Team Pump is a fimiliar team everybody on msp knows about. Pumpchkin is the leader. Pumpchkin is level 87 and her friends are publicly know as: Cutestuff., Vivi Giovanni, Snugglemuffens, Kylie_Kardashian, Donnie C, and boyfriend, Riley. Cutes,Pump,Vivi, Snuggles,and Kylie are the Dream Team (DT) members. Pumpchkin has two extremely popular series,most porter favorites,Pink Tear Drops and Pretty Hurts. Both have 2 seasons. Pumpchkin joined when the Movkestarplanet commercial first aired, August 2011 on Nickelodean. Pumpchkin also had a friend named Joanna Petty. She was also a famous moviestarplanet user from 2011. She was on the highscores before Pumpchkin came to moviestarplanet. Joanna was on team pump, but she deleted her account on about December 2011 because supposably Pumpchkin made her. Then, she made a new account and deleted again in 2013 and said she'll never play msp again due to all the drama.
Pumpchkin has been a user on Moviestarplanet for 3 years. She has started to add CAUTIOUSLY because she has learned not some people will just use her and are against her. She, like all famous moviestars, get over 300 friend request daily. I am lucky to be an added porter. Hello, my name is Mypeepslol10 and this story is going to be on moviestar's POV on Pumpchkin and Team Pump. First 8-10 chapters will be love for Pumpchkin and the second 8-10 chapters will be rumors and hatred. Keep reading for this biography on Pumpchkin and her beloved porters.
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