CH 4

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Pan's pov

    Just woke up and I need the girls to be awake for something. So, when I was walking to the girl's cages, I heard someone talking and when I was coming up to who was talking, it was the girls talking about something that seems important.

  Kristen's pov

   I heard someone coming and so I shut Vahini and Uzma up so that if that person comes closer, they wont know what we talking about.

   "Now, now, no need to hide anything from me." said someone who I dont want to hear right now.

   "Yay, Pan's awake! Now get us down from here!" Me, Vahini, and Uzma are in the air right now and I dont like it. " Whatever the lady says." "Whatever." Pan doesnt scared me. Only Vahini and Uzma he scares, but not me and i will protect them.

So instead of him getting us down from here, he brings people to do it for him? Are they his maids?

When Vahini, Uzma, and I are out of the cages, I was tackled down by vahini and uzma.

"Whoa guys!!! Get off me please!!! I need to steach ( dont know how to spell today ) !!!" I said while pushing them off me.

"So, what are we going to do today? something that wont hurt us or?" I said while coming up to him.

"Dont worry, I may nothing be the most well behaved boy on the island, but I do keep my promises and I will not do anything. Plus I think you might like it." "Oh really?" I said with sarcasm in my voice "Yes, Now, Shall we?" "We shall."

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