Chapter 2

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It's been a week since I've found out that Sonya's parents might be my biological parents; I haven't told mum and dad yet since I want to have proof before I do so. I've also been avoiding Brayden like he has the damn plague; I'm horrified by the fact he knows I have nightmares (not the content) and has heard my raspy voice and I don't want to explain why I have nightmares to him either.

"Dude, why are you avoiding my brother?" Brycen asks while munching on a handful of chips; Wyatt, myself and Brycen are at Brycen's home watching a movie together.

Avoiding his eyes by watching the screen, I sign; "I'm not and I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Bullshit, every damn time he's here, you either leave early or refuse to come over."

Shrugging my shoulders at him, refusing to respond; focusing on the movie again. Just then the door bursts open with Brayden rushing inside; his eyes landing on mine and he looks relieved yet nervous for whatever reason.

Brayden stalks over to me, blocking my exit with his big body; "We need to talk so come with me."

Before I can even respond, Bray grabs my hand and pulls me behind him toward his old bedroom; where he shuts and locks the door behind us with his huge body between me and the door. He crosses his arms over his chest as we stare at each other silently.

When he still doesn't speak, I quirk an eyebrow at him while signing; "Well, what do you want?"

I'm a little freaked out at his behavior and turned on at the same time; how fucked up am I?"

Brayden inhales deeply before speaking while fumbling with his phone; "I know why you are the way you are; the mutness, the nightmares and your screams. Why you don't like people touching you and everything else; including why you disappeared as a child for just over a year.

My body becomes hot and sweaty and my palms sweat horribly; convulsions wrack my body and I'm worried I'm going to have a bad panic attack that he does know. Quickly I rush toward him while he's focused on his phone; I'm hoping to exit the room and house before he can stop me. Luck wasn't on my side in this instance; he wraps his muscular arms around my waist, effectivly stopping me from leaving. He brings his right hand up to show me the news article from the day we were rescued; and there is a picture of a group of us with several police officers.

Tears pour down my cheeks while staring at the picture; my eyes focusing on my bruised, battered and sleep deprived little body as I stand next to Catlynn. Cat was my protector as much as she could while we were there; she was 16 years old during this time and eight years older than me when we were rescued.

Struggling against Brayden's vice like grip; needing to be away from the memories; "Beau, stop struggling!"

Shaking my head violently in response as he whispers in my ear; "I know someone who you should talk too; she's been through a similar experience. I met her through my best friend and he's her fiancee."

Slowly, I stop struggling and allow him to pull me tightly against his chest; lying my head against his shoulder, I roll my face toward him; "Only if you come with."

"Wouldn't dream of letting you talk to her alone; thank you for agreeing to talk to her," he murmurs; turning me in his hold. "Come on, they're waiting for us; this gives time for my friend and business partner time to discuss a business transaction," he finishes with a soft smile; trying to reassure me, I think.

I can feel the color instantly drain from my entire body that we're doing this now; I honestly believed I was going to have more time and somehow back out like I planned on.

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