do not fret,
i don't bite
only if you don'tcome and follow me
and i can promise,
you'll be in safetyno more fearing,
no more running,
only no betrayingyes, they call me a rogue
they say i am a threat,
a danger to be heededthey call me a savage,
they call me unruly,
i dont care of their naivetyand this you should know,
you are my home,
you are my reasonwhen you put your trust in me,
you are part of us and of me,
your are my dutyqueen of the rogues
Queen of the Rogues
WerewolfRumours have it that a certain rogue has managed to create a small pack of rogues. Of course, they're only rumours... right? Within the rogue community, the strong rogues are known and marked. The strong ones always having a bounty on their heads. T...