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i focused at the movie and then there was a scary scene (my English is so bad omg). Jessica Took my hand and hold it tightly to her body. She cuddled with my arm but then I took my arm away. She looked up to me and made a worried and confused face. I put my arm around her shoulder so it's more comfortable for her & for me. When the movie was over I looked down to jessica and saw that she was asleep. I didn't want to Wake her up so I carried her to my car. After she sat in the car I notice that her eyes were open and she was already awake. „Oh hi Jess didn't know you're awake. Well good morning lov-„ I cut myself of. Shit. „I- look- u-um im S-sorry" I said nervously.

„Well good morning lov-„ wow. What omg. He called me Love I-. What should I say? I don't like him like that. Or do I? No i do not. Argh I'm overthinking. „No it's okay" i say taking his hand. I see how he smiled. what is this boy doing to me. The Car drive was silent and then he parked his car in front of his house. „Can you come to my house?" he said. „I don't know. Whait I ask my mom quick." I phoned her and she said yes. When we were inside i hopped in his bed and he beside me. He already got some popcorn because we wanted to watch Netflix. I put my body tightly to his body and i see how he likes it. But not in that way rather in the cuddle way yunno.
I feel how my eyes were heavy and I fall asleep.

I noticed that she was asleep. Wow she is so beautiful. I played with her curly/straight/wavy (idk what your hair looks like so yeah) hair and smile. But she looked so familiar. Do I know her from somewhere? I don't think so. I leaned back into my pillow and thought about from
Where I would know her. Did I saw her on social media? No probably not. With all the questions in my mind I fall asleep.

A/n: lol im so sorry about my English literally it's so awful:((

mariano // the new girl Where stories live. Discover now