25/07, 20th Year of the Rebellion
Government TerritoryFelicity ambled towards Coal Manor in her dappled horse, Melon. Squee trotted behind her on a chubby black pony that she'd rented and taken it upon herself to name Paddy.
"So where, exactly, are we going?"
Felicity rolled her eyes, albeit more fondly than exasperatedly.
"To visit my aunt. I think you'll like her."
Aunt Beatrice threw her arms around her niece as Squee snorted softly at the nickname. The older fíthe peered over Felicity's shoulder and beamed.
"You must be Felicity's new friend!"
She grinned unknowingly at a confused Squee, while the other girl shook her head violently. Beatrice, finally catching on, mouthed a soft 'oh' and smiled more gently at Felicity.
"Come in, come in! Wouldn't want to leave you standing there in this Eastern weather!"
As they entered the grand home, Squee caught sight of a portrait hanging in the atrium.
"Who's that?" She asked, pointing.
Beatrice's jolly smile turned suddenly sad. She was a jovial, rotund woman with bright auburn hair that had reached her Mortal Point quite late — some time in her mid thirties. However, she had the appearance of one much older than her. Behind her cheery manner was an ancient sadness that showed in her sunken eyes and the fine wrinkles on her forehead.
"That's George, my husband."
"He's mortal." Squee Oglesbee, reigning queen of putting her foot in it, had once again shocked audiences.
Felicity shook her head wildly, but the older fíthe waved her off.
"It's alright darling." She took a deep breath and continued. "George and I married before the War. When the walls went up, I was in here on business and he was out there. He had our daughter with him. She wasn't even old enough to have a portrait."
A sharp intake of breath from Squee's vicinity.
"Well, you know yourself, being from the South, that fíth blood breeds true. But the Government — Lillith, and some of her followers at the time — they had very strict views on this kind of thing. She was seen as tainted.
"They took them both."
Squee stood numbly, eyes wide. "I had no idea it was this bad in these parts."
Felicity shook her head confusedly. "You say that like you were there."
"Well, I was." She saluted. "General Oglesbee, Southern Forces, at your service."
They remained in incredulous silence for a while. Then Aunt Beatrice burst out laughing, shaking all over. And after a pause, the other two joined in.
24/07, 1st Year of the Rebellion
Government TerritoryThey walked through the corridors numbly. Felicity’s glanced at the iron door of the Power Room as they walked past, irrationally uneasy as usual. This was the one place in the Academy that no students were allowed into. It contained the infamous Power Source that lit up the city and kept the walls standing.
Suddenly Liam’s hand brushed up against hers. She held it tightly. Petty quarrels were trivial matters right now.
The Rebellion had started six months ago. Word was people – mainly humans – in the East had become weary of a population run by a minority of fíth, of taxes that contributed to the wealth of a capital they weren’t even allowed into.
FantasyFelicity Coal has built a life for herself in a corrupt and unjust empire. She knows it's wrong. But can she sacrifice comfort and security for the greater good? **** She has it all: mountains of money, an oh-so platonic best friend, and a star posi...