Chapter 2

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Vidia got home that night, still extremely depressed. She was mentally exhausted, yet she couldn't sleep. Because to sleep there needed to be quiet, and if there was quiet she would be alone with her thoughts, which terrified her. However, her brain was really getting messed up from the intense sleep deprivation, so tonight she would have to try to sleep. Vidia turned on the shower, the water was too hot, leaving a burn on her hand. "Oh well,  just one more thing to hide," she thought as she undressed. She looked down and shuddered, she hated the cuts on her legs, just one more thing that was wrong with her. As much as she hated it, she couldn't stop. It was messed up, but it was the one thing that made her feel alive. The warm water burned her cuts. The pain was almost unbearable,  yet she didn't care, she was used to it. After her shower, she got in bed, and turned off her lights. She was finally alone with her thoughts and she almost couldn't bear it. "I'm messed up, I shouldn't be here" "I'm worthless" "Pixie hollow would be so much better without me" Tears formed in Vidia's eyes, and she let them fall. She had learned to cry quietly, she had to or others would hear her. After about an hour, she was still awake. She didn't want to be. She got out of bed and grabbed her blades. She cut her legs, going over old cuts and making them deeper. The pain was soothing, so she continued. After a while, there was nowhere left to cut, so she stopped. Then she just laid in bed, crying. She was trying to stop, she really was, but she couldn't.  Eventually, she fell asleep, tears streaming down her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2020 ⏰

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