All That Remains

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cowritten by _.genjishimada._ and _.hanzo.shimada._
You gotta be fuckin kidding me!?” The cowboy said harshly, throwing the cards on the table. He narrowed his eyes at the scarred face man that sat across of him.
“You up for one more round Jesse?” The beanie wearing man teased.
“Hell no Reyes! You beat me five times! And aren’t we supposed to be breaking into that Sh... Shima.. Damn it! Whatever you fuckin call it?” Jesse asked leaning back in his chair, tilting his hat down.
“The two brothers were found leaving Shimada castle hours ago... We are waiting for them to get back.” a blonde lady spoke softly as she emerged from the other room. They all went silent for a short moment.
“Well I'm going to get a drink! Care to join?” Jesse asked gently with his deep southern accent. He walked over to the front door of their hotel room and picked up his peacekeeper.
“I'll go! I do need a drink after Jesse almost got his face blow off! You scared me Mccree!” The women said in a sarcastic tone, picking up her weapons as well.
“Sorry Angie... I'll be careful next time.” Mccree said softly, opening the front door for her, “Reyes? Want anything?” the cowboy asked, watching as he looked over some documents.
“No...” He said softly, “Oh, you might see Genji Shimada... The youngest... He tends to go out partying and drinking, so be on a look out please... He could be valuable. Reports say he doesn’t really appreciate the clan, so maybe he’ll help us...” Reyes said shrugging his shoulders.
“Sounds like my kinda guy.” Jesse teased walking out the door, catching up with Angela. “So, how long do you think we will be here for Angie?” Mccree asked, watching the snow fall into his hands, listening as the soft snow crunched under his thick boots.
“Well that all depends on the Shimada clan’s next move… We might be here for another week… our goal is to capture one of the brothers, for questioning of course… Genji Shimada is the one we really want. He might actually be willing to help unlike his older brother.” Angela said softly, watching as her warm breath mixed with the chilly air causing steam to release once they collided.
There they were, Angela and Jesse walking through the snow, heading to the local ramen shop for drinks, a gust of wind blew in their faces, snow pouring down as if it were raining outside.
“This night has been very quiet for us... The Sh... Shima.... The brothers haven't done anything!” Jesse said, crossing his arms. Angela laughed softly hearing him tried to pronounce Shimada. They kept walking until something caught them off guard, a scream. It cut through the cold air, and ranged through the surrounding area. Angela quickly turned her head to where the scream was coming from, her golden blonde hair following. Her ocean blue eyes widen seeing the wooden gates that lead into Shimada castle.
“Well shit... And here I thought the night was going to be quiet...” Jesse mumbled pulling out his peacekeeper, following Angela who was already running that direction.
“What the hell! I thought they left hours ago?! What is happening?!” Angela said out loud, running through the snow as fast as she could. She hated hearing anyone in pain and was willing to help whoever it was screaming behind the wooden gate. Snow hit her face as they got closer to the big gate. She occasionally Looked behind her to see if Jesse was keeping up with her own pace.
“The screams… their comin from one person.” Jesse mentioned, running up next to Angela.
“We have to save them!!” She yelled finally getting to the closed wooden gate. She gently put her ear on the door, no longer hearing the screams. “Jesse! What do we do?!!” Angela yelled.
“Shit… move outta the way!!” Jesse cried. He took a step back, glancing around to size up the door. “Of all the dumbass ideas…” he whispered, planting his feet firmly in the snow. McCree took off, sprinting at the door like lightning. It slammed open, sent careening on its hinges by the force of his shoulder. “oww…” he muttered, putting his hand delicately on his shoulder, knowing it was surely going to bruise.
Angela gently placed her hand on Jesse’s shoulder, giving off a golden glow, “It will still be sore, but at least the swelling will go down..” she said softly, “thank you… now let’s go.” She said sweetly, immediately running into the castle. She paused seeing blood trailing in the snow. “What the hell… please don’t be too late…” she whispered, following the trail of thick blood that had melted the snow. She bent down and touched it, “it’s still warm.. Hurry! We don’t have much time!” She picked up her pace, the snow hitting hard on her blushed skin.
