Camping Gone Wrong

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izuku's point of view

today is my forth birthday also the day I find out my quirk! iran right into mummy's room as soon as i woke up wanting to find my quirk out as soon as possible. "Mummy! Mummy! Wake up!" i shouted while jumoing on mums bed. "right, right I'm up go get changed while i make breakfast and get changed then we'll go, ok?" mummy said happily while getting out of tmums room to get ready. i get ready in a black baggy top and some grey baggy joggers wanting to feel relaxed today and wear something different. i ran down the hallway to the kitchen where the breakfast is and mum has already made breakfast and changed out of her PJ's into a white shirt with blue jeans and white trainers on. I quickly scoff down my breakfast and put my black shoes on. i hear mum chuckle before opening the door and walking to the car with me walking behind her. the drive to the docter was quite with me playing with my All Might action figure the wholl way there when we do get there i ran to the play area and read a book. My name was called out so i went to where mummy was and walked into the office holding mummies hand. After the test the docter came through with a sad and pitiful look on her face. " So what quirk does my baby boy have?" My mum asked concerned. " i am sorry to say this but izuku is quirkless he has an extra joint in his pinkie toe which people wuth quirks do not have,"

after the docters appiontment mum said that we would go camping. i wasn't as excited then i usually would but how would you react when someone sau that you are different to everyone else. Anyway when we get to the woods where we are going to camp we start walking but i slip and grab the thing nearest me which is mums leg we fall down a very big hill mountian thing and all i see is black. once i wake up i notice that my mum is dead i start to cry. until i notice a large wolf with a marking around its eye (picture up top).i put my hand out and it licks it then moves to my face licking the tears away. Next thing i know i am being carried way by the back of by top by the wolf i fall asleep on the way to where ever the wolf was taking me. i know i should be scared but i feel a connection to the woods and i feel i can trust all the animals that are here.

When i wake up i see that the big wolf is curled around me it wakes up when i try to move and it licks my face cauing me to giggle.i was happy knowing that the animals here won't judge me here like in the city. i walked out of the cozy cave and saw a whole pack of wolves. I walked up to the one in the middle and stuck my hand out. At first it sniffed my hand then it started to lick it next thing i know the whole pack is licking me. I giggle at this and hug them. we then howled to the moon and started to run.

 we then howled to the moon and started to run

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They made sure i could keep up and when i was starting to get really tired one of the wolves picked mt up bt the shirt again and i fell asleep once again

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They made sure i could keep up and when i was starting to get really tired one of the wolves picked mt up bt the shirt again and i fell asleep once again. i woke up once again and noticed that my feet were killing me i decided to take my shoes and socks off and i felt free. With every day that went by i forgot about human life, how to speak, write or just act lie one. I run on all fours and i can understand that animals in the woods perfectly fien. i hunt and eat like a wolf. i now act like a animal.

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