Part 1: Wake up Jack!

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Bangkok 1984, time: 22:35.
Thick smoke fills the corridors in the apartment, sounds of people chatting in the hallways can be heard through the thin walls, the place starts to shake harshly from a nearby train.

Ah, I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Jack Nikolai Marie Hicksby my Father wanted my middle name to be a omage to my mother Marie Katelyn Hicksby and himself Nikolai dimitrovich.

Right now I'm stuck is this shitty apartment backed up on loans from the godfather of boxing klaew thanikul himself. *harsh pounding on the door followed* guess that's my queue to let you get back to where my adventure starts off.

Harsh pounding continues along with a loud voice bellowing outwards echoing through the thin walls:แจ็คตอบประตูในขณะนี้! (Jack come out here now!) klaew ต้องการเงินของเขาตั้งแต่สัปดาห์ที่แล้ว (Klaew wants his money, since last week!) คุณสายไปหนึ่งอาทิตย์! (You're a week late!)

Jack:ฉันมาฉันมา... (Im coming, im coming...)  Jack sits up groggy and hungover from last nights bender, he finally pulls himself off the cot that smells somewhat mildewy and clearly has signs of age on it, he stumbles towards the door slowly creaking it open, until H̄mūp̀ā barges it open more. H̄mūp̀ā! Jack outspoke from being startled by the door flying open suddenly.

Jack: I said I'd have the money by the next week's, next week's not next weeks this week c'mon you know I'm good for it ol'buddy I can get you the money today give me five hours, its just a little bit of time not much I'm sure Klaew wont mind.

H̄mūp̀ā *Looking tired and disgruntled*:Too late jack, Klaew wants his money right now, *lifting  his shirt around his waist to expose a unidentifiable handgun with a smirk* If you don't have it the body market is in high demand right now Jackie, your young and fit you'll fetch a good price on todays market.

Jack:Now hang on H̄mūp̀ā! I'm on track to a new lost city, I'm so close to a location their are prescripts from an Aztec empire talking about Kitezh, Tizoc an Aztec leader did some trades across the sea with them as did a roman legionary tried tracking them down following the path of Batu, legend says a Mongol horde tried ravaging Kitezh but it was mostly defenseless and its inhabitants prayed for salvation, when the Mongols advanced huge spouts of water allegedly emerged from beneath the city but never touching it and it sank beneath the waves written in my fathers journel.

H̄mūp̀ā: Ai yah! not another one of your insolent kid stories from that stupid book you've been raving about look *he pauses for a bit before speaking again, two hours that's it jack, you get the money or we get your tongue and more *he exasperated with anguish coupled with a hasty tone* Don't make me regret this Jack my ass is on the line here.

Jack: Never H̄mūp̀ā! When have I eve~ *H̄mūp̀ā Grunts loudly* r-right of course the whole marriage thing with your sister and the money I owe, how is she by the way?

H̄mūp̀ā: Apinya is fine,*he says in a hastily spoken tone* two hours jack. *He then slams the door in his face grumbling under his breath as he begins to exit the corridor.

Jack:Two hours huh... *He sighed softly yet chokingly from nervousness* Better hit the bar for a drink and find a way out of Bangkok.

*End of part one, part two is soon to come, thank you for reading, any tips would be greatful.*

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2019 ⏰

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