“I’m right behind ya!” Jesse said grimly, seeing the vile trail of blood. He pulled out his peacekeeper, looking around and behind them so as to make sure this wasn’t an elaborate setup meant to get them out in the open. “Who did this? More importantly, who’s the one bleeding? I ain’t no expert like you doc, but this looks like a hefty amount of blood for one man to be losin”
“You’re exactly right… I’m afraid we might be too late Jesse…” She said in an upset tone. In the distance she could see a body, and a dark circle of blood around it. Fear filled her eyes as she gently turned her head seeing a sword covered in a thick dark layer of blood. She covered her mouth and walked up to the body, immediately backing up into Mccree. “Oh… My… God…” She whispered, seeing the almost unrecognizable person laying in the snow, limp. She saw an arm not too far away, it brought tears to her eyes. She fell to her knees and picked up the man’s left arm taking out the knife that pinned him to the soft ground. She gently felt for a pulse, hoping for some sign of life.
“Angela… I can’t stand to look at this no more" Jesse choked out. His face was ashen and he looked as if he were on the brink of crying. “I didn’t know you my friend, but I’ll carry on your honor” he whispered, all sense of joy having left him in that moment. The bloodied sword that was planted in the ground caught his attention, and Jesse went to it. He wrapped his hand around the hilt and immediately let go. It felt so charged with hate and anger, seeming to have a soul of its own.
“Jesse!! He has a pulse!! He is breathing!!!” Angela said happily, but extremely worried. She gently picked up his head, seeing green hair. “Genji?! It’s Genji Shimada!!” She placed her hand on Genji’s body a glow coming from her hand. Releasing all her power she had, the cuts on Genji’s face started to slowly close up. She started feeling weak, so she let go, holding her head.
Jesse felt goosebumps rise on his skin. Seeing Angela heal, and watching how the wounds reverted themselves always made him feel uneasy. “I’m glad to hear it! But who's the fuckhole that did this?” He looked around, hoping to see any clues as to what had happened here “Who would do such a thing and be able to get away with it?” Jesse still felt uneasy about the whole situation “This poor guy is lucky we were around, seems like he was gonna go to shit if we didn’t have your expertise here doc"
“Thank you Jesse..” She said gently, holding Genji close, “my healing won’t be enough… I can’t carry him, so please Jesse..” Angela said softly, a tear running down her face. “Be careful… his legs…” she looked down the body seeing his legs twitching slightly, only hanging on by a couple of his ligaments and muscle.
“It’s ok, I’ve got him" Jesse whispered sweetly. He picked up Genji’s frail and damaged body, feeling how light he was in his arms. “Everything is ok… You’re safe now…” he said, looking at Genji. He tried to be as gently as possible as he walked back, following behind Angela. “So, doc, is he gonna be alright? What can you do?” He asked, trying to not show his emotions too much. He didn’t want her to know how much he had already bonded with this man he held.
“I’m not too sure… I have one idea though… obviously he has lost his right arm, and both his legs can’t be saved… so I’m going to have the use cybernetics… The right side of his body looks to be completely destroyed from the amount of bruising on his chest and stab wounds… if I had to guess, whoever did this kicked him to the point where his ribs started to break… Poor thing… No one deserves this amount of damage… Whoever did this really hated him…” she said softly, examining Genji’s body as they walked. She took off her coat and covered his body, in an effort to keep him warm.
“I’d love to have a word with whoever thought to… Whoever thought to do this to him…” Jesse stammered. He clenched his jaw, fighting back the emotions that ran through him. “Dammit cowboy, can you just not be attracted to everyone you see for once?” he thought to himself angrily. Jesse could feel Genji’s blood pool up and stain his shirt, but he didn’t complain. There wouldn’t be no time to complain, especially compared with how much worse off Genji had been left.
“Jesse! Listen carefully, we’ll take him to the drop ship behind the alley and then run and get Reyes. I’ll start working on him as fast as possible, we have to leave now!” She said in a stern voice, picking up her pace as they entered the small alley. She held her hand close to her chest trying to plan out everything in her thoughts.
