Chapter Six

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Spread your wisdom, not your tall tales.

As the Slytherins started to walk to the dungeons and into their dormitories, Snape with his usual poker face approached Harry and told him to follow him, Malfoy and a few other Slytherins had tried to go with him but they were told it was a private manner. And so, Snape and Harry walked to the headmaster's office. On the way there Snape explained to Harry of the bulletin board in the common room in which the weekly password would be and continued to explain how if schedules should change or there is any events for any of the years, it would be on the bulletin board.

He thoroughly explained Slytherin dormitories and only you and the person you trust most in your year will be rooming with you. He explained everything in detail that the prefects would be explaining as well, and Harry was glad he had a very good memory at the end of it.

Once they reached the Headmaster's office they walked in to be graced with the muggle studies Professor, Lily Potter nee Evans, a very angered Auror, James Charles Potter, and a very upset boy, Evan Charles Potter.

And with that Harry sat in the seat in front of him, "Lemon drop, my boy?" Dumbledore asked as though to ease the tension.

Harry made a sour face before being pinching on the shoulder by Severus which made him politely decline with a shake of his head while try to glare at the Potions Professor with the corner of his eye.

"Harry it seems that the Sorting Hat misplaced you to  the wrong house. Wouldn't you like to be resorted into the proper house?" Dumbledore asked, being as grandfatherly as possible.

Harry crossed his arms and huffed, his small frame sitting straight with his face pointed at the floor as he shook his head. He did not want to be resorted.

"Are you sure son?" James asked through gritted teeth. Lily's lips were pursed. Evan scowled at his twin. "It would be a shame if our reputation ended up in stake if it was said that you were in Slytherin."

Harry shrugged and looked between Snape and Dumbledore with a face that said, can I go unpack my belongings?

Snape simple spun around, "Let's go get you to the dormitories, I expect you to remember what I've told you in the halls. I will escort you to the dungeons and you will learn to navigate the halls in your own time before curfew and during the weekends. Well? Let's go Mr.Potter I haven't got all night to take you to the dorms!"

Harry quickly jumped up and followed the Dungeon Bat down to the dungeons to head to his room.


The next morning, everyone stared in awe at the small boy who looked younger than he was next to Malfoy, who was the size of a second year when in reality he was a first year, and the pair of first year fat boys who acted as bodyguards. They walked to Slytherin table, bodyguards at their side and Harry holding his green messenger bag that held his school books as Malfoy seemed to scowl at anyone who looked at Harry the wrong way. Malfoy and Harry were roommates and roommates usually help eachother out.

Between Harry and Draco, they had become very good friends after talking and helping one another unpack. Harry once again only took one a little bit to eat. He ate a pancake, a pumpkin pastry, a few grapes and drank some pumpkin juice before waiting for Draco and the other two boys to finish eating even though he didn't.

A while later Draco and Harry were the only ones to get up as they told Crabbe and Goyle to finish eating while they headed to double Potions with the Gryffindors early. Unluckily for him they were soon followed by the Weasley twins, the Boy Who Lived To Be A Pain, Teacher's Pet Granger, and Pig Weasley.

Once they were in the empty Potions room, Harry and Draco pulled out their books only to be questioned.

"So Malfoy, are you gay? Is that why you want to hang around Evan's baby of a brother? Because you like him?" Ron started asking.

"Oh hush Ronald! Is it true that you have a dark core and you're actually a squib and had to cry to get into Hogwarts?" Hermione started.

Harry went digging in his bag for his notepad trying to hold back the tears forming as they laughed and ridiculed him. Only seconds later Draco Malfoy started to yell at them as Harry gave up on looking for it and looked at his friend with sad eyes.

"Could you shut up!? You know he's mute Oh-SO-Great Boy Who Lived to be an arse to his younger twin, who, if you hadn't known lacked the attention and food you were given! Stop being a bloody prat to your younger brother!"  Draco yelled out. People were in the doorway as they started filing into the room.

Once Professor Snape was in the room, it was a deathly silent. Draco sat down next to Harry with an, "Please excuse my language Professor, I deeply apologize for my behavior."

The twins ran for it, Evan, Ron and Hermione ran to sit looking pale. Harry sniffled, wiping hi eyes with the still somewhat bigger sleeve of his robe. He looked at his books as Malfoy began to comfort him without words.

"If I could have your attention," Snape said as he paced in front of the class. "It has come to my attention that everyone believes the Potters youngest son to be," he waved his hand looking for the right word, "A disabled idiot who approaches men with a lot of money." Everyone gasped knowing that they were the ones to spread the rumors. "But in fact, the youngest son of the Potters is not a squib, or an idiot, or a money lover. He is simply," Snape tapped his chin to look for the proper word. "Silenced from a young age to all of eternity because he is mute. He has no voice. Please do refrain from taking pleasure in his inability to speak unless you wish to have points removed for being bullies to put it simply," he paused. "For example, 150 points from Gryffindor for each of the five who seemed to be taunting the Slytherin Mr.Potter, 150 points to Slytherin more precisely as a thank you to Draco Malfoy for providing protection for a fellow housemate, and another 50 points to Slytherin for comforting one of your fellow housemates and coming here early to my extent seemed to be to study a bit of the topic before being oh so rudely interrupted," he added as an afterthought.

The Potions Professor then began to explain the basics of Potions and when their first assignment would start. No questions were asked but everyone had began to continue talking about the young Potter boy's inability to speak.


Those who can not speak, will need someone to speak for them. But often times, those who can speak are afraid to say a word and become those who do not speak in order to protect themselves.

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