Chapter 4 - The Envoy

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Three months have passed since the stupid wedding. And five months of living in hell. I hated this, I hated politics, I hated it all. I spent most of my time in the gardens to escape it all. It was the only place I tolerated here, not to mention beautiful. Like something out of a fairytale.

I barely say the king, thank the gods

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I barely say the king, thank the gods. The only times when we were in the same room was for breakfast, lunch and dinner and we never exchanged words. Thankfully enough, the Cordovians hated me. Which meant they had no problem with us not consummating our sham of a marriage. I did feel like I was losing my mind though. No friends meant no one to talk to. My father would send letters but they always intercepted them to see what he wrote, making sure I wasn't going to commit treason. Not that I cared, I hated my father.

As I'm on my way to the dinning room to eat lunch a woman walks past me, bumping into me. I could tell she hated me the most in this place. Even more than the kind's mother. I can only assume she's the king's lover. 

John was already sitting by the table when I arrived.

"Oh, good, you're here." He says. "One of your father's envoy is coming tomorrow.

"Ok." I said. Clearly letting him know I didn't care.

"You are to join us."

"What? No. I hate talking politics."

"You don't have a choice. He will report whatever he sees to your father and I need him to see you are in good health."

"What is he coming for?"

"We need to make plans on how we are to make trades now."

"Gods that sounds so boring." I force myself to eat the food.

"You don't care about your people?" He aches a brow.

"Of course I do. I just, like I said, hate politics."

A small smile creeps from his lips. "I see you spend a lot of time in the garden."

"It's the only place I can escape this mayhem of a life."

"You sure it's not cause your planning your escape?"

"From the garden? Are you serious?" I stop and think a little. "Actually that's not a bad idea."

He groans, knowing he made a mistake. "Great, now I'll have to send more guards."

"What do you care whether I disappear or not?"

"Have you not been listening? What am I saying? Of course you haven't! Your father sends envoys every now and then. No doubt to make sure you're safe. If you all of a sudden disappear, the news will reach your father and this damn deal is gone." He finishes his plate and stands up. "I need you on your best behavior, I mean it." He says before he leaves.



Tomorrow couldn't be over fast enough. As usual, Valkyrie was late and the envoy was already here.

"Is the princess unwell?" He asked. "Forgive me, queen." He corrected himself. I hated hearing that. 

"No, she probably overslept."

"Probably? You don't share a bed." 

Did he really just ask that?

"Of course we do. But I was all night in my office preparing for today and I fell asleep there." I lie.

"Perhaps we should start without her. She has never been big on politics." He suggests.

"If you think it's best." I look at my advisors for reassurance, they agree and we seat down.

"Alright then, what should we begin with?"

"Sorry I'm late." Valkyrie bursts through the doors, like the professional she is. "I--" She stops halfway through. She seemed shocked, maybe even scared.

"Is everything okay?" I ask but she doesn't respond.

"It's been so long since we last saw each other." Answers the envoy.

"Wha- What are you doing here?" She finally says something.

"Good Gods, woman!" One of my advisors says. "You were told about this yesterday."

"You'll have to forgive her lords. It might be shocking for her to see me. You see, we used to be lovers." Great!

"You mean to tell me she was not pure when she married the king?!" My mother walks in. What is this? A circus? "He gave you a whore!"

"Enough!" I stand. "Everyone out! This isn't a party!" I direct my attention to the envoy "Mr. Larson, I understand the journey was long. Perhaps you would like to discuss this tomorrow?"

"Yes, thank you." He leaves the room and so does everyone else. "Not you." I point at Valkyrie. "What the hell is the matter with you? For once could you be on time for something?!"

"What is he doing here?" She asks.

"What? Are you even listening to me?" Gods! I wanted to shake her.

"Why is he here?!"

"I told you he was coming! He's your father's envoy!"

"No he's not. He's a fucking spy."



To Be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2021 ⏰

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