“Yes ma'am" Jesse said, walking as fast as possible into the alley. He stood tapping his foot impatiently in the snow, waiting for the large door to lower. As soon as it hit the ground, McCree walked up. His boots rang out on the metal floor as he went to Angela’s operating center. “It’s all gonna be ok friend…” he whispered, laying Genji down on a table. McCree sat down next to Genji, waiting for Angela to give him an order.
Angela immediately went to work, putting an oxygen mask on Genji’s face. She ran over to a cabinet grabbing tons of technology and cybernetic parts. “Jesse… I’m sorry to send you away, but please go get Reyes and tell him we have to go back to HQ immediately.” She said in a stern voice, her mind was focused on one thing only, and that was to keep Genji’s alive. She tied a ribbon from her hair around Genji’s right shoulder, cutting off the blood circulation, so he didn’t bleed out. She rushed over grabbing her staff, healing to rest of the small open cuts, causing fresh scars to appear on his face, replacing the once open wounds.
Jesse looked over reluctantly, “O-Oh ok Doc, whatever you say” He went out, running across the city and returning to the hotel. As he went, he could feel the snow hitting his face. He walked into the front reception area of the hotel. The warm blast of air made his skin tingle, and his nose began to run. “Damn this cold...” He muttered, going to the room they had got for the night.
A hard knock came at the door, and Reyes dropped the papers in his hand. He crept over slowly, pulling out a shotgun. “I didn’t order room service!” he called out. “It’s me dumbass, open the door” McCree said back, frustrated because he desperately wanted to get back to Genji. “Listen, you know those Shimada guys? We found one of them... messed up real bad... come on, we’ve gotta get back” Jesse rushed in as soon as Reyes opened the door, trying in vain to get him to hurry up. “Why do you care so much? He’s just some kid...” Reyes asked, narrowing his eyes at Jesse. Jesse didn’t say anything as he tried in vain to get Reyes out, pushing him out roughly.
“Come. On.” Jesse yelled as he ran, watching Reyes take his time down the streets. He stormed up the ramp yet again and smiled despite himself when he laid eyes on Genji.
Angela was hard at work, already having most of Genji’s new metal arm attached to his body. “Is Reyes with you?” said asked softly, running over to the sink, and soaked a rag in warm water, only to run back over to Genji’s side, gently cleaning up his face, watching as the blood easily came off his face.
“He’s right here” Reyes said darkly, walking up the ramp. “Let me see our new friend!” He said sarcastically, going up to the operating table. “He ain’t one of your toys to be fucked with...” Jesse said defensively, already knowing what Reyes was thinking of doing. “I aint gonna sit by and let you do nothin” Reyes narrowed his eyes at Jesse, intrigued by his sense of passion.
“Listen... Angela, would it be too much trouble for you to maybe add some... shall we say upgrades to our little friend?” Reyes said, his voice dripping with stressed sweetness.
“What do you mean by upgrades?” she said in a stern tone, picking up Genji’s new arm, testing all his movements. She moved over to Genji’s left arm, sticking a IV gently into one of his veins.
“Well, I see the sheath on his back, so I’ll assume he uses swords regularly. Maybe performance enhancements...boost his reaction times and all that. Just make him more efficient" Reyes said coldly. Jesse shuddered; hearing his cruel words “Don’t you realize what you’re saying? He’s a kid, not a machine to be upgraded” Jesse looked at Angela, hoping to see that she wouldn’t go along with what Reyes was saying.
Angela stood there seeing both sides and realized that she would be the one to break the tie. She looked down at Genji, running her fingers through his soft green hair. “I don’t know... I understand where both of you are coming from... He is just a kid... But we need to take out the Shimada clan and he could be our only hope...” She said softly, “But please... exit the room I have to remove Genji’s legs... unless you want to see that...” She said, making sure Genji was fully out of it, so he didn’t feel the pain.
Jesse and Reyes both walked outside, the snow began to fall down heavier as they stood. Jesse stared at Reyes’s face, looking into the eyes of the man that held no compassion for human life. “You don’t care about don’t care about any of us. To you we are just menas to an end, nothing more than pawns in your sick little game” He spat out, looking at Reyes.
“You had better pray to god I choose to ignore the statement you have just made...” Reyes said, anger flaring in him.
