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Upon arriving at their shared room, he flops himself on his bed, remembering the scenario that just happened he chuckled to himself. It may just have been a small simple action, but he felt like he just won a million diamonds.

He sighed as his eyes finally felt drowsy from all the romantic excitement he felt. His eyes soon closed, as he drifted off to sleep.

Huening Kai groaned from the pain he felt. His body felt weak from all these torture. But, for the sake of the one he loves, he would do anything to protect Beomgyu. Beomgyu, never leaving his thoughts, he smiled.

"Still smiling? How about we cut your head off? That would remove your smile off your stupid face." The soldiers laughed.

Huening Kai glared at them. "Do whatever you want. All I'm asking is to not hurt Beomgyu."

One of the soldier, the chief leader, scoffed at his remarks. "Really? Upon your death, you wouldn't even know if we are putting him in harm or not."

Huening Kai growled. "Then, I'll kill you off first, if that's what you want. I will kill you all before any of you can even touch him."

The chief leader chuckled with his deep voice. He held Kai's chin, holding it firmly, deepening his hold on his cheeks. "Pathetic." He said one last time, before cutting his throat, as Huening Kai gasped for air.

The chief leader threw him on the ground, the others breaking into loud laughters.

Huening Kai opened his mouth as if trying to say something, but his death catched up quickly leaving him lying dead on his place.

The chief leader scoffed, as he left.

One of the soldiers approached him. "Sir? Sir? Will you be alright?"

"Yes, yes. I'll be fine."

"Are you certain, sir? The man you just killed, who was claimed to be one of the culprits, is your son."

The chief leader smirked. "He was my son. But after his drastic change, he finally turned into a stray. I don't have a son who is a criminal."

"But sir--"

"Yeonjun! When will you ever shut your mouth?! Would you rather I sew that, mouth of yours, closed? Or to stop talking?!"

The said male was silenced. He instead bowed, as a respect, to him and left.

With determination to find Beomgyu.

Yeonjun woke up in his sleep. When he woke up, a lot of questions was scattered around his mind.

'Why was I there? What was I doing?'

He was too deep in his thoughts, he barely noticed the door open.

"Yeonjun? I saw you left early. Is something wrong."

"Ah, Yeji. No. There isn't. Its just I'm having this dreams of these- What are you doing?"

"Sh. We're alone, now. No one can stop us now."

"W-what are you talking about?"

"Yeonjun. We don't have to keep secrets between ourselves. Its clear that you're craving for my body right now, don't you?" Yeji seductively said as he reached for the male's shirt.


Suddenly, a fuming Beomgyu entered the place. "YAH! FUCKER! I TOLD YOU SO!"


Yeji was still facing Yeonjun when she smirked.

She turned around, facing Beomgyu. Her beautiful brown orbs, suddenly turned glowing red and her once milky white skin turned completely pale blue, with veins displayed all over her face and her body. Her soft and sweet voice turned into ones that sounded like a lion's growl. "So, what are you going to do about it?"

Beomgyu smirked. "I can turn you into ashes, like when you once were." He showed the necklace that Yeji wore.

"Wha-" Yeji tried to find the necklace around her neck, but to no avail. She growled reaching for the necklace.

But, as soon as took ahold of the necklace, it started to burn, the metal lace melting, along with the pendant.

"No! NO!" She screamed on the top of her lungs. She feels her face as she, herself, started to burn.

Soon enough, her existence was gone.

Yeonjun looked at Beomgyu his chest heaving up and down, with his shirt still left open, revealing his well-built body, as sweat trickled down his body.

Beomgyu couldn't help but stare. 'Shit' He thought.

"Wh... what was that?" Yeonjun blurted out in his traumatized state.

Beomgyu snapped out of his thoughts, looking away with a blushing face. "Those were one of the spirits we saw at the graveyard. They can take form in anything they want."

"O-oh." Yeonjun sighed in relief.

"Now that this is all over, can you fix yourself, now? I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea."

Yeonjun's mouth formed an 'o' when he realized and started to button his open clothing.

There was a long silence after he was done fixing himself. So, Yeonjun decided to break it. To him, it was quite defeaning. "So, uh... in my dream.. I saw myself and that Huening Kai guy."

Beomgyu knitted his brows together. "Continue."

"Well, next.. I.. well.. I was getting screamed at by the chief leader, I guess, and soon after, I saw myself, trying to find for you."

Beomgyu's face softened. "You?"

"Well, yeah."

Beomgyu approached Yeonjun, he reached for his face and caressed it for a second, leaning closer to his ear.

"Snap out of it. There was no 'you' in my story." Beomgyu snapped.

"But, I swear, I-"

"Sure, sure. Suit yourself. I'm going to sleep."

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