Unliving Chapter2:Off beat

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(Police sirens blaring in the distance getting closer to Tod). "Oh crap I'm not only naked but covered in blood I'm just gonna turn myself in I guess". "Excuse me, sir, Please state your name". (Tod froze because if you remember he was presumed dead this morning). 'Oh crap'. he thought to himself. 'as far as he knows Tod Vor Leben is dead just tell the truth kinda'. Tod Leben's my name I faked my death. "Well that's four charges use of explosives: streaking: murder: and faking your death: you're coming with me". "Oh well guess its for the best". ('Later at community corrections corporation'). Cop 1:
"Well that's it for tonight I guess". "Cop 2: yeah what's he in for". Cop 1: "4 charges use of explosives streaking murder and faking his death". Cop 2: "wow that's a whole lot". Cop 1: yeah I know" Tod: "I can hear you ya know please shut up". (9 AM October 12, 2018). "over the loudspeaker morning time inmates time to wake up"! "Oh, crap riot time" ('Todscreams in excitement thankfully no one hears him'). ('Then as crowds of inmates rush toward the cafe for breakfast Tod gets there in time to attack a guard before they even enter starting a commotion later Tod gets sent to solitary confinement'). "Aw crap seriously they put me in solitary on my first day I was just having fun ooh I have an idea" ('it's at this point Tod begins to smash his head off the metal door to his cell'). ('And then he dies again for the 4th time in two days') and the bell rings letting inmates out for yard time out in the yard Todd dashes toward the electrified fence zap! and for the 5th time he is dead) well I died but at least I'm still alive (he says as he runs off into the woodlands near the correction facility then he bumps into Eddie) oh hey Todd why are you naked! oh right you died here are some clothes from my backpack thankfully we wear the same size and I carry clothes on me so do you have a girlfriend Eddie asks no not really Todd replies well I know a girl that might have an interest in you who Tod exclaimed then as Eddie started to speak a motorcycle came crashing through the forest and almost hit them Tod gasped then a beautiful girl took off her helmet and greeted herself "hi I'm Katelyn" Tod's mouth dropped in disbelief "a beautiful girl talking to me!" Tod exclaimed "calm down," said, Eddie, that's my cousin shes a mutant like you she wants to join the Xmen now listen to me, Tod make your shot at the right time or she might kill you Tod said snickering that's no problem for me I'm just gonna come back naked. (6:40 pm October 12, 2018) downtown at 7 eleven finally some good frickin food Tod says to Eddie and Katlyn and Katelyn smugly replies, seriously you are calling this good food lets hit up Tonie's pizza palace best freaking pizza ever made but its 20 dollars for a large pizza worth it though" "Tod replies, then let's check it out. A few hours later their walking home as Tod pops a question to Katlyn. "Hey Kate I was just wondering if you wanted to I dunno have dinner some time but Katlyn doesn't respond so Tod just goes home and doses off to sleep. The next morning Tod wakes up to loud banging only to see Katlyn beating on his bedroom window. Tod lets her in and Katlyn begins rambling on about how she can't die. Tod curiously asks how and Katelyn draws a pistol and shoot herself in the head. Tod begins to freak out thinking no one can be like him and she was delusional. But just as he grabs his phone Katelyn's body reanimates and Katelyn starts laughing. See what I mean Tod in awe asks why did she tell him and Katelyn tells him Eddie told her about him. And asked if he could help her with something and Tod blindly agrees

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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