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We went outside . Trixie said it was time for me to learn how to defend myself . Out of nowhere she attacked. She left a scar across my cheek that bled . Now it was on the bitch is going down. I began to punch her multiple times with lots of force. Eventually it gave her a black eye . We spared to the death which ruined our appearance. We finally stopped. "You lesson is complete. Good Job ", said Trixie . She then touched my bruised cheek and it immediately healed . I was awestruck. We got inside . It was time to eat. Lucifer smiled at me . " I thought you were just a pretty face " , he told me . I grinned. I was more than a pretty face . After all I was the king of hell's mate . I would say that makes me pretty important . " Trixie am I human . It just makes no sense how I could be mortal and survive sparing with you and you're ya know a -" , I was cut off by her laughter . " So you not a dumb as we thought . Lucien permission to speak ", Trixie asked . "Granted ", Lucien said . "No your are not mortal . You are a angel ", she replied . I furrowed my brows . If I was an angel then how could I be the devils mate . He should hate me . "I could never hate you " , Lucien bellowed . I can't believe he is reading my thoughts . I need privacy . A small child appeared with a tray of food . It was a wonder someone so little could balance it . She smiled at me . She seemed much older than she looked . "How old are you ", I asked . "1400 years old " , she asked visibly offended . She looked so precious I almost wanted to hold her . The next thing I know she crawled into my lap . Holding her was definitely a stress reliever . "She likes you , Lucien said .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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