“You sonnova bitch...” Jesse mumbled, kicking at the mounds of snow at his feet angrily
Angela had already begun putting on Genji’s new right leg. She worked fast that’s why she is known for being one of the world’s best doctors. It would normally take five doctors to handle such a task like this one, but for her it was simply saving a life, that’s all that mattered to her. That was her goal... She looked at Genji after putting on his new left leg. “I am so terribly sorry... the pain you went through... I just can’t even begin to imagine...” she said all this while attaching a helmet to his new metal spine, the gray wires running off the side of the operating table. She gently picked them up a plugged them to a machine that made the interior lights on the metal glow. She gently placed a blanket on his body, “I know it’s not comfortable, but it’s all I have right now... and it’s not a great time to move you around.” she said softly as if he were wide awake. “I'll be back... I promise...” She said walking out of the room and hitting the button to drop the ramp. “He’s stable, you can come back now...” she said softly, running her fingers through her thick golden blonde hair.
Jesse took one last look at Reyes, shaking his head. “Holy… my God doc, you did an amazing job!” He exclaimed, seeing Genji’s mechanical arm hanging out from under the blanket. “When’s he gonna wake up? It don’t feel right talking about him when I ain’t even said a word to him in person… I wonder what he's like… I’ll bet he's as friendly as ever!” McCree said wistfully. He wanted to reach out and hug Genji, but decided against it with Reyes and Angela in the room with him.
“Did you do what I asked? I expect him to be lethal" Reyes said, still in a bitchy mood. He looked at the work Angela had done, admiring the intricacies of it all.
“Well... I... no... I didn’t know if he was going to be in blackwatch or the regular strike team, so I just gave him basic cybernetics.” She said looking at Genji’s heart rate on a monitor.
“I will petition for him to be placed under our care… after all, it would make sense for you to be near him as much as possible” Reyes said, staring idly at the medical equipment around him.
“A-anjia..?” a soft, almost whisper came from Genji’s body. Genji’s vision was blurry, waking up to a bright white light. His sight adjusted when he heard the voices ringing through his ears. All the terrible images started to flood back into his head and thoughts, consuming him. He was confused, in pain, angry, and scared.
Jesse jumped, hearing Genji’s quiet voice. “Hey buddy, how are you feeling? You got a little banged up…” he said soothingly, smiling down at Genji. He knocked his hat up, revealing his sweet face so that Genji could look at him. Jesse tentatively reached out, lightly touching his fingers to Genji’s shoulder to try and subtly show his affection.
Genji felt tears fall from his eyes, He looked around seeing the IV and it scared him. He tried pulling himself up, but he couldn’t feel anything. “Where I am?! Who are you?! Where is Hanzo?!” Genji said raising his voice as more hot tears fell from his emerald green eyes.
“Hey, calm down… my name is Jesse McCree, that’s Doctor Zeigler, and Reyes. You’re on our dropship being treated for your so far unexplained wounds. Everything alright, just rest your little heart there…” He said soothingly, alarmed with how Genji’s heart rate had spiked on the small monitor. “You’ll be okay, just rest alright?”
“No... you don’t understand... Anjia... I need to find Hanzo....” Genji whimpered, trying to sit up, “Anjia.... Why?” Genji said softly tears pouring down his scarred face, pushing himself up with all his upper body strength, once he got up he felt very weak and frail, swaying back and forth. The blanket fell in his lap and he looked down his right side seeing all the metal and wires, “I... I...” Genji stuttered seeing the horrific sight, “A... M-monster... I’M A MONSTER!” He yelled, pushing himself off the bed, falling to the floor weakly, pulling the IV out of his vein as he fell. He winced slightly, then his eyes widen seeing his metal legs. He crawled to the corner, ripping the wires out of the wall as he did so.
“Hey, what the hell are you doin?!?” Jesse asked, in abject horror, watching Genji quite literally attempt to tear himself apart. He cringed, hearing Genji’s legs scrape and grind against the metal floor “Genji, stop!” He wanted to run over and grab Genji, but he hesitated. No situation had ever come up like this, and Jesse was entirely left clueless as to how he could help. “Angela…” the word caught in Jesse's throat as he looked up at her desperately.

