My Shitty Day.

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...Did I mention I hate All Might? I don't think I did. I hate her because she lets the world remain weak, so imagine my surprise when she walks in. And. Starts. Teaching. I wanna punch her so damn bad, but punching the person who threw SEVERAL minivans at a supervillain with teleportation is a bad idea. Oh... Is she still talking?

"SO TAKE YOUR PICK YOUNG [L/n]!" She's holding a box full of... Numbers? I sigh and grab one. I got... 10... What are we even doing? I'm gonna have to be that one kid? Gonna go out in style then!

"I wasn't paying attention because I don't give a shit. What are we doing?" Her face! Holy shit!

"Stupid fucking extra! We are going to be doing a Hero Vs. Villian exercise, and you are on her team!" She finishes her rant by pointing to some girl with red and white hair.

 Villian exercise, and you are on her team!" She finishes her rant by pointing to some girl with red and white hair

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"Ok cunt. Who's team are you on Izumi?" While Katsuki looks like she wants to kill me, Izumi points to her. Fuck. Apparently I'm on the hero team. I follow the girl to where we're supposed to start.

"I'm Shoko." I shake her hand.

"(Y/n). Let me take the green girl. Ok?"

"No problem." I thank her, and select my only stealth transformation. GhostFreak. Let's get this done quickly, so I can fight Izumi. I sink through the floor, and while I'm looking for Izumi I see Katsuki. I go invisible... Time for some fun! I grab a rock and throw it at her.


"I'd watch my language if I were you." Looks like the longer I'm like this, the more my voice changes.


"I'm your wor-" I feel a burst of heat, and see a bright flash. She used her quirk. This will be troublesome.. Light weakens my abilities. I'm just about strong enough to get back to Shoko.

"Hello (Y/n). Find them?"

I do a one-eyed glare. "Nah, but I happened to find a box of grenades! OF COURSE I FOUND THEM!" My voice became slightly monstrous near the end of that. I need to ta-Give it back. After telling Shoto where Katsuki is, I sit down, and rub my head. I just gotta wait for the Omnitrix to make me normal again. Maybe, but can you last that long? Yes. She lied to you. She had a quirk, and never told you. You trusted her with everything. So? I never told her about the Omnitrix. You couldn't! She would have gotten in trouble for knowing a vigilante, but the minute she found out about her quirk she left you! Like a dog in the street! Shut. Up. A shrill beeping filled the air as I finally turned back. That transformation was able to affect my mental state, and had access to my... Fears. The wall next to me crumbles. It looks like Shoto and Kaachan started their fight. I look at the Omnitrix, select HeatBlast. I'm careful not to hit it, and I stumble through the hallways, until  finally I see her. Izumi.

"(Y/n)!? Are you ok!? You look sick

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"(Y/n)!? Are you ok!? You look sick." I stumble to get as close to her as possible.

"Izumi. Why didn't you you had a quirk?" Her eyes widen, and she starts to mutter.

"Ididn'treallyknowIhadoneuntilU.A." So that's how it's gonna be.

"One more chance. Why. Didn't. You. Tell. Me. I have a reason! I couldn't tell you or you could go to jail, but what's your excuse." She looks like a deer caught in headlights, and I slam down on the Omnitrix. I feel a familiar rush of power. I hit her with a burst of fire, but she dodges. She has a look of... determination on her face.

"I don't care why you didn't tell me! It wasn't my business! I'll admit I was I kinda irritated at first, but I'll support you no matter what!" Liar! I send fire out of my hands for a stronger punch., but her arm glows with that weird energy. "Even if I have to punch it into you!" Her fist hits me on the Omnitrix. Shit! I look at it, and there are several cracks. I'm going to have to end this quickly. I force fire to erupt out of my legs to increase my speed, and wrap her in hero tape.

"I... Win.." The Omnitrix let's out a pitiful glow as it tries to return me to normal, and I feel the world fade as I pass out...

I Am A True Hero. [Male! Reader! X BNHA Harem]Where stories live. Discover now