HarryPotter FanFiction

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a/n restarting this so it might be better :D

I woke up to a loud voice echoing around the house. James, I bet, he always complains about being woken up early but its fine to do it to us. As I rolled over to check the time, half ten! Oh crap we're going to be so late. I cant be late today! Today is the first of September! I go to Hogwarts today, crap if I miss the train then I'll be sure to never get in and James and Albus will be in deep trouble. Thank God James was being so loud or mum and dad would of never got up. Lazy little poops.

"C'mon guys up! Geez no you don't have time to 'snooze'! Dad get up now" James shouted loudly into their room. "For God sake get up." He whined quietly as I slowly got up and began to put on my skinnies, a top and converse I heard dad throw something at James or something like that, yeah we're a weird family.

"Lily, will you please hurry up or you wont have time for breakfast and then we will be late in meeting Ronald and Hermione. Albus if you take any longer in that bathroom getting ready then I will come in there and dress you myself." My very happy mother snapped at us, she's so positive today!

As Al came out the bathroom I joined him in going downstairs where mum had set weetos out ready for us. Aw bless her. After a good old hurried breakfast we were then rushed into the bathroom to brush our teeth while dad ran round looking for the owls, to be honest it was hilarious. After finally getting them in their cages and Patch in her carrier basket, we were ready to set off until James needed the toilet. Like really right now?

It was reaching up to eleven and the traffic was terrible. Dad was contemplating whether mum should just apparate us there then he'll bring our luggage. It was a funny because they started to argue and Al got all upset because he's a wuss. After actually getting there in the car it was like a minute to eleven so we had no time to get a trolley so we looked cool running with big ass cases, owls and a cat. Yep we're a normal family.

"Keep up now, c'mon nearly there now. Right go on through the wall, don't bother about being normal, because we are definitely not. Lily for God's sake don't stop." Dad kept shouting, I couldn't help but burst out laughing as his face fell when conductors were shutting the doors.

"Get on now go! I don't care if you sit with strangers. Well I do but. Agh! You know what I mean, go on, on, on." He shouted as we ran up onto train, I struggled getting my fat trunk up but a bunch of randomers helped me. Um awkward.

"Ah, um, thanks. Yeah, lol I'm not good with words. So yeah I'm Lily, Lily Potter." I say doing the gun action with my hands and posing. So with my trunk on board I waved goodbye to my fam-a-lam-a-lam. I dragged my trunk and cat down the slim corridor, I think Albus was behind but God knows if he is, main goal; Find a compartment with first years or nobody. Wow I need to make some friends or I'll die.

I found an apartment and Hugo was actually in it which was great. I knew that. It was beautiful and empty, minus him, and I was happy. The weird old 'lunch' lady came waddling past us.

"Anything from the trolley, my dears?" She asked. I waited for Hugo to answer but he looked at me first, so it was once again awkward.

"Yeah, sure I'll have Bertie Botts, Droobles and a pumpkin pasty please." I ordered, Hugo said nothing, freak, you don't say no to sweets. When I paid and started to munch on my sweeties he looked longingly at my food. Bitch aint getting any of this.

"I bet you want some now? Am I right? Am I? Eh?" I raised my eyebrows weirdly at him.

"Yeah I guess your right, but mum packed me sandwiches. Yay for me right? Anyway, what's been happening lately, haven't seen you in ages!"

"Oh well we went to see Grandma Molly and Granddad A. That was fun but that was about it. Nothing interesting aha." Dammit why am I so awkward?

By the time we got our uniforms on, the train just pulled up into the station. This is it! Sorting time. Shit I'm nervous, as I make sure Patch is good and happy I grab my case and drag it out to the station.

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