“Jesse... back up...” she said softly, kneeling down next to Genji as he desperately tried ripping up his metal arm. She grabbed his left arm, “Genji Shimada! We are trying to help you! You’re not a monster! You’re Genji! Pull yourself together!” She yelled, narrowing her blue eyes at him.
“Get off me!!” Genji yelled, pushing Angela off, “I am a monster!! That’s why Hanzo tried killing me!!” He screamed; his eyes turning from the emerald green to bloodshot red, fueled by rage and sorrow. He held his head shaking and crying. Angela stood up and walked to a cart grabbing a syringe. She walked back over and stuck him. Genji immediately rolled his red eyes back, his screams fading. He gently fell in McCree’s arms.
“His brother.... Hanzo Shimada is the one who did this to him... put him through this pain mentally and physically.... Why?” She asked softly.
Jesse shuddered, shaking his head silently “If I were to meet this Hanzo Shimada, Ide kill him dead… I don’t particularly care why he did what he did, cuz that don’t matter. Nothin justifies tryin to kill your brother…” He said, his voice even and calm despite the seething rage he felt in his heart. Jesse itched to get his hands on Hanzo, to get at him and give at least some type of revenge for the atrocities he had enacted on Genji.
“I see this as an absolutely positive situation… Did you see how mad he was!! That type of energy don’t come around often!” Reyes said cheerfully. He knelt down next to Genji, looking at the damage he had managed to cause in such a short period. “Amazing, he's fueled by the flame of hate!”
“Are you serious Reyes?! How could you say that?! His mental state has been completely destroyed and you see that as a good thing?!” Angela said in an angry tone, “Don’t touch him!” She snapped suddenly at Reyes, watching as Mccree held Genji closer, away from Reyes. “You disgust me sometimes... You’re going to force him to join blackwatch, aren’t you?” She asked crossing her arms.
“I can’t force him,  rather I can make him feel… Shall we say indebted to us" Reyes said, a cruel and twisted smile spreading on his face. A plan had already formed in his head how best to go about this.
Jesse continued to hold genji, feeling how he twitched lightly in his induced sleep. “Hey uh doc, what are we gonna do when he wakes up? And how long have we got before it’s a problem again?” he asked nervously, trying to appear as though he hadn’t been shaken up by the events that had unfolded just minutes before.
Angela turned away from Reyes and her focused shifted back to Genji. She saw the nervousness in Jesse’s eyes. “Don’t worry... He will be too drugged out to even put up a fight.” She said softly, running her fingers through Genji’s green hair.
“Ok…” Jesse whispered; he didn’t want to see Genji like that again. Despite not having had a single real interaction with Genji, Jesse already felt completely attached to him. “He just scared me a little bit is all…” he murmured, still holding Genji in his arms. “What do we do when the drugs do eventually wear off? We can’t keep him knocked out forever… Promise me theres something we can do doc" he trailed off, not sure what would happen if she couldn’t help.
“Well I’m hoping after the drugs wear off, we will have his trust... I understand why he acted the way he did... he doesn’t know us, and his brother just tried killing him... Then he wakes up to all of this, so of course he would be scared... We just need his trust... That’s why your perfect for this... Your personality and caring traits can show him that he can trust us...” she said softly, looking at his mechanical arm. It had aggressive dents and scratches all over it. She sighed softly, and stood up, “Reyes please get us back to HQ, we’ve completed the mission.” She said in a stern tone.
“But I had to drive here, can’t you do it?” Reyes asked, frustrated that she was trying to order him around.
Jesse looked over, shocked by what he had heard.
Angela narrowed her eyes, “What did you just say to me?” she asked staring dead into Reyes eyes, “Take us to HQ. Now. Or God so help me.”
“I… Ok…” Reyes said, clenching his fist and going to sit at the pilot’s seat.
Jesse smiled slightly, seeing that Angela had won the debate. “Asshole…” He whispered, covering his mouth as soon as he said it, terrified that Reyes would hear him.
Genji fluttered his eyes open, “What h-happened... My head...” he mumbled, grabbing a hold of Jesse’s shirt.
“I think you… Yeah you fell buddy, just take it easy" Jesse said, slowly easing away from Genji so as to give him some space. Genji seemed in a better mood, but Jesse was still nervous.
