Chapter 3-A new life

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Three months later
I really, really hate it here. They kick me and punch me and slap me. I hurt everywhere. There are purple and green bruises all over me. And the food. We get a piece of bread and two glasses of water a day. I miss Mummy's home cooked meals. Especially her lasagne and garlic bread. There isn't even butter with the bread. I'm so, so hungry. And tired. They wake us up so early and then make us do training. They make us throw knives and learn kick boxing. I am really bad at both of those. I cut myself on one of the knives yesterday. It still really hurts, and there's a scab. I hate scabs. And I hate kick boxing. They make us punch each other. Jab. Cross. Jab. Cross. Every single day.

Jab. Cross. Hook. Upper cut. I hate doing this, hurting Alara. I don't punch hard, but she still gets hurt. But if I don't, they'll kick or slap both of us. Jab. Cross. Hook. Upper cut. But training isn't the only thing we do. Me and Alara take lessons everyday. I hate the lessons even more than training. They hurt us if we get something wrong. And I get stuff wrong a lot, more than Alara. Our teacher is mean and horrible and we both hate him. We don't say that out loud though, even when we're alone. We're too scared that someone will be listening. Jab. Cross. Hook. Upper cut. We learn Geography and Maths, Science and History and loads of other things. It's too hard though, I'm not supposed to go to school for more than a year. Mama taught me lots though. Mama was really smart. And brave. I still miss Mama. Even thought it's been a long time since she's died. I don't know how long though. Maths and time are my worst subject. I'm sure Alara knows though. Alara is really smart. It's Alara's turn to punch know. But lessons aren't the worst part. They stick needles in to us sometimes, it hurts so bad. Papa took me to get a jab once, he let me squeeze his hand when they put it in. The doctor here doesn't. He sticks it in and then pulls it out. It hurts really, really bad. I've got little, round plasters all over my body from it.

I punch Crimsyn. Jab. Cross. Hook. Upper cut. I hate punching Crimsyn. One time, we refused to punch each other, even when they slapped us. They took us to the leader. Marcus. He is scarier than all the other scary men. I hate Marcus more than I hate punching Crimsyn. I hate that he is called Marcus. Daddy was called Mark. They sound almost the same. Marcus makes me cry. And then when I cry, he kicks me. A loud buzzer goes off. Training is over. Finally. The scary men escort us back to our room. They don't use chains anymore. They think we won't run. And they're right. We're too scared. Even Crimsyn and she's really brave, even as brave as sister was. After a long time in our room, they'll give us food and then we'll be taken to lessons. Crimsyn doesn't like lessons even more than she hates training. I hate them both. I use hate a lot. I didn't used to. Daddy said it was a strong word to use, and anyway I didn't have anything to hate. I had Mummy and Daddy and Sister. And I had Jacob. And I had our house. Now all I have is Crimsyn. They leave us in our room and shut the heavy door behind them. We don't try and get out, we know it's locked. The scary men lock everything.

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