Chapter 2

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As I walk through the long school halls more people utter more mean remarks. "Jude told me that she cleans and preserves her mother every night," Cicero murmurs to one of his followers. I glance at him, his colorful beanie contrasting with his dark clothes. His blue eyes see me; he turns his body away from me. He was normally a joker and friends with everyone. Not today. Hanging my head, I take another left and walk a few paces before arriving at my first hour.

Mrs. Julliet is the French and English teacher. She's always been so nice. She was even there for me when my mom passed. As I walk in, Madame Juillet hears my heavy combat boots on the tiled floor and looks up, "Bonjour Joan. Comment ça va?" In a kind tone, she asks me how I've been.

I throw her a small smile, "Ça va... comme çi comme ça..." No sense telling her how I really feel. I'm okay. She smiles back at me. I know she knows that I feel terrible. She knows that students, like the ones she has, tease me. I also know that she feels bad that they are so malicious toward me. But because of "The Independant Children," law, each child must deal with thier own problems to help them grow and mature. She can't she can't help me- or anyone. No one can help us.

I find myself walking up to her desk as she asks me about my father. "Comment ton père?" She asks about my father. I give her another weaker smile that tells her he's worse off than me. Madame Juillet was there at the funeral for me and my dad. Her soft face frowns and sighs. What a stupid law.

Most of the class walks in and I head away from her desk. Chatter picks up as I head to my seat in the back of the room. Just as the bell rings the last few stragglers walk in. I slump into the blue plastic chair. I unpack my notes and take out a pencil. Madame begins class by having us translate. 'Maman, puis je avoir une mobile pour Noël?' I smirk. Easy~ I scratch 'Mama, can I have a cellphone for Christmas?' onto my sheet of OA paper in the Friday slot.

Just as I finish, I hear the loud clicking of high heels on the tiled floor. I look over to see none other than Almighty Queen Bee Jude walking to her seat. Her ruby red hair swishing behind her as she makes her way along, disrupting the class as she went. She finally got to her seat and sat as her henchmen Luce walked in carring the both of their things.

Luce squeals as her golden hair tangled in a notebook she was holding. She 'clicks' her way over to Jude and sit the things down before taking a seat herself. She untangles her hair as Madame scolds them.

I smirk. And look back down at my desk. I start doodling different things and put in an ear-bud and turn the volume way down before playing the music. I shuffle the music. I hear a soft guitar start strumming in a lullaby tone. My eyes widen, Why haven't I taken Loggins out of this play-list?!? I scream in my mind. I feel a sweat bead drip down my nose. I fumble for my phone. It's in vain as I hear a calm male voice sing. "You'll be in my mind. For all ways in always." SHIT.

It's late at night and just a few months ago. I'm 17. It's the weekend and mother and father are asleep. I don't have a lot of homework, I guess, because even I am asleep. I am cuddling a stuffed animal Marybeth bought for my birthday. It's so... peaceful. And unnervingly so. I toss and turn and my stuffy protects me. Even then I could sense something was wrong.

I wake up the next morning, however, feeling really refreshed and awake for once. I start on my math work. I find it easy and breeze through the first three problems. I crack my fingers and get back to work by scrawling 4 on the paper. I am in the process of writing the problem when I hear commotion down the hall. I try to pin point the location. The kitchen... the living room? Closer. my parents room. Dad... his voice is raised which isn't natural.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2017 ⏰

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