“I like your hat... Cowboy... Wait Jesse... I think or Angela, right? I forgot...” Genji said laughing a bit, his whole personality changing from the drugs that moved through his veins. He saw Jesse move slightly away, which made him tilt his head in confusion. He rubbed his eyes and felt the ship shake as it took off.
“It’s Jesse” He said, his cheeks feeling immediately hot from Genji’s joke. Jesse reached out, steadying himself as the ship shook slightly.
“I like your name Jesse!” Genji mumbled, putting on a big smile. The ship tilted slightly, making Genji slip into Jesse’s arms. “Oh... I’m sorry...” Genji said turning away, gently pushing himself off the cowboy.
“oh, no it's alright…” Jesse whispered. He covered his face in embarrassment. “why did you say that, why? You idiot" he thought to himself. “you don’t even know him"
“oh! okay then! Hey you know something, I got stabbed, like a lot! And it hurt! You know why? That’s right because I went out drinking and partying instead from killing people! I think it was worth it because damnnn~ sake is good~” Genji mumbled, “My anjia made me believe that he cared for me... oh boy I was wrong!” Genji said laughing softly, but the drugs weren’t able to hide his true feelings, showing tears running down his face.
Jesse frowned, seeing how innocent Genji truly was. He stretched out, tentatively stroking Genji’s cheek and wiping away the tears. McCree nearly started crying himself when he felt the deep scars that had already formed on Genjis face. “It's all gonna be ok… I promise” He whispered. "It's all gonna be ok… I promise” He whispered “Ain’t nobody gonna hurt you, they’d have to kill me first…” Jesse stated boldly, puffing out his chest to seem intimidating.
Genji’s eyes glisten with tears, “I’m glad... I miss having people that cared for me... I’ve actually never had anyone care for me... Jesse? Why be kind to me... I’m nothing... My own anjia hated me to the point of wanting to kill me... And now look at me... I just want to have someone... Someone... Someone who loves me.... But no could love someone like me... I’m an omnic... A monster... I just don’t want to be here anymore...” Genji said softly, the drugs slowly wearing off.
“Listen Genji, you ain’t no monster. Simple as that. You said earlier that you used to go drink instead of going out and killing... I had that same choice, but I chose wrong. Does that make me a monster? No, because all that matters is what you do after, right? Who cares what you did or how you look, all that matters is how you go forward. I promise there are people out there who love you... whether you open your eyes to them or not.” Jesse exclaimed boldly “I sound like a Baptist on a hot Sunday... I’m sorry for gettin excited like that Genji”
Genji laughed softly wiping the tears from his face, “I’m sorry about earlier... I just wasn’t expecting to wake up... Or to be saved... Or to see all of this... I am scared... And I am angry... I just want to understand why...” Genji said shuffling up to Mccree, hugging him gently, “I still don’t like this form... It’s disgusting...” He said with a slight shake in his voice.
“Well now, it's perfectly understandable to feel that way Genji. I would expect that you feel angry... But to feel disgust towards yourself ain’t gonna do us any good now is it?” Jesse asked, holding Genji in the embrace lightly.
“But it’s true... Jesse... I'm... I’m a freak... How is society going to treat this... I’m not an omnic.. But I'm not a human either... two sides in a big war and now I'm stuck in the middle of it... Hanzo was right... I am really a disgrace...” Genji said holding Jesse tighter, pressing his face into the cowboy’s poncho.
“Dammit Genji... are you deaf? You ain’t no freak” Jesse muttered into Genji’s ear. He could feel Genji press against his chest, and he felt bad. “This poor kid, he’s been through so much in such a short period of time... It ain’t right” Jesse thought. He wrapped his arms completely around Genji and held him tight.
“I’m sorry... I didn’t mean to...” He said softly, the effects from Hanzo’s treatment towards Genji showing through his apology. He feared messing up... Being a failure... Making anyone upset. He smiled though feeling Mccree’s arms wrap around his small stature. He hadn’t been hugged in a long time, so feeling Jesse’s embrace brought tears to his eyes.
“Hey, don’t apologize... I was just messin with ya” Jesse said, realizing he might have gone too far, “Don’t you think you outta get some rest, you’ve had quite a long day... I’ll come wake you when we get back to the base, show you around. How does that sound?” McCree asked, squeezing Genji tightly.
