Chapter 8 Burn

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"So I have an offer for you Edward"The man was caught off guard

"You can't fire me Camila,Lauren is my boss not you"

"But guess whose her partner,and who her parents will make take a side with"

"She'll never let you do that "

"You don't know me at all, I'll do that and more"I said standing up from the chair finally facing him

"We will see about this Miss Cabello "he said walking towards the door

"Don't you want to hear my offer?"his footsteps stopped in front of the door

"I can get you to stay in her company,in the background but making even more income,you know it is true that her parents will not let you lead the company if you two "break up"He turned around to face me ,he knew I was talking the truth,the anger in his eyes could've killed me though

"I can't do anything right now"

"You can,I'll keep my word if you accept"

"And what's in it for you?"

"Well that's for me to know"

"Lauren what's wrong"the blue eyed woman caught me in the waiting area, a lot of people were still at lunch so the passage to my office was empty

"Fucken Camila"

"What did she do"

"She fucken fired Edward"

"What?!but-"Before she could continue I plastered my hand on the wall"Relax,don't worry she can't do that it's your company"

"We had an agreement"

"Look At me"she said placing her hand on mine her face near mine "Breath,you've got this don't let her get the best of you"a million things ran through my head but the moment Victoria placed her forehead on mine and her hands wrapped my body I relaxed "Take a breather and we can go back in and talk,I mean if you want me to go In there with you"

"Okay"I said taking a few more deep breaths before walking back into the office.Camila now standing and Edward in his chair.

"Are you more level headed now Jauregui ?"she said smirking, before seeing Victoria come in,as soon as she saw her,her expressions changed completely

The blue eyed woman walked behind Lauren fiercely,she was tall but not taller than Lauren,she also was in business attire.I didn't expect her to carry the presence that she did,I thought she would be hostile but she was quick to introduce herself.

"Camila Cabello"i replied shaking her hand,it's like I saw her lips moving but could not hear a word she was saying,I hated this woman not just because of Lauren but because she posed such a threat,her essence infiltrated the room,


"Yes?"I replied giving my attention to Lauren again

"If you fire Edward,then I will be the replacement,I will come back here and you can find someone else to help you in California"I felt my plan fall completely through my hands,It took me a minute to think of what I would say

"That isn't the plan,you don't need to be here everything is running smoothly the place where we have had difficulties is in California, you are needed there"I replied as calmly as I could

"I don't care I'm made up my mind-"

"Camila is right Lauren don't do this"the man interrupted   just in time"I'm willing to step down,I reviewed the people Camila brought files of,they are more qualified than me,I'm willing to take a smaller role that way,things won't complicate with your parents"he really did love her,that's why I was doing this,he was an easy pawn ,

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