Chapter 1 - Rival Families

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The Calvore and the Valkori have been at war for decades. Ruler after ruler all they raged was war against each other. See, the Calvores are the most powerful family in the world and have the biggest Kingdom, Cordova. The Valkori, however, want the throne back since it was usurped from them long ago. The first king of kings, King Quór, was a peaceful man whom everyone loved. But his brother, Gion, was not. In a jealous rage he poisoned his own brother and became king, bringing death and chaos to every village. Until one day a brave man by the name of Augustus had enough and killed the tyrant, freeing the people from his inhuman rule.

The king's family and supporters were sent to a land away from Cordova, which they later named Aritrëa, doomed to live an eternity in exile. Year after year, decade after decade a new family member tried to invade Cordova with what little soldiers they had, but failed each and every time. They were just no match to the Calvore's army. Centuries have passed and nothing has changed. It was like the Valkories were bread from anger and rage and it was all they knew.

The current king of Cordova, King Gerald, was tired of all the bloodshed. Like his parents before him, he just wanted peace. But Zulo would not have it. After some time, King Gerald named Zulo King of Aritrëa to calm down the water. He even offered them land off the coast of Cordova to settle. They accepted and after years of communicating, they were finally about to come to an agreement. But because of King Gerald's untimely demise, the treaty was never signed and the fighting began again. It is now up to his only son, John, to finally bring peace to all of Cordova.

 It is now up to his only son, John, to finally bring peace to all of Cordova

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-John's P.O.V.-

"This is pointless."

"Sir, you have to try." My father's advisor says.

"There is no way he will sign the treaty now that my father's gone."

"You won't know that until you speak to him."

"I'm with the King." General Balish says. King, it feels wrong to be called that. "He might see this as an opportunity to strike. He will think our defenses are down because we are mourning and he will try to take the throne."

"He's not wrong." I say. "Plus, I never liked the man. Mother always says 'never trust an Aritrëan'. She was so angry at dad for trying to bring peace.

"And will you let your father's wish die with him?"

"What do you suggest I do?"

"Talk with him. If it begins to get ugly, offer marriage."

I scoff. "No offense, Noah, but he's really not my type."

"I meant one of his daughters."

"I know what you meant. And no, the last thing I need right now is a wife. I don't need a woman following me everywhere a go. Especially an Aritrëan."

"At least try. For your father." He touches my shoulder as a gesture of goodbye and leaves the room.

I want to make my father proud. But does that mean I have to follow his footsteps? Nevertheless I will try to speak with Zulo. I owe my father at least that. I get ready to travel tomorrow with five of my men. General Balish thinks it's a bad idea for me to go since I have no heir and I'm an only son. My mother of course agrees, thinks they should come here instead. But we Calvores are proud and I would never let them think I'm some sort of coward by not showing up.

It took us three days to arrive. Horses had to rest and the captain of the ferry was to drunk to sail. You can still see traces of the old world everywhere. I always wondered as a kid what it would've been like. Cars and airplanes, if they weren't all over I wouldn't even believe such things existed.

When we finally arrive at Aritrëa, everyone looked at us with a skeptical view. I've never been here before and I got to say, it's beautiful. Nothing like what my mother said.

 Nothing like what my mother said

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It's so green. I would've thought they'd be holding torches and pitchforks to kill us. Instead they all look so friendly, some of them anyway.

-Valkyrie's P.O.V.- 

They look like invaders striding in here with their horses. Thinking they own the world and everything in it. They're no different from my father...

As they pass by one of the maids fetches me and tells me my father has ordered me to the castle. I obey and follow her. As I walk into our family room I can hear my sister speaking.

"Father will never agree to that treaty now." My sister, Rilka, says.

"Have you seen how handsome he is?" I hear my sister Margo say. "If the rumors are true, I want to be the one to marry him."

"Good luck with that." My other sister, Jaza joins in.

"Please, we all know father would never let any of us marry a Cordovian." I say.

Rilka and Jaza were the oldest, so they were already married. Which means only Margo and I are left. I never much cared for this life. So many rules, so many people to see and a life you cannot control. I didn't want that, I want to be free. For days I have planned my escape with my best friend, Maebel. We will take advantage of tonight's party, after my father signs the treaty.

I best keep myself in the shadows until they are all distracted or too drunk to care... I was never father's favorite so I always try to stay away.

"King Zulo" The new king bows. "An honor to see you again. I have come to speak about my father treaty."

"My condolences to you and your family. But why should I sign the treaty with your father gone. I do not know you. How do I know you will keep your word?"

"You don't. But my father did his best to raise me well and he did. He taught me about honor, and that is something we Cordovians take to heart."

"That is not good enough. Your father spent years trying to convince me to sign a treaty and you are clearly not your father."

He sighs deeply. Like he didn't want to say what he was about to say. "Another offer then."

"Which is?"


"Marriage?" My father laughs.

"We can unite our kingdoms. It was done long before. It can be done again."

"Not a bad idea. How do I know you won't just kill my daughter once your in Cordova?"

"Why would I kill her when I want to unite our kingdoms? If she dies, the deal dies with her."

"True... Well, then."

This is not good. My father can keep his word but he will forever hate Cordovians. He will never choose his beautiful Margo. I see him scanning the room and I rush for the door. But it matters not.

"There she! King John, meet your new wife. Valkyrie Rose."


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