“That sounds nice... I want to leave this terrible place... This hell...” Genji said timidly. He softly closed his eyes, not letting go of the cowboy. The one person he had trust for. Jesse’s compassion and caring soul reminded him of his own, and how blind he was. Realizing Hanzo played him like a fool... Realizing Hanzo had no love for him made Genji... angry...
Jesse held Genji, he could feel him uneasily let sleep take him. “I’m so sorry this happened to you...” He whispered, feeling terrible for what had happened to Genji. “We’ve all got our stories, maybe one day I'll hear yours” Jesse rested his head back against the all of the ship, closing his eyes tightly against the bright lights that illuminated the interior.
Angela smiled watching the both of them fall asleep on the floor. She grabbed a blanket, and gently placed it on the both of them. She gently placed her hand on the back of Genji’s helmet, taking the wires and plugging them back into the machine. She watched as Genji curled up in Mccree’s arms. She laughed softly, “I promise... I won’t let anything happen to you ever again...” She said softly, standing back up to join Reyes in the front of the plane. “How far are we from HQ?” She asked in a tired tone, sitting in the co-pilot seat.
“Ide say we’ve roughly ten minutes before we arrive back at base. How are dumb and dumber doing back there?” Reyes asked, his attempt at humor completely ruined by his horribly monotone voice. He busied himself by looking at the flashing lights and switches that lay before him on the console, feeling awkward around Angela.
Angela rolled her eyes at Reyes, “They’re both asleep... peacefully, Genji is warming up to Jesse which is good... We want his trust... And we don’t force it!”
“You must do the upgrades Angela. It’s not up for debate. He is too much of an opportunity for us as a group to let slide by” Reyes said, wrapping his fist around the steering column between his legs.
“No, I can’t... Reyes it’s wrong! He doesn’t deserve this... He has been through too much pain and sorrow Just maybe ask what he want to do first before throwing him into blackwatch and making him do your dirty work....” Angela stated, getting slightly upset about the whole situation.
“Don’t you understand? He is the most powerful weapon to come in our hands… why should I concern myself with what he wants when it matters so little? Angela, I will not be asking him, and you will be doing it. That is the end of this discussion” Reyes spat out, his voice thick with heated anger.
“But Reyes... He is a human, he has thoughts and feelings! You must respect that... God damn it! He’s not a weapon! He’s more human than your arrogant ass!” She said, raising her voice.
Reyes slammed his already clenched fist against the steering controls “Goddamit Angela, if you don’t shut the fuck up and listen to my orders, I promise you in front of God and everybody that I will slam this fucking plane into the ground.” He screamed, ready and prepared to make good on his promise if she tried to argue back any further.
“I... I... Okay I’ll do it... whatever you want... Just tell me...” She said timidly, hot tears forming in her ocean blue eyes, “I mean... He’s a Shimada right... A criminal... So, we don’t care what he wants... yeah...” She said lying through her teeth. The last thing she wanted was to see someone in pain, but Reyes always keeps his promises, and there was nothing else she could’ve done to stop what he ordered... It is always his way or no way.
“You motherfucker...” Jesse whispered he stood outside the cockpit, listening to what Angela and Reyes said. “He ain’t no weapon to be made, he's a real person with authentic, genuine feelings... I try to go pee, and this is what I get for my trouble” Jesse said, stumbling back to where Genji lay on the ground.  “I’d ever let them hurt you.. No matter what, and that’s a promise" He said, gently sliding back into his spot next to Genji.
Genji who was fast asleep on the floor started to dream, but no dreams they were. Nightmares and deep dark thoughts filled his head. He dreamed about every single wound, every single stab and slash. The pain and sorrow, and the cruel thing his anjia said. He shuttered at the thought, feeling trapped in his mind. He gasped awake, “No! Please! Anjia stop!” He realized it was just a nightmare and fell silent, shaking from fear, his heart racing.
Jesse jolted awake immediately when he heard Genji cry out. He immediately went into a caring mindset, feeling how terribly Genji was shaking next to him under the blanket, “What’s wrong? Genji are you ok?” He asked in a panicked tone. Their eyes met as Jesse rotated to look over at him, the tears that rimmed Genji’s eyes were all he needed to see. “Tell me… what’s wrong Genji?”
