5. He's totally gay.

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Noah's POV:

   As soon as the words left my mouth, I regretted ever pronouncing them. I knew Rachel would've been more than glad to annouce it, but I wanted to be the one who tells Ivy. Maybe then it would sound less shocking. Who am I kidding? Her facial expression showed more shock that I had expected. Her eyes grew extendebly wide as soon as she apprehended what I had said.

I didn't like seeing her like that.

  I wanted to comfort her, tell her that it's not true; that I wasn't actually engaged to Rachel. Alas, I was.

  The engagement took place about a year ago, right before I moved here. Only, I didn't have a say in it. My father, being the diplomatic person he is, arranged this whole thing without bothering to ask for my approval.

   This commitement, according to him, would be so beneficial for the Empire's group. In fact, it would raise our gains to the limit. You see, Rachel is the heiress of a highly famous international clothing company. And me, well I'm the possible heir for the Empire's Group. You can only imagine the financial success that will result from the marriage of those two. My father says that anyone would be a fool to turn his back to such an opportunity. I would have agreed with him. Only, I wasn't blinded by money; yet.

I was angry with my father for quite a while. But then I tried to view things from his perspective. Eventually, I decided I will obey him and accept the fact that I'm marrying Rachel. She couldn't be that bad, I thought at that time.

  It wasn't long before I was proven wrong. Rachel turned out to be annoyingly unbearable. I can't seem to stand her. Her prickly personality are exceedingly aggravating and obnoxious. She is extremely imperious, haughty and pretentious. In other words, she was fake, a plastic kind of chick.

That said, I could never develop feelings for her; she wasn't anywhere near my type.

  Back in Korea, Rachel was known as the Empire High School's Paris Hilton. In actual fact, she was one of the main reasons that I'd left my homecountry.

I thought that after I'd move here, I wouldn't have to come across her frequently since we'd be leaving in different continents.

Obviously I was wrong.

   "- Why did come here ? "

I ask her in a sharp cold tone, sounding more harsh than I had intended. Whatever. It's not like she doesn't know how I feel about her. She's fully aware that I have absolutely no feelings for her. In fact, I really dislike her. Unfortunately I couldn't say the same about her. Rachel liked me very very much. She had litteraly admitted it and, well, it's not that hard to guess.

   "- It's been half a year since we've seen each other and that's all you've got to say?"

She says in response, looking slightly offended, and I instantly wish I had spoken to her in a nicer way. If only the hatred I have for her was mutual; then I wouldn't have to worry about hurting her feelings and those kind of stuff..

I might as well try to be nicer.

   "- You've gotten prettier! " I suddenly blurt out.

What? That was my attempt to being 'nice'.

   "- I know! " She merely answered, with an overly confident attitude. Her cockiness was really unbounded. "Well you could've at least came to the airport!" She adds, rather raising her voice.

I had a feeling she would bring that up. Thus I didn't see any reason why I should have went to see her; she'd eventually show up at my house anyway. 

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