Chapter 1

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The only light in his dark room was coming from the phone he held in his hand. The brightness was turned up so high that it was hurting his eyes, and yet he still couldn't bring himself to turn it back down. Bakugou's phone vibrated, buzzing softly in his hand; for the second time that minute. It wasn't his parents calling. They never did nowadays. And he knew for a fact that it wasn't one of his fans. Since he had no friends, and his agent just called him last week, there was only one option left. Haters. It was the only option, really.

Every time his phone buzzed, it was always the same exact thing. He bit his lip and reloaded his Twitter page, dread already making him catch his breath. And, guess what? He was right. Again. Bakugou was getting tired of this sick guessing game he played with himself.

Why are you even still singing, piece of trash? See that knife in your kitchen? It's dull, just like you. Why don't you fucking sharpen it with your neck, asshole?

His eyes lingered on the last word, repeating it over and over again in his mind. Asshole. Asshole. Asshole. Spelled, a-s-s-h-o-l-e. Every time he ran the word through his brain, he felt a familiar spark of anger flared in his chest.


Bakugou jumped up from his bed, a screech ripping itself from his throat and echoing in his small empty apartment as he flung his phone across the room. It rammed into the opposite wall, a loud crash joining the echo of his voice before dropping to the ground with a clatter. In its wake, it left a decent-sized dent on the white wall. He collapsed back onto his bed and flung his arm over his eyes. When his most certainly cracked phone vibrated again, he stood up and walked right out of his apartment, not even bothering to lock the door behind him.

The older woman who shared his left wall peeked out from her own doorway, her eyebrows crinkled in concern. But when she laid eyes on Bakugou, that concern immediately turned to disgust, and she slammed her door closed with strength a person her age shouldn't have. For a moment, he paused, staring at the older woman's locked door. But he turned away just as quickly. That woman looked too much like his high school's kind nurse for his liking.

The bright lights of the apartment didn't match the mood he was in. Wondering what kind of mood it was? Not a good one, that was for sure. Bakugou stalked past the elevator toward the stairway. He never took the elevator anymore. He couldn't stand the idea of being in such a small room with another human.

Right as he was about to rush down the flight of stairs, he felt a hard push from behind him. Bakugou caught the railing just before he could tumble down the steps. What the actual fuck? He whirled around, fists clenched with an angry scowl twisting his features.

Standing there was a girl with her lush black hair tied into a high ponytail. A bang covered one of her dark pretty eyes. She was shooting him a dirty glare, her teeth clenched and jaw tense. "What the fuck is your problem?" He shouted, raising his hands and shoving her back. His hands caught her shoulders and she stumbled backward a few steps before she regained her balance.

"I should be asking you that!" She yelled, throwing a punch. "What is wrong with you? You're the result of a mistake!" Bakugou stepped out of the way and lunged forward to grab her neck. He threw her onto the ground, a sickening crack reaching his ears.

"See?" She hissed through her clenched teeth. "A mistake." One more kick at her pretty face knocked her out.

Bakugou glared down at her for a long moment. On a spur of anger, he stomped on her limp hand as hard as he could. "Mistake my ass," he sneered, resisting the urge to kick her one last time. "Shouldn't be talking like that when you're on the fucking ground."

He spun around and walked down the stairs, muttering under his breath.

Each time he moved down a step, it felt as if another large stone was added onto Bakugou's shoulders, until even swaying back and forth made him feel ready to topple over. It was hard to put one foot in front of the other. The heaviness held him back, weighing him down. It had him pinned. He tried to bury the awful feeling with rage, but eventually, even his trustworthy anger wasn't enough. He hadn't even realized that he was out of his apartment and trudging down the streets until he bumped into a small boy, barely out of his toddler stage. His mother caught him before he could fall into the heavy traffic. Bakugou ducked his head and pulled on his hood to avoid eye contact with the woman. He made a sharp turn into a store he didn't recognize.

When the warm air from inside the store blew his hood off and he looked back up, Bakugou realized he was standing in a local drugstore. His feet forced him to head to the medicine aisle. His eyes watered at the tangy bitter smell of medicine. It had been so long since he went outside, just this small change made his body react.

All around him were small boxes and containers, filled with pills ready to be taken. Bakugou wondered what would happen if he popped one of them in his mouth right now. His eyes searched the shelves for words he had seen so many times floating around on the internet. Not to mention on all of his social media feeds. His eyes were beginning to get blurry with how quickly he scanned the words when he spotted them. Bakugou picked up the small cylinder. Sleeping pills.

He was twitchy when he was so close to death. People said that an overdose on these tiny pills could lead to death. How many would it take to kill him? 10? 30? 60? Or more? Each container contained twenty-five of the little pods. They looked so small and innocent.

The voice that was constantly at the back of his head nagged at him. The quiet whispering grew louder, until he began to wonder if he was going crazy. Just take them. Nobody wants you here anyway, not even if your parents. If they did, they would have called a year ago. A painless death, just like going to sleep, Do it. Do it. DO IT.

But an imaginary angel peered over his shoulder whispered in his ear as well. Don't. You won't. You can still change things. Life gives second chances. People give second chances.

Bakugou wanted to fling the non-existent angel off his shoulder. He had already used his second chance a long time ago. Life definitely wasn't about to give him a third. He was going to fucking hell. Maybe he would recognize a few people there. He swallowed around the lump in his throat. How would the small blue pills feel like sliding down his throat? He wondered if anybody would find him there, dead and lifeless, lying on the ground in the middle of a drugstore. He was sure there were cameras watching him right now. Would anybody even bother to help him?

Bakugou licked his lips, thumb brushing against the seal. He ran his fingers across the plastic ridges until they got a grip. He was about to open it, right there, in a goddamn drugstore. Bakugou would be stealing his own fucking death. But then he stopped. This was a coward's way to go. He wasn't weak or a coward. Not in the slightest.

No, he wouldn't be dying today.

But he still walked over to the cashier register, three bottles to insure death in his hand. The scarred cashier sitting behind the counter grinned at him as Bakugou pulled out his wallet. The bastard even gave him a 50% discount. Fucker, Bakugou thought, anger making him flush scarlet. He wants me to fucking die, doesn't he?

As Bakugou walked out of the drugstore, he made sure to slam the door behind him as hard as he could. The three small containers in his pocket felt heavy, even though they couldn't weigh more than a pound. But.

Just in case.

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