the run

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Here i am running, fleeing from my past my present. Running for my future. Running from my mistakes my flaws. Running to protect my freedom.  As i hear the sirens quiet at first but strengthening as the cop cars getting closer. So i continue running where i don't know. Car i need to get my car.  But…….how? Wait phone right. I run into an alley in between two garages and i call. It's ringing……….pick up “where you at” he answers. They know everyone knows shit. “I'm in an alley on 2nd and Mexico can you bring the car you know where the keys are.” I wait for the response. “ I got you I'll be there in 5 be careful” he says. “ ight i will see you in a minute “. It's coming now i wait. I really need to hide he’s 10 minutes out. There's an abandoned house on the other end of the alley do i risk it? There right there behind the house.  The same house i need. I can see the lights from the police cars. Wait they're just going by. They lost me for now. So i start running again. I'm at the house the doors locked. I kick the door open it gives first try. I'm in i close the door and barricade it. Now I'm safe till he can get here. I sit here waiting for the message saying he's here. The message comes i can hear the car coming down the street. “I'm outside” I say “OK “. I look out the windows to make sure there isn't any cops. I'm good so i run out the house and jump in the driver's seat. 

Now i need to drop my friend off somewhere by his house. The house in the same area i just ran from. Then it hit me the abandoned dirt road. No ever uses it ever. Were going I'm sticking to back streets. Then i see the turn for the road we need. I'm doing eighty. This road goes right behind his house. I drop him off and I'm gone. Back to the streets headed to i70. I'm leaving Colorado for sure. But where east or west. I'm going to California. No one knows me there and i don't know anyone there either. I get on i 70 it's about three in the morning. There's no one on it so i hit the gas I'm doing about a hundred twenty headed west. It’s a hundred miles to the border of Colorado. Will i ever come back? Can i ever come back? We’ll see. I'm free driving away from Colorado. The sun's starting to rise finally. I haven't slept yet so i stop at a hotel. I start checking windows. I have money i just can't get a room that's trackable. I get lucky ones open and empty. Now i get some sleep. It's night when i wake up. I slept all day. Good roads are empty. I can drive straight thru.

Its three am and im just getting into california. I'm on the interstate and i hit a traffic jam. Headed to L.A. it's 6 by the time i get to san diego. I need to get gas. I need to to find a gas station and quick. I look it up on my phone it’s 11 miles away can i make it i hope. But i’m not able to i make it 5 miles and it dies. Now i need to get gas. I need to get my car off the streets do it does not get towed. So i put it in neutral and i start pushing it. There’s a parking lot a block down i can see the sign for it. So I'm going to leave it there. I get it into the parking lot and in a parking spot. I pay to park it and i start walking. I need a gas can also so i can get the gas. I hope the gas station has one i can buy. I’m at the gas station. I go in buy a drink and ask for a gas can. Before i can get an answer three guys run in. I can see them out of the corner of my eye. There wearing all black (black pants shoes hoodies and bandanas). I already know what's about to happen. I reach for mine ”fuck” i yell out. I left my gun in the car. I hope there just trying to rob the store.  The cashier finally answers my question. “we do have gas cans there thirty for a seven gallon can. I buy it and 17 dollars for gas. I walk out the door and start filling the can when i hear the rounds go off and the three guys running to a car on the side of the street. With someone already in it. They drive off so i run in and there it is. Two guy laying face down by the counter. But where's the cashier. Is she ok. I'm looking around she's not  behind the counter. Maybe she’s in the back. It’s locked. So i knock on the door and wait and listen. I hear someone moving around. So i let the person know it’s safe. I wait then i hear the door handle move and the door slightly open. She see’s it's just me so she comes out. She grabs me and starts crying. I don’t know what to do. If i call the police they might question me. I don’t know if i have a warrant yet. So i take her with me. I ask if its ok if she want to come with me. She nods. I grab the gas can and close it. I wave a taxi and we get in. I tell him where the car is and he drives us there. I pay him and i fill my gas tank. Its enough to get far away from here. Till i find another gas station. I put music on trying to calm here down. A couple minutes later she stops crying. I ask if she’s ok. She says yes. I feel so relieved. I ask where she wants me to take her and she says she doesn't  want to go anywhere yet. So i ask where she lives and she tells me so i drive around that area. Then it hits me i don’t even know her name. I ask she says her name is kyaira. Then she asks mine and i think do i give her my real name or not. I give her my real name first name. She asked why i'm in california. I tell her the truth. She doesn't act shocked or anything. She says she understands and asks where i'm staying. What do i say i don't have anywhere to go. Should i lie? Should i tell the truth? I tell her the truth. Then she offers me to stay at her place till i can find somewhere else to stay. I accept and we go to her house. It's about seven am now. So i Lay down for a few minutes and she does the same. When i wake up it's six pm and damn am i hungry. She's still out cold. I wake her up and asks if she want to go eat. She accepts and we get in the car. Then it hit me i still need to fill my tank. She says there's a gas station around the corner. So we go there and i ask off she'll buy me some cigarettes. She goes in and stop do i. She buys the cigarettes and goes back outside and i pay for gas. I fill the tank and we leave. Now the question is where do we go. I let her pick and she does and where off. She wanted to go to arby's and I'm ok with that. We eat them heat back to the house. Before we get there she asks to stop at a liquor store. I agree and pull in. She runs in with extra money that i gave to pitch in. Then we get back and she opens the first bottle. So i go grab cups. I sit back down. And pour two glasses of everclear and down it in a gulp. She sips hers and i proceed to pour another glass and another. Next thing i know is I'm waking up on the sidewalk. I have no clue where i am. I don't have my phone at all. No car or car keys. Only my cloths and twelve dollars. I head up the street to find somewhere to eat. I'm in luck there's a mcdonalds. I go in and eat and ask how to get back to where i was. They tell me how to get there. I sit and eat then head out. There are people across the street when i walk out. I head the way the person said to. I get two miles and realize i'm being followed. So i pick up the pace. Then i turn still following the directions given to me. I see a gas station and go in to get something to drink. I buy a brisk tea and head out. But the people are out front when i open the door. There's ten off them and i recognize three of them from the gas station the other day. Then it hits me i was a witness to what they did. I take off running with them following right behind me. I used to play football and run track so i know i can run. Then it happens the thing i was fearing. (Bangbangbang) three gun shots fire off from behind me. So i try running faster. But i can't. Now i'm watching the ground get closer. Then i smack the ground. One of the rounds had gone thru my thigh right above my knee. I turn over on my back and i see the guy start running again towards me. I panic i try lifting myself up but can't. Now there a few yards away and i know i'm about to die if something doesn't  happen to help me. They finally get to me and i smile i didn't think i still could run that fast. They start beating me. One of them kicked my rib cage and i could feel a couple ribs snap and my vision starts getting blurry. I hear someone start yelling and nine gun shots go off. I think they're aimed at me because my whole bodys numb but they're not. I see six of the people drop to the floor and another guy running up with a gun. The other four take off running and the guy who just showed up grabs me and carries me to a car and puts me in the passenger seat. Then my vision is gone i can feel the car start. He's saying something but i can't hear him. Until he asks how old i am. And i put up a hand with the number one then the number three. I can hear him gasp in shock. Then the car stops and he picks me up again and carries me upstairs and stops. I hear a doorbell and a door open then he continues walking it's colder in here. Then outside he puts me down on what feels like a table. Then i fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2019 ⏰

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