Toothless x Hiccup

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It had been a few years after his father had died, it had been a single year since Hiccup and Astrid broke things off. Hiccup has helped toothless with a fake tail and so much more before he let him and had the other Vikings set the dragons free, they lived in Harmony occasionally helping each other out but Hiccup felt that his heart was missing something. He would visit the place he had first trapped and met toothless, the night fury that was closer than a friend he had ever had in his life, closer than Astrid. Hiccup slowly felt each sandy step he took, once he sat on a log looking into the pooling water of the waterfall, he sighed softly as he drew in the sand with a stick. Hiccup sighed softly as he looked up thinking he heard his best friend's purr, he sighed as he knew it was just his mind messing with him, but the rock that fell caught his attention. He turned around seeing a familiar tail, he chased it till he fell, when he looked up he saw a different dragon than his pal there was an older and angrier dragon it was a mix between two dragons. As hiccup fell he closed his eyes, it was true his life flashed before his eyes as he landed into the bone chilling water around his home, he sunk deeper finally letting the air in his lungs out and water rushed in to replace it. Hiccup knew he was drowning but he felt that he could have done more, as he landed into the bone chilling water around his home, he sunk deeper finally letting the air in his lungs out and water rushed in to replace it. Hiccup knew he was drowning but he felt that he could have done more, as black surrounded his mind and his vision he could feel something tugging on the back of his shirt. It wasn't like a sharp hard tug, it was a caring and a gentle type of tug, he could feel sand on his back, and something on his chest pushing, Hiccup soon coughed the water out of his lungs. Hiccup was still coming in and out of consciousness, but he could see a blur moving around him and could barely hear a murmur of noise before he fully became unconscious. 

The  next time Hiccup had woken up, he was very confused. He wasn't anywhere near the water or a beach, he looked around seeing that he was in a cave and that he was on what looked like a cloud under him, he felt it curiously then looked up trying to see in the dark, nothing but him on the sheep wool cloud like bed or nest?  Hiccup tried to stand up but realized that maybe a problem his prosthetic leg was missing and he only had his stump as well as only his pants and shirt his armor was off as was his shoes, he wanted to groan but he stayed silent not wanting to see if it was a raider or a thief that saved him. Hiccup laid back down when he heard a loud thud, he pretended to be asleep as he listened to see if he can recognize the voice or if it was just a stranger. When the person spoke he it felt familiar ping in his heart like he knew the voice, but it felt so strange as well, to be honest it was the younger voice that made Hiccup feel that, the older voice made him nervous. Voice 1 was younger and deep but not as rough as Tuffnut. Voice 2 was older and seemed wiser, it was also holding something in it that creeped Hiccup out. Voice one seemed to be on Hiccup's side while the older wanted to return Hiccup home, they knew him but he didn't know them. "But, you said he has a dragon's soul he deserves to be full and not feel like he is missing! You promised that we would show him, he did a lot for us!" Voice one had hissed out to the older. "Yes, I know I said that but it is his choice young one, he still has many regular human ties." The older one has said back calmly as they say on the bed by Hiccup, "Plus it seems the young man is already awake, you should ask him if he wants this Toothless." That made Hiccup silently panic and want to ask so many questions but he stayed silent as he rolled over, he still couldn't see in the dark but he could see silhouettes. Hiccup was a little sad that he heard his old friend's name but it seemed to be the younger person's name as well. the younger one hugged Hiccup earning a loud gasp as Hiccup didn't know what to do or say, but when a fire was lit he saw an old man and a young man looking the same age as him. The young man had black hair and large black freckles, his eyes were a beautiful green, hiccup felt a bit off and kind of sad because this person reminded him of his dragon pal. The older one had graying hair, he looked scared up but had a soft smile as he looked to Hiccup, he sighed softly, closing his eyes then looking at the fire. The young one called Toothless soon opened his mouth to say "It has been a while Hiccup, you look healthy how is HER?" Hiccup could feel the venom in the young man's voice he cringed getting what the young man was saying though, so he responded with "Not with her anymore, she seemed to like Fishlegs more than my loyalty and heart. Besides without dragons I became boring for her." Both strangers looked to him in shock then glared towards each other making weird grunts and growls, but soon the younger said "You can stay with us, um... Hiccup we have been talking a while, before your dad died and we figured out you had a dragon's soul..." The young man gulped looking down as the other began to laugh the finished what the younger was saying "You deserve to be what you were born to be and we just wanted permission before we start." Hiccup looked so very confused and the younger gasped loudly saying "Scullcrusher we maybe should have started with that we are dragons and that we lived with him and his father then just ya know." The older rubbed his temples as he muttered something like "Knew we were missing something" or "Why didn't you start with that." Hiccup felt more confused but he smiled and nodded anyways unsure if he was just with two crazy men, so he put the bravest face on and said "I think I'd like to be a dragon too", he felt that if he went with these crazy two he may live or get his prosthetic leg back. The younger looked happy, while the older just nodded and picked him up walking away from the fire and into a deeper part of the cave system, too dark for Hiccup to see anything, but he could hear the young man's feet the man carrying him. Hiccup began to think on how stupid he is for saying yes to whatever they wanted now.

Hiccup was defiantly feeling dread now, he could see lights and what seemed to be the entrance of a hidden village made under a mountain, past the doors he could see an opening and saw water as well as the sun rising. Hiccup could see guards, and more this city looked thriving, plus the greeting they all got when they passed was nice but also scary at the same time because he was being called by his name or by the chief's son. Hiccup looked worried but he felt the younger man hold his hand and give a reassuring smile. Soon Hiccup gasped seeing so many people in a single place children, adults, elders and more. He was soon set down on some sort of weird riser then heard the young man say with a loud voice that filled the entire cave "Hiccup Haddock the third has agreed to accept his dragon soul and be whole." There was cheering and loud roars, Hiccup saw dragons and their fire, he then looked to the young man a bit in awe. "Hiccup do you agree in front of us all and the alpha" The older man said as he went to grab something, Hiccup nodded. "We need to hear your voice", the young man whispered. "I-I mean yes, yes I Hiccup do agree to your terms" Hiccup said with the best mustered brave voice he could while a silver cup studded with gems was thrusted in front of his face. "Then drink and accept your fate" The man roared with a large sharp toothed smile, the younger whispered again "Not poison just a special drink Hic." Hiccup hesitantly drank the bitter drink, he stuck his tongue out then smacked a little, he went four another sip, but that sip became gulps till it was empty.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2020 ⏰

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