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"Pause! Just stop it with the face threatening acts –
We honestly don't care if you know the facts.
You broke the conventions, you mocked our peace,
When we tried our best, you tugged hard on your leash.

Pointing the gun at our 'innocent' heads,
The barrel a demon of glistening lead.
Bullets hit home with a deafening thud.
We questioned ourselves, but swore we'd not budge.

Thoughts saturated with large scale issues,
Minds marinated in the stories we peruse.
We don't have time to clean out this garbage,
Or speak of controversies like gay marriage.

Still, you're not silenced, your bullets hit home.
Unlike Brutus and Caesar in ancient Rome,
We tend to our wounds in fortified tents,
Counter with opinionated arguments.

You'll never win cuz we know that you're right;
You'll be stopped in your tracks and attacked at night.
You won't see what hit your pathetic lives –
You will be gone with your soul-smiting strifes."

"Are you done speaking? All you said is cool,
But this is a movement and we've got no rules.
We're not just the crazed mob begging for change,
We see through your grappling and fishing for fame.

'Quiet!' you threaten, lest we leak the truth;
You claim you're the victims, then diss us like brutes.
Pining, then drawn like a moth to a flame,
You spiral down, down to your deaths, with no shame."

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