The Three Kiss Rule/Chapter 9

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Before the Jeep finished pulling to a complete stop in front of the beach house, Emily threw the door open and hopped out barefooted, dance shoes dangling from her fingertips. She was eager to dig her toes in the sand and relieve the cramping from performing the Tango in overly tight heels and a borrowed dress that was far too snug.

"I've got to get out of this costume," she flung over her shoulder, pulling pins from her hair, allowing the soft ocean breeze to whip copper tendrils about her freckled face and shoulders. Standing stock still, she dug her toes into the soggy grains of white stardust, glistening under the full moon that cooled and soothed the balls of her feet.

She tried to take a deep breath of the muggy night air, but the bodice of the gown was too constricting. Glancing up at the moon then at the rippled water, reflecting its brilliance, she sang out, "I see the moon and the moon sees me," knowing instinctively that Jackson had slipped up behind her.

"Do you know how many full moons we've shared together over the years?" he whispered, his lips inches from her ear.

She felt a tingle as if a butterfly had briefly brushed against her neck and she gave a little shiver, but didn't turn around. "I haven't forgotten."

"I remember there were times we were so close that if we were in different parts of the world, we'd send each other pictures of the full moon. One time I asked you if that was the same moon I was seeing and you said, 'Well, that's the one I see in Dallas.' I started laughing so hard, I could barely get out that there was only one moon."

Stifling a giggle, she lightly jabbed her elbow into his side then leaned back into him. "Asshole, I believe that was after I'd had a wee bit of wine. If I remember correctly, my feelings had gone haywire and I was confused about what to do about—"

"Stop it!" he ordered, his arms coming up to engulf her and pull her tightly against him.

"Stop what?"

"You were getting ready to say something about Greg and we're not going there."

She felt his erection digging into her back and asked, "Oh, where is it that we are going?" Breaking away from his grasp, she turned to face him, a smug grin plastered across her moonlit face, eyes sparkling with mischief.

He smiled back as if answering a challenge and the look in his eyes almost took her breath away. His head slowly lowered, and she could feel his breath against her cheeks before his mouth came down in the faintest of kisses that sent a shock wave all the way to her womb. Her eyes closed briefly, savoring the moment and when she opened them, he was staring down at her with an amused look.

"Don't do it, Jacks."

"Don't do what, Em?"

"You know what."

"I do?"

"The three kiss rule. Damn it, you've always been able to do that to me, and you know it."

"Oh, yes, the three kiss rule. Now how does that go again? Let's see, I give you the tiniest of kisses like I just did." He held her eyes with his, as his lips came down on hers again.

Her heart stopped and her mouth parted as the tip of his tongue barely flicked over hers and she had the sensation of the air being sucked out of her lungs and then it was over.

"Jacks, I...I—"

"No, Em, we're not through. The third kiss...if I remember correctly goes something like this."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2019 ⏰

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