12-Hogwarts at last!

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Harry woke up early. So early that he was able to watch the sunrise from his open window. He climbed out of bed eagerly and dressed, taking care to straighten out his t-shirt under his black overalls.

Today was the day he got to see Hogwarts, the very place his parents had studied at, along with Sirius and Remus. He was about to walk in the saw place his parents once walked in. He could barely catch his breathe every time he thought about it.

The loud sound of a trunk being dragged across the floor echoed through the hallway, clunking as he struggled to pull it to the living room.

"Woah there pup! Where are you going?" Sirius yawned, he leaned his arm casually on the door frame, grinning again at the 'deer in the headlight' look Harry had on.

Behind him, Remus was still in his bathrobe, pouring himself a cup of coffee as he rubbed his tired eyes. "It's barely 7:30 in the morning Harry, the train leaves at 11. Why are you up so early?" he grumbled. Harry could see a few purple spots on his neck, which was strange, but he ignored it.

"Want some breakfast? I made bran muffins!" Sirius smiled smugly, gesturing at the tray of deformed muffins sitting on the counter top. Remus smiled helplessly behind him, gesturing that they were edible. Harry still wondered how they were edible. He guessed Remus must have secretly fixed the mixture before letting Sirius slide them into the oven.

He went to pour himself a glass of milk and grabbed one of the better shaped muffins out of the tray before going to sit at the table. Meanwhile, the other 2 adults were busy going around the normal routine they had everyday.

Remus went over to him, using his hands to brush the messy strands of hair and tied it up, although messy looking, but cute nonetheless.

"You do really need a hair-cut cub. Your bangs are growing quite long," he muttered as he took another sip from his coffee mug.

And so that was decided. They headed out that morning, each with a job to do and a goal in mind. Remus went to his recent job as the local writer of the advice column. Harry knew he was incredibly good at his job too; in fact, he won the adviser of the month just last week. He was the best in the team for that newspaper publication since they hired him.

As for Sirius, he had his own thing going on. He trained Quidditch players, especially Harry when he's not busy managing the dark artifacts within his family household. Nevertheless, they always remembered to make time in the evening to reconnect and communicate.

Remus had to submit his latest article, so they agreed to meet up at the platform for Harry. As for  Harry and Sirius, they had to find somewhere for Harry to get a proper hair cut.


As promised, they met up at the platform right on time. They were lucky to  have arrived early, not having to fight through the crowd. Remus held Harry face and tilted it left, then right.

"You look amazing! I didn't think Sirius was good at picking a decent style really," he said happily, a hint of relief in his tone.

"Hey! I do have a great sense of style for your information," Sirius pouted.

"Of course you do, love," Remus had to comfort him, looping his arm through the other's arm.

Remus took out a tiny cube from his pocket. "Your trunk and other stuff are in here. I take it you already know the spell." he placed on Harry's palms and closed it.

Harry nodded and hugged them, "I'll mirror you guys when I get there!"

The train gave a loud whistle, signaling the 10 minutes before takeoff. They hugged one last time and Harry ran inside, turning to wave goodbye before going to find a compartment.

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