Chapter One- "I'm gonna step out for a bit"

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It was the beginning of summer and as a 19 year old college student I definitely needed a break, and so did my two friends and my twin brother. So one of my friends decided that we should all go to a club to drink and chill. My friends had decided on a legal 18+ night club that wasn't too expensive for us.

Partying really isn't my thing. I'd much prefer sitting in the living room of me and my brother's small apartment playing my guitar. Too bad Lili always gets her way... Lilith Beauchene is always called a brat by adults but I don't think she really minds, or maybe she just knows it's true so she doesn't deny it.

My twin brother, Kastiel, placed a hand on my shoulder as we neared the club. I glanced at him and he gave me a reassuring smile.

"Aren't you supposed to tell everyone not to go to a club? You're the worst mom friend ever," I told him with a raised eyebrow.

Kastiel sighed, "You know how Lili is, and Haru said that we'd be fine as long as we don't go along with any of Lili's crazy ideas."

"Yeah, but still! This technically is one of Lili's crazy ideas!"

Kastiel thought for a moment then finally replied, "I guess you're right.... But come on, it might actually be fun!"

I sighed and got in line to pay and have my ID checked. I impatiently stood beside Kastiel and began looking at everyone that was in line. The guy in front of me was smiling widely, he was way too excited to be anyone that has done this before. Probably a highschooler...

The line was getting smaller and soon the guy in front of me was pulling his ID out of his pocket. I leaned slightly to the side, noting that he was a lot taller than me, to take a peek at his ID. What can I say? I'm curious and nosy.

I realized almost immediately that his ID was a fake. I snatched it out of the guy's hand before he gave it the bouncer and inspected it a bit further to make sure that I was correct, and I was.

I snort-laughed and turned to the guy, hitting him on the head with his fake ID.

"It's a fake," I said matter-of-factly.

"No, it isn't!" the cute guy said with a pleading frown and wide eyes.

"Oh, really, 'Mr. Holiday'?" I said with an emphasis on the obviously fake last name.

"Just Andrew is fine..." he said with an adorable pout. I looked at his cute, childish face and couldn't help but start laughing.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and stifled my laughter before turning to look at Kastiel. He pointed to the doors of the club and raised one of his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Fine, I'll leave him be."

I tossed the cute kid his fake ID before showing the bouncer my own identification, before handing him some cash, with Kastiel doing the same.

We walked in and were immediately hit with the overwhelmingly loud music and the smell of spilt drinks and sweat. I saw a figure standing on a table, waving to me and 'Tiel. Upon recognizing it was Lili, I facepalmed while Kastiel hurried over to get her down. I began walking after him but stopped when I heard three people talking beside me.

"Omg, I cannot believe your boyfriend or whatever is late!"

"Hey, I'm sure Chinhae will be here soon..."

"Hahah! Don't you mean 'Andrew Holiday'!?"

I glanced at the three as I continued walking. They were three girls, all dressed in modest clothing. They were very pretty and definately at least three years older than the cute kid. I shook my head and looked towards Lili, Haru, and Kastiel. They were sitting at a booth for six and already had drinks.

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