.

"Your fingers are ice cold."

He removed his hand immediately and apologized, "Mianhae."

"It's okay, let's go." I pulled his arm and tucked our arms together.

We walked on in a comfortable silence, I would sneak a peak at him every now and then, and he would catch me each time and smile. My heart felt like it would burst, because of the overwhelming feelings his smile emitted.

That was the day that it all began, it's kind of ironic that our relationship would begin and end in the rain.

Will even the long season bright with snow
Fade away inside the photo album

This night is growing ever deeper
Unforgotten promises
Your warm embrace, goodbye.

Paging through the photo album I made while we were still together, I wondered how long this heartache would last and would it ever end? And would all these feelings just fade away into this photo album along with the bittersweet memories of our time together.

"What are you doing, jagi?" Jeonghan asked as he looked over my shoulder.

"What does it look like?" I said. "I'm making a photo album of all our moments together, so that I can keep it forever."

"Really? Let me see."

He sat down next to me and I showed him what I've done so far. He sorted through the photographs, and he would give them to me and I would put it in the album. Every few minutes, we would stop and talk about a certain photograph and when it was taken.

As I watched him talk, I felt my heart swell with happiness, and each time he smiled I felt as if it would burst. My feelings for him were that deep.

The night grew even darker and deeper as I continued looking up at the sky filled with rain clouds, a few stars poking out here and there. There were so many promises said and made but now they're all forgotten.

The memory of his warm embrace fading as the cold engulfed me.

"Goodbye..." I hugged myself, trying to hold in the tears. But they eventually spilled.

Rain☔ (Jeonghan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now