1. Chapter

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"Hello!" A surprisingly cheerful voice greets Edwars. A girl lowers her tray on the table, right in front of him. She sure does not care about Edward's omnious, extremely angry face, no, she compeletely ignores it.

It has been five days since Edward was kidnapped. He doesn't remember much about it, but he does remember waking up in a weird place. Everything seemed white there; floor, walls, ceiling and the clothes of every single person in there. Ed still hasn't quite figured out where he is, but it doesn't seem like a good place. Five days he has been there, five days in hell. Different kind of experiments and exercises, people observing them all the time.

On the first day Ed had tried to get out, but after spending the second day being punished he had let go of the thought he could escape this place on his own. See, he wasn't able to use alchemy there, for some unknown reason.

So, he had to come up with new strategy; don't talk to anyone, avoid everyone, wait to be rescued. He had managed to keep his distant to other young subject that were locked in the same place, but now this girl dared to come close to him.

"Why did you sat there?" Edward questions in a serious tone, he wishes to scare this blond girl away. There's no way he'd make friends here, since he clearly doesn't belong here and he won't be here for a long time.

"Because people here are saying that I'll lose my arm if I sit with you," the girl tells while eating. She doesn't seem to be intimated at all by Edward's attitude and gaze. "I wanted to see if it was true."

"I prefer being alone," Ed murmurs.

"Hold your horses," the girl states. "I know who you are, people here are whispering a lot. You are a state alchemist right? You know... you're not going to survive here all alone," the girl says, her bright blue eyes locked on Edward.

"I don't have to survive here," Edward answers plainly. Although he wants to stay mad at everything, it feels good to speak outloud for the first time in four days. He's trying best to keep murderous look on his face, but it's starting to be hard. "People have noticed I'm gone, they'll find me."

"Yeah yeah," the girl sighs, eyes closed. "I know one guy here, who has been locked here for four years," she tells. "You think no one misses any of us? There are people who have been looking for some of us for years. This place is well hidden."

Edward doesn't let this girl's words to startle him. He believes in his friends, and his brother. Any time soon they might burst in and rescue him, he'd be out any time. "Just leave okay?" Edward requests.

"Geez, chill. I'm going to eat first," the girl says eating. "My name is Nori by the way," she tells, a fork in her mouth, and then eats the last piece of her food. "Trust me it gets easier if you make some friends."

Edward watches as Nori leaves the table, how her long golden hair dances as she walks away. What if she's right? What if Edward isn't going to get out of here? No, he needs to believe in his friends. Eward closes his eyes for a second and then looks around him. He sees Nori sitting on a table, chatting with some other young people. They seem to have fun. How can they have fun in a place like this?

But someone has been here for four years, someone might have been even longer, who knows. Edward would become mad if he had to stay here even a month. He wonders how long Nori has been locked up here.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2019 ⏰

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