I Hate You (Nya x Cristal)

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"Your aura is quite murky today." Cristal panted, dodging Nya's kicks and punches. 

"What on earth is that supposed to mean?" Nya asked, striking towards the girl and narrowly missing Cristal's arm. 

"You're confused." Cristal sighed. "Honestly. You ninja."

"You're one of us, you know. I mean, if you even have an elemental power."

"I can read your aura, that's power enough. And I can fight."

"Prove it. You haven't made a single strike y- oof." Nya landed on the floor.

"Told you." Cristal offered her a hand. Nya ignored it. "What, too proud to admit defeat?" Cristal laughed. "I didn't know that the little water ninja was a sore loser."

"I am not a sore loser." Nya pulled herself to her feet and kicked at Cristal's stomach. Cristal grabbed her foot.

"You sure about that, little water ninja?" She flipped her and Nya hit the ground with a thump.

"H-hey! That's cheating." She stammered.

"Nope, there are no rules to sparring." Cristal grinned. "But I think I win." Nya blushed.

"No, you don't!" She protested, standing up, "Let me try again!"

"Alright little water ninja."

"I'm not little!" Nya lunged at her, tripping over as Cristal stuck out her leg.

"Sure, honey." Cristal bent down and booped her.

"I'm not!" She huffed. 

"Your aura, honey." Cristal was giggling. "It's sparkling."

"What on earth does that even mean!? You know what, I don't care about my aura! I hate you and your stupid aura-vision."

"Sure, sure..." Cristal smiled, "I don't think you do though."

"I do."


"Dinner's ready." Cristal stood in the doorway of Nya's room.

"Tell the others I'll- What on earth are you wearing?" Nya looked up from a small robot she was tinkering with.

"You like it? Gala made it for me." Cristal smiled down at the dress she was wearing. It was black, in contrast to her white-blonde hair, and was made of a shimmery fabric that sparkled when she moved. A dress that she definitely wasn't wearing just to see if Nya's aura would sparkle. Well, it was, but that was irrelevant. Kind of. 

"Oh.. uh... it's nice. I've never realised how.. tall you are." Nya felt her cheeks warm. What on earth no she's not pretty at all. Definitely.

"I told you you were short."

"No but... you're nearly as tall as Cole."

"And you are short. Are you coming to dinner or not?"

"Uh. Um. Dinner. Right. Yes." Nya stood up, leaving her project abandoned on her desk. 


"Nya, finally! We've been waiting ages and Zane wouldn't let us eat without you and he made-"

"Shut up, Kai, she's here now, we can eat." Cole rolled his eyes. 

Nya sat down next to Cristal with a sigh. Honestly couldn't there be anywhere else to sit I've been with her basically all day and I'm so sick of her. 

"How's the new cleaning bot going, Nya?" Jay asked her, distracting her from the awfulness that was Cristal. Not that she was that awful. No she was actually quite nice and Nya really enjoyed her company and she had lied when she asked about sparring in the morning, Cristal was the first person she had asked. But no. Cristal was awful and Nya hated her. Yes. 


"Thanks for the dress, Gala." Cristal handed Gala a stack of plates. 

"Did..." The girl seemed to struggled to get the words out, "Did she like it?"

"She went bright red. Nah, Jay's history. That girl is all mine."

"You're..." Gala put the plates in the sink, "Confident."

"If you can watch the blush spread across her face and deny that she has feelings, I'll turn myself into a poppy."


The girls cleaned up the kitchen in silence until Gala shyly spoke up.

"Why a poppy?"


"She's just so... ugh! You know?" Nya sighed.

"Yes, Ny, I do. BECAUSE YOU WON'T SHUT UP ABOUT HER!" Jay took the screwdriver from her hand, "I'm starting to think you like her."

"What!? No, Jay, I'm straight." 

"Sure. Pass me the spanner?" She handed it over.

"Anyway even if I wasn't straight, I hate her!"

"Mmhmm...." Jay rolled his eyes, the screwdriver held in his mouth. 

"It's true!"

"Who'd you hate?" Cole walked down the stairs and into the workshop.

"She hates Cristal. Cristal, with her perfect pretty eyes and long legs. Oh and don't get her started on Cristal's hair. I mean it. Do not get her started." 

"Looks like someone has feelings for our resident hippy."

"I don't have feelings for her!"

"Yeah yeah. Because being able to describe what she wore for sparring today down to her socks means that you hate her. Absolutely Ny."Jay laughed.

"Oh god, did she really? I'm going to get Kai he's going to love this." Cole smiled. 

"Oh, yep. Go grab him."



"Hey... uh... Cristal?" Nya lingered in her doorway nervously. 

"Yes, honey?" Cristal opened one eye, "Do you want to join my crystal mediation?" She gestured to the ring of colourful rocks around her. 

"Oh... uh..." Nya rubbed the back of her neck, "No. I... uh... wanted to talk to you."

"Alright. Come in then, don't stand there, the spirits are awful." Nya cautiously stepped over the mess of crystals on the floor and sat in front of the older girl.

"I... uh... I think... I think I might like you. Maybe. But you're into Jay so it's fine and you can just forget about this and I'm going to leave now and-"

"Nya." Cristal cut her off. "I like you too."

"You... you do? You do! Oh that's fantastic I mean.. what now? You're into girls? Uh..."

"You need to stop talking." Cristal laughed. "How 'bout a date?"

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