Hating (6 - Part 3)

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Picture of Emery >>>>>>>>>

I let myself collapse onto the hard wood of the patio landing, letting out a small ‘ooff’ of pain before curling into a comfortable ball. Closing my eyes, the mild September breeze drifted around me and I went through what had just happened in the bare space of an hour. As the breeze hit the back of my neck; a shiver ran through me, the coldness of my soaked hair became more apparent to me and Goosebumps popped up everywhere in a matter of seconds.

“That was pretty brave what you did before, those two guys are twice your size…” My head whipped around towards where Mycah’s voice came from and our eyes met as I shrugged my shoulders in reply. He walked over to where I sat and joined me, his knee touching the bare skin of my calves; warmth pulsating from him and to me, I shifted closer to him.

“I was just protecting a friend in trouble.” I downcast my eyes towards the wooden panels of the decking and placed a hand on it, tracing the pattern with my fingers.

“Well, he’s lucky to have you as a friend.” I shivered again as another breeze hit my wet skin and I felt myself begin to shake softly, why I hadn’t gone back inside was a mystery to myself. “Are you alright?” Nodding I pulled the skirt of my dress down slightly, trying to cover as much skin as I could from the autumn air.

“Just cold, wet clothes and cool air do not mix well.” Just as another round of breeze was about to hit me, warmth wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer to Mycah. I unfolded my legs and placed them over his lap, his arm tightening and his finger tracing circles on my leg. Silence flowed around us and I twiddled with my fingers in my lap, not knowing what to do or say. His face buried itself into my shoulder, cheek pressed against the little fabric of my dress. I twisted my head slightly so I could look at him and our eyes met; his searching my own as I did so to him.

“Did you know that girl giraffes pee in the guy giraffe’s mouth before they have sex?” Slapping a hand over my lips, I cringed as the words forced their way out of my vocal cords, the nervous word vomit beginning.

“What?” His body shook with laughter which vibrated through to me, a grin forming on his lips as he tried to make sense of what I had said. I shrugged and hid my face behind my bangs; this is how people get freaked out by me…

“I don’t know, just ignore I said that… I word vomit.”

“Word vomit?”

“Yeah, I just spout out random crap when I get nervous.”

“That’s cute.” A blush rose up on my cold cheeks, heating them up slightly at the blood rush as his words touched my ears. Shaking my head slightly, I looked up at him and ours eyes met.

“There’s nothing cute about me.” I told him, not tearing my eyes from his. It was true, there really wasn’t anything. My eyes too big, mouth too small, legs too chunky, stomach not flat and my hair went frizzy as hell when it got wet; I’m surprised that I even managed to have a boyfriend at one time…

“Nova, there really is.” Shaking my head again, I suddenly felt fingers pull it to a halt; stopping it right in front of Mycah’s. “Nova…you’re perfect.”

The shrill of the doorbell rang loudly through my brain, causing me to awaken to brightness which hurt my sensitive eyes. Groaning in pain, I shook my head trying to get it and the noise to disappear, I sat up and rubbed at my sore eyes. The noise was almost frantic, what the fuck was so important at what? Eight in the morning. This was just cruelty.

Slumping down the stairs, I squeezed my eyes together, trying to getting them to adjust to the bright, morning light. Reaching the door, I swung it open and suddenly a massive weight was thrown against me, sending me and the weight to the hard floor. Great, sore eyes and now a sore butt.

“What the fuck?” Crying out, I pushed the weight off and sat up properly, glaring at the body of Emery that was sat next to me.

My glare softened as I took in his appearance and I felt my heart slow down dramatically, something had happened. His usual happy eyes were rimmed red; sadness screaming out of them, clawing at anything they could reach, the smile that I had once thought was tattooed to his lips was gone and his hair and clothes were messed to fuck.


“Nova baby, what’s happened?” My mum’s voice interrupted me as she stepped through the open front door, her eyes sweeping Emery and I’s state. “Do you guys want some food? Drinks? I’m making tea, you guys want a cup?”

“Tea would be nice Mollie.” Emery’s croaky voice broke her questioning and she smiled at him as he picked himself up off the floor, helping me up too. Mum’s eyes travelled over his appearance, worry on her eyes but she just shrugged and carried on through into the kitchen, humming Nirvana as she went.

“Can we go up to your room?” I nodded and gave him once last glance before turning towards the stairs.

Jumping on my unmade bed, I grabbed the remote and turned Scuzz on my TV before turning towards Emery, who sat curled on my duvet.

“So…what’s happened?” He lifted his head up to look at me, tears laced his once cheerful eyes and I felt my heart twinge as they met with my own.

“They won’t stop; they won’t leave me alone…”  

“Who won’t? What’s happened?” He pulled out his phone with shaky hands and pressed the inbox icon, the number 20 in bold was next to the unread messages. Grabbing it from his hands I scrolled through the unread.


‘did u turn jez gay?’


‘heard you raped Jez, dirty fucking fag, gonna kill u’

‘ur gonna get it wen I see you in skool’

‘kill yourself’

Tears escaped from my own eyes and I read them all, out of all twenty messages, only seven were supportive texts, the rest all hate mail.

“I need you Nova, I really just…I can’t take it anymore.” Emery’s eyes met with mine, they were broken with sadness, tears threatening to erupt. I opened my arms and he threw himself into them, his arms clutching my pyjama top tightly, as if he were to never let go. “Everyone knows, everyone in the whole damn year knows!” His voice cracked and then wetness began to soak through my top, tears flowing heavily out of his system.

“It’s okay Em, we’ll get through this; nobody will break through us or the group okay? Nobody will touch you…” My tears dripped down into his hair as we just sat there clinging on to each other. A soft knock of the door had me hastily wiping my tears away as my mum walked in, a cup in either hand. She silently crossed the room and placed the cups on the side table, smiling softly at me once before she left, closing the door quietly behind her.

“Nobody will break through us…” I whispered once again as his sobs turned into whimpers.

Hi, I'm really really really sorry that I haven't updated in 2-3 months! It's just that a family death led to a few barriers in the way of updating and then once I had crossed those, School appeared-.- So yeah this is actually the first time that I've had free time AND ideas D: But yeah I'm really sorry! And Chapter 7 shall be up soo <3 Sorry for the wait and I love you all for sticking with this story, commenting your love even though I haven't replied. Once again, I'm sorryyyy <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2013 ⏰

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