Help Me, Help You pt. 2

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"Y/N, oh my god how-"

"Shhh," You said, placing a finger over your lips. You stepped off the car and walked over to the back, opening the door for him.


The doctor hesitantly complied, making himself comfortable as you walked to the front and sat in the driver's seat.

"Let's get out of here."


"Y-Y/N, I-"

The red-head squirmed and pulled at his restraints, to which he failed miserably. His body felt numb, his skin felt cold, and the eerie sound of rattlings chains brought a great deal of fear to him.

His clothes were now down to just boxers. Everything else, gone. Totally gone, discarded somewhere around the air-conditioned room. He was sprawled across the bed, hands bound, and cheeks tinted with a pretty pink tint.

You chuckled and got up from your seat, "Relax, Tae," He bit his lip as he felt your gaze slowly eat him up. You teasingly ran your finger down his stomach, drawing closer and closer to his covered boner.


"It's baby, Tae." You growled, harshly pulling his boxers down. He hissed at how sudden his dick jumped out, sensitive to the cool AC air. "Oh wait, let me change that. It's baby, Daddy."

His breath hitched as you didnt waste time in taking him deep in your mouth, fighting back a gag.

"O-Oh god, y-ye- yes, f-fuck, fuck-" He groaned, eyes rolling back once you started bobbing your head at an insanely fast pace.

The part that didnt fit was dealt with by your hand, stroking him just as furiously as you were sucking him. His tip hit the back of your throat multiple times, every hit bringing him a second closer to his orgasm.

Just as you heard him moan loudly, you felt a smirk form on your lips as you took his length out of your mouth with a pop.

"What the- Y/N- no no no please-"

You laughed, slowly taking your shirt and jeans off. You crawled on top of him and started rocking your hips back and forth, your pulsating core grinding at his hard length agressively.

"Baby- god- baby please," You placed your palms flat against his chest and grinned. "Please, baby girl.."

Your grin widened. "As you wish,"



Nails clawing at his bare chest, you hissed at how deep Taehyung's length is inside you. He was big, with or without an erection, and the groans and gasps that you had forced out of his mouth only encouraged you to go hard.

You started bouncing on his cock, ass slapping the exposed skin around his damp boxers. Your hands found their way up to the bed's headboard, desperate for support.

A maniacal smile formed across your face as you watched how Tae writhed and squirmed under you. Strands of stray hair stuck to his sweat-covered forehead, eyes lidded, lips slightly ajar and swollen from too much biting.

It was almost too good to be true. You hadn't felt this full and satisfied in quite a long time, well, since you were arrested, of course. You could surely say that luck was on your side, because not only did you escape, but you were also riding a hot doctor's dick as a celebration. Talk about sweet but psycho, am I right?

Your train of thoughts were halted when you felt his big hands on your waist.

He broke out of the chains.

Immediately, Taehyung flipped the both of you over so you were under him. (Why do I make this sound like an easy thing to do?) He spread your legs wide open before positioning himself right at your entrance.

For the first time since you two met, he leaned in and caught your lips in a hot, sloppy kiss. His tongue brushed against your bottom lip as you let him in, relishing in the feeling of him exploring your mouth.

Arms wrapped possessively around his neck, you pulled away from the kiss to utter a quick demand.

"Inside. Now." (I just dropped my phone from cringing too much.)

He chuckled darkly. "Yes, your highness."

With a deep thrust, he started fucking you again. At first, he went slow and steady, leaving a trail of kisses across your neck, collarbone and then chest. But just as fast as he had entered you, he started quickening his pace, until the bed was shaking at the extremity of his thrusts.

"O-oh shit, f-fuck fuck-" You held onto him tightly, feeling yourself clench around his length. You felt hotter and wetter with every passing moment, and any second now, you would be at your limit.

You could feel he was close, too. His length was pulsating agressively, and his moans were getting louder yet raspier. His breathing was cutting short, he was heaving deep sighs and groaning from the surge of pleasure.

"T-Tae," You whimpered when he suddenly kissed you again, pushing you down hard on the soft mattress.

"I know. M-me too."

Loud and wild when he came, your eyes rolled back as the orgasm hit you hard, along with the feeling of his cum filling you up. Your grip loosened around him as you let him ride out his own high, before he plopped down next to you. Bodies both naked and sweaty, you cuddled into his embrace.


"I know. You can go." You sighed, sad that he had to leave. He had a job to take care off, and after all, it was a very professional one.

He smiled back and caressed your cheek.

"I'm not going anywhere, baby."


"I want you to help me, help you."



Idk wtf that last line was supposed to mean. I just thought of adding it in.

So yeah! Here's the smut! Took a while and I do apologize for that!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2019 ⏰

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