Chapter I

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A/n:  AAAAAAAAAAAAlrrrrrrrright!  Lets get this crazy train going!


Dreamland 2nd POV

You are running down a hallway that was filled with blood on the walls

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You are running down a hallway that was filled with blood on the walls.  There was people that was with you that you don't know but you had a feeling that you did at one time.  You had a weapon that you were holding that seemed to be low on ammo.  There was a lady that you were running with that suddenly said while running-

The Lady:  Come on Y/n!  We gotta get to the portal!

You were confused on who they were.  You had know idea what was going on and why you were running.

Y/n:  O-okay!

The Android:  The blueprints says it should be in here.

The Tall lady walks up to a dial pad that required a 12 number sequence in order to activiate it.  

The Andriod:  This will take a while!

The Security Guard:  We got company!

You turned your head down the hall to see this...

All the people that you see pull out their weapons and start firing at them

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All the people that you see pull out their weapons and start firing at them.  You quickly started to aim at them as well.  Your shots were sloppy at the first couple shots and then you took note of how the people around you were shooting them.  Then you decided to take some notes from an individual lady in Purple -

  Then you decided to take some notes from an individual lady in Purple -

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"Be Whole Again" Dead Space Bullied Male Reader X Massive CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now