I miss you

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Yakko POV

So Y/N is going to be at school for 7 hours. How should I kill 7 hours without her? I would go bother Hello Nurse but ever since Y/N came in my life she doesn't interest me. Dr. Scratchansniff? Nah he's just going to kick me out. Plotz will do the same. Maybe Ralph? Man! If I can't occupy myself for 7 hours I'll go insane.

"Yakko, I miss Y/N! When will she be back?" Wakko asked.

"I have to pick her up at 3:00. You can come if you want."

"You mean...we're going to see her less and less?" Ask Dot.

     "Unfortunately yes. But there's always the weekends and holiday breaks to look forward to."


End of the day


     It was the end of the day. Surprisingly the day wasn't so bad. I wasn't bullied but nobody acknowledged me either. I felt so alone. I was waiting at the front of the school for Yakko to come and get me. I couldn't wait to hang out with him. My parents agreed that on school days I can hang out with the Warners until 7:00 p.m.

"Y/N!" The Warners came from behind me group hugging me.

Before I could even respond, they started bombarding me with questions about my day at school. I responded with "Uhhhh I don't really wanna talk about it."

"Why? Was it scary?" Asked Wakko.

"Was it boring?" Asked Dot.

"Did some guy try to flirt with ya? Cuz if they did, I'll put 'em in line." Asked Yakko.

As the siblings kept questioning me, the students around us started giving me weird looks. A group of girls started snickers. I was so embarrassed I pushed the Warners off me and ran away from the school as fast as I can.

Yakko POV

"Uhhhhhhh I think we over did it."

"Ya think?" Dot scoffs.

"Shouldn't we go after her?" Asked Wakko.

"C'mon maybe she went to the Water Tower."

We found Y/N at the Water Tower crying her eyes out. Was her day really that bad? Did I hurt her feelings? Am I a bad boyfriend? Does she hate me?

"Yakko go up to her." Dot wishers.

"We'll even give you some privacy." Wakko winks.

I give my sibs a confidence smile as they show themselves out. Y/N and I were alone once again. I sat next to her on the couch. She gasps. I guess she just realized she wasn't alone.

"Tell me...was it really as bad as I think it was?"

She gently whipped her tears and slightly faced me. "That depends if you're thinking about a lonely 7 hours and a moment of embarrassment in front of popular kids."

"Uhhhhh that doesn't sound so bad. That's not the worst thing that could have happened today."

"Yeah right. You wouldn't understand!"

"Understand what?"

"N-Nothing! Forget what I said."

"Oh no no no it's something! Something wrong and you're going to tell me. Even if you're stuck here longer than you're allowed to."

"Fine! All my school life.....I've alway been the bullied outcast. I don't know why tho. I guess......being an introvert has something to do with it."

Now Y/N seemed sadder than before. I had to cheer her up. I couldn't leave her like this.


I told Yakko about my problems in school. It was hard but I didn't want us to argue. He wanted to cheer me up so he literally kicked his siblings out of the Tower so we can have some alone time. I told him that wasn't really necessary but he was determined for us to have the next 4 hours alone.

"I know! Let's watch a movie." Yakko suggests.

"Ok what are we gonna watch?"

     "Something with nurses."

     "What's up with you and nurses?"

      "Can't a guy have a type?"

      "If you're type is nurses, why did you choose me?"

     "Uhhhhhhhhhh mixed personality? Anyway it doesn't matter let's watch a movie."

<<<Middle of the movie>>>

     Yakko and I decided on a horror movie with nurses. Honestly it wasn't that bad. But Yakko would be the one to overreact when one of the nurses got her head decapitated. She was a monster after all. Anyway we got to the scene when the man got separated from the girl.  

     See, the man didn't know that all the nurses were actually shape shifting monster who killed anybody who stumbles on their turf. So the monster was about to seduce this guy. And someone got a little to excited.

     "This movie is getting good. Despite its graphic content I'm having fun. Thank you Yakko for cheering me up."

     "My pleasure. As long as you're happy I'm happy." He smiled at me.

     This part of the movie got a little more sexual than I thought it would have been.

     "O-Oh m-my..." I slightly blushed at the sight on the screen.

     "I didn't know we were watching PornHub." Yakko chuckles.

     As uncomfortable and awkward this was to me, I didn't even ask Yakko to fast forward. After those long 5 minutes Yakko said, "Ya know that scene kinda put ya the mood don't ya think?"

     "Eww, no, gross!" I responded.

     "Not even a little bit?" He slowly rubs my thigh.

     "Not even close! Nice try buddy." I yank his hand away from my thigh.

     "Alright, ok. Your loss!" He snickers.

     We enjoyed the rest of the movie without muttering a single word.


     The movie ended and even though I had a good amount of time left to spare, I was actually tired from everything that happened today. So tired that I actually slept through the last 30 minutes of the movie. Wakko and Dot came back by then. When they woke me up a meal was prepared just for me. These kids man. So thoughtful.

     "Thanks for the meal guys. Imma head home now."

     "So soon? Buts it's only 6:00." Yakko clings on my leg.

     "I'd love to spend another hour but I'm so tired. I think I need a nap. I'll see you tomorrow morning."

     "Ok love ya!" Yakko gives me a big smooch.

     "Cya Y/N!" Wakko and Dot hug me. I patted there fuzzy heads and walked home.

Sorry for not updating. I forgot and I couldn't think of a way to continue the story. I think I had a writers block. I'll try to post 2 - 3 chapters tomorrow if possible. Hope you enjoyed 😁





Relationship Goals (a continuation of &quot;My Little Secret&quot;) Yakko x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now