The girl was reported fine and we'll she just got out of the hospital.Freddie's pizzeria days went on the kids wondered where foxy was..the loving kids thought it was an accident they asked the manager where foxy was"he's on a long adventure across the sea"the manager answered.the curtain for pirates cover was closed with a sign in front of it "out of order".foxy was soon forgotten the children. Did not remember who or what it was..foxy became torn and rusted.his spirit lonely and many mix feelings so many thoughts.soon after the bite and foxy's new prison the restaurant closed there were complaints of the strange taste of human flesh in the pizza and blood oozing from the animatronics eyes also they smelt of old rotting flesh mixed with blood.after the shutdown of the restaurant things went downhill here quick.the animatronics felt the same pain as foxy being locked up no one to love you no one to see you or talk to you..foxy would peek out and see al the children but no one noticed the place was empty it was dark and very peaceful until. 12am a person walked in in a blue coat and hat with black pants his name tag read mike he was a young fells.this excited foxy he was happy to see a living face..mike walked into the security office.1am Chica visited mike the. Bonnie Freddie and foxy stood quiet.time passed quickly foxy was impatient 2am ..3am ...4am Freddie,Bonnie,Chica all visited mike..foxy peaked out when he heard a scream coming from the hall.foxy ran to see what happened mike was sitting there he could see Mike in the window quickly mike closed the door on foxy's face.Foxy then knocked on the door he sat there waiting for it to end,for them to leave.eventually the animatronics left mike alone and roamed the empty pizzeria.
foxy-a five nights at Freddie's fan fiction
Fanfictionafter the bite of 87 foxy didn't come out and play anymore with his friends..