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Obedient was I

For it was the right way

Never complaining

Nor, did I have a choice

My heart's desire

Doused by status

 So I obediently follow

 While my hearts cries fall on deaf ears

Chained and hidden away

Only to be shown

For prides outbursts

Like a trophy on display

Children were an obligation

Housework was my life

Anything other than that

Was idle talk for dreams alone

Buttoned up

 Flesh shown, a no-no

Only would it reveal

For you and you alone

Dreams I've had

Were like stars dimming

They were never to be fulfilled

As my future, became apparent in thy hands

As I look on today

Unlike me, they have freedom

To love whom they want

 No one to forbid them

Their dreams and futures

Are theirs for the picking

No chains trapping them

Like you would a prisoner

If I only had their chances

I could be anything I want

My dreams belonging to me, alone

With these chains, rusting away to dust

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