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I lay in bed for a while looking at my tumblr. And I heard a knock at my door I groaned and answered "NOVA !!! NOVA !!!" It was Zoe - who ran in like flash "what ?" I replied desperately "WE ARE DOING A MEET AND GREET!" "I know that's sort of the point of vidcon Zoe !" I said chuckling "I don't think you understand me !" Zoe replied "what do YOU MEAN then ?" I asked "ME AND YOU TOGETHER ARE DOING A MEET AND GREET !" She said jumping up and down "so zoella and nova meet and greet ?" I said "YES !!!" She said scrunching her face up in an excited motion

As we were chilling by the pool hands came from either side of my face " surprise !" I jumped as this happened "OMG joe you gave me a fright !" I said in a shocked voice "oh sorry nova !" He said hugging me !! - I couldn't believe it I used to watch joe in my Spare time and now he's here - right on front of me - giving me hugs !!!!

We stayed in the hotel that night and took a walk around - there was dodge cars and arcades and even a massive aquarium in the hotel too - we couldn't believe it - we played and vlogged until we all got tired and went to our rooms - "nova ?" Joe asked "yip ?" I said turning round to face his direction "want to stay down stairs for a while - I heard that there a cinema in the hotel and a few of us are going - want to come with us ?" He asked kindly "sure - I don't see why not !" I said laughing - he threw one of his arms over my shoulder and we walked to the cinema - I knew right there and then and this was the start of something - maybe not something big or maybe something life changing !

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