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annies pov

i looked at the test, and i knew it.

"fuck! knew i should've studied!" i yelled.

"babe, you got a 86%, that's like a B." hayden tried to calm me down. "plus it's just a FRIENDS buzzfeed quiz."

"yeah, i know. anyway we should get going." i said, pulling him by his tie into my room.


"i know, but please. it's been forever since we've-"

"i'm home!" i heard hayley yell, echoing through the halls making me groan.

"you told me she wasn't gonna be here." i groaned.

"you interrupted me before i could tell you. plus you would block out anything i said while you were taking that quiz." hayden laughed, then we walked out of my room and into the kitchen.

"where are y'all going?" i asked mommy, seeing she still had her shoes on and her keys still in her hand.

"we're all going shopping. mr. jimmy just called and said that hayden needs a few new clothes because someone accidentally dyed all their clothes black." mommy said, looking at hayden.

"how the heck did you dye all your clothes black?" i asked, looking at him.

"well dylan was dying brec's dress black and put it in a container. i poured it in while reading a certain text-"

"that's enough said. let's go." i stopped him, then we all got into the car.

"how about this?" hayden asked, holding up a white shirt, with a ugly design.

"really hay?" i laughed, then put it away. he was already holding like 5 large bags from other stores, and holding 2 of mine for me. i said no but he held them anyway. "this ones much better." i said, holding up a blue dress up shirt. "you need some more of these." i said, adding one of each color to the cart.

we went to gucci next and bought a few things. two belts, three shirts, and a pair of shoes. he bought me a fanny pack but little did he know i used my card to pay for everything.

by the time we were done, hayden had a brand new wardrobe and i got a few things too. also, hayley went wild at the candy store so now we have a bunch of candy.

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