The Box

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Okay I need to take a break from M&B Co. This story let's say is about Multi dimensions. I thought of it while pondering what would happen if one of Aspburn Torched (from the Other Side stories.) left a used and broken device behind?

What would happen if a scientist found pieces of a device that Aspburn built to help him travers dimensions?

Chapter I

A warm day starts to end in San Francisco California somewhere in china town, October 29th 1989. A suspect runs from an electronic store.

The owner called the police and gave the description, of a 6 to 8 year old kid about 3' 9" to 4' wearing what looks like authentic studded leather armor with a cloak & a mask covering his face. Just stoled some stuff and ran out the store.

Just by chance two beat cops were on the other side of the street. They give chase.

'That little bugger is pretty fast." says Officer Green, becoming out of breath.

The other cop is calling it in.

'Why of all the times I get pulled from my dimension, I have the heat on me.' says Aspburn, as he searches the street for a good hiding place.

A seconds later sirens can be heard heading towards the area.

Several back & white vehicles pull up and block the way, as the city's cops pull their weapons at me, one of them speaks slowly, 'Now son, you need to calm down and get on the ground.'

Still looking around Aspburn says, 'I do not have enough time, plus I paid the man. Ask him to look on the counter'

The officer speaks into a radio, & waits. Aspburn mean while notices 7 more officers surrounding him, & thinks this is going to frickening hurt.

The officer blinks at the radio then says 'He takes only dollars not 15 gold looking coins with no mint on them.'

Aspburn stops moving and stares. 'that's over $2500 dollars worth of gold, and he's bitching about it?' says Aspburn.

The Officer shrugs and says, 'I'm not here to say if it's enough just to deal with you and the stolen iteams.'

'Look I realy need to go please. Get out the way, cause I do not want to hurt anyone nor cause any trouble.' says Aspburn as he starts to move his hands, building up the power for a spell.

Aspburn thinks I really hate this low magical dimension.

The sun sets lower as the Street lamp poles actives, one of the cops shouts 'Weapon!'

They fire on the child who staggers as he's shot, but doesn't fall down. As the officers reload there weapons the child reachs into a pouch pulls up his mask, as blood runs down its hand and drinks 2 flasks down and springs at the Officer that was speaking to him, dropping the flasks on the ground.

A by stander is video taping the cops open fire on an unarmed child that took out 2 small flasks and drank them as he leaps the 15 feet towards the cops and beats the shit out of them and then slides over a cop car sprinting away. As more officers come and help their fallen brethren. While 2 more chase after the child.

The by stander walks up and sees some blood on the ground. And panze up to see a cop coming towards him! He Youtubes the Video, as the cop snatched the cell phone.

The by stander sees the cops that got beaten up, they're laying the ground, 3 have broken limbs. The cop that yell ed weapon is still standing & has a thin cut across his neck.

As the cop starts to turn blue the cut opens and starts to fester in seconds by the time the cop falls to the ground he's turned pale white, & is dead.

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