Chapter 1

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Vidia was broken, simply broken. She knew it, and she was ashamed. Her brain was different,  she really couldn't feel any feelings, well at least any positive ones. She was numb, and she hated it."The world would be better without me" she thought to herself. It was early, about 5 in the morning. Everyone else in pixie hollow was asleep, so nobody could hear her quietly sobbing to herself. "I'm worthless, fast flying faries are pointless, what's even the point of me being here?" She pushed those thoughts down, everybody would be waking up soon, and she couldn't risk people seeing her like this. She headed to her bathroom, and put on makeup to hide that she had just been crying, and she hadn't slept in days. Once she looked decent, she put on her normal clothing. She then headed outside, she needed to start her work for that day. She then saw Tinkerbell and the others talking. She approached the group. "Seriously guys, you can't tell anybody!" Rosetta was saying. "What?" asked Vidia "Oh! Vidia! I didn't realize you were there!" Rosetta said. "Oh, anyways what can we not tell anyone?" Vidia asked. "Oh sorry Vidia, I don't really trust you like the others, we just aren't as close." Rosetta said "Oh." said Vidia, trying to hide that she cared, she was used to being left out anyways. "Well whatever, it's probably something really dumb, like another stupid boy you like." "don't say that Vidia, you might hurt her feelings" said Sylvermist. "Yeah, as if you never hurt mine" said Vidia quietly. "What was that?"  "Never mind" Rosetta huffed: "As if I care what SHE thinks, anyways..." Vidia slowly left, nobody even noticed. She went and started her work for the day, all while her thoughts were swirling in her head. There had to be a way out...

A/N So yeah, sorry if this is depressing, but I like making dark things out of children franchises, and Vidia is my favorite. 

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