Genji backed up, and held his head, tears running down his scarred face. “Anjia... Anjia... Anjia...” He kept repeating in some type of daze. “Jesse...” He said softly, shaking uncontrollably. “I don’t want to be here... I don’t want to live...” He said quietly.
“Well now that ain’t no way to talk…” Jesse said. He reached out, slowly touching his hand to Genji’s cheek. “If you say you don’t want to live, then you’ve let Hanzo win… you do exactly what he had wanted. You can’t let that happen can you?” He asked, still unsure if Genji would snap at him for the affectionate touch. “I’ve just met him today, yet I’de already gladly give my life. How strange…” Jesse thought to himself.
Genji flinched when he felt Jesse’s touch, but after he saw it was out of compassion, he became relaxed. He slowed his breathing, yet deep down he still felt the way he did before... No one could change that... He frowned, thinking about it and looked away, seeing himself in a mirror on the wall. He turned away from the horrific sight and stared at the metal panels the lined the aircraft.
“Listen, we're almost home! I suppose you’ll be getting your own room for as long as you plan to stay with us!” Jesse said cheerfully. His thoughts flashed back to what he had overheard Angela and Reyes talking about. “They plan to make him stay… do I tell him or not…” The battle raged through his mind, neither side having a clear upper hand.
Angela stood in the doorway listening to what Jesse said, “Jesse I’m going to have to keep Genji overnight... it’s not safe for him to be alone and we don’t have a room set up yet, so he’ll stay in the infirmary for the night.” She said softly, crossing her arms.
Genji nodded his head, “I understand...” He said softly, not making eye contact with anyone, but the ground that he sat on.
“Well gee Doc, Ide be glad to come with… maybe I could be your assistant?” Jesse asked, fearful of what Angela and Reyes planned to do when they had Genji alone.  Just then the plane touched down, gently rocking the passengers as they stood. There was a metallic sound as Reyes started the back doors opening.
“I think Angela’s got more than enough help, why don’t you go back on in to your little room and drink some booze" Reyes said, his voice threatening.
“I mean really, I could help y’all!” Jesse said, nearly pleading Angela to let him go with.
“Jesse, thank you for the offer, but no...” She said in a somewhat annoyed tone, walking over to the two of them. “Genji, let’s go!” She said cheerfully, putting on a smile.
“I’m not... what was your name? Oh Reyes… I know you want to take down my clan and the only way to do that is with me... correct?” Genji smirked, staring at him with his red glowing eyes, “And now you plan on taking me away and turning me into a weapon! How thoughtful!” Genji teased, moving closer to Jesse.
“I know… I know… but I can’t do anything… I’m so sorry Genji…” Angela thought to herself, “Well then... I’m terribly sorry, but I have orders and I must complete them... The easy way or the hard way...” She said softly, walking back over to the cart, grabbing another needle.
Genji tensed up, seeing the needle. He gently grabbed onto Jesse, “You’re not fucking touching me!” Genji said, narrowing his eyes at her.
“Why can’t you use me doc? I’m just as able bodied as him… take me instead" Jesse said, volunteering himself up to protect Genji. He walked over to Angela with his hands extended out.
“You dumb fucking cowboy" Reyes said. He punched out, hitting Jesse square in the jaw. Jesse's eyes rolled back and he crashed to the floor, a small bit of blood coming from his busted lip.
“Jesse!” Genji cried, immediately dashing over to him in a flash of green light, holding him close to his chest, “You fucking monster! Why?!” Genji cried out, his eyes glowing intensely with a fiery red. He gently placed Jesse back down on the ground and stood up, “I’m going to kill you...” He said in a dark tone. He planted his feet on the ground and dashed towards Reyes, pinning him to the wall.
“Reyes! Be careful!” Angela yelled, seeing Genji’s eyes glowing extremely red and the darkest he gave off. She didn’t want to protect Reyes after everything he had done, but he could sense the angry burning off of Genji’s body and it scared her.
“How cute… The little kid thinks he can fight…” Reyes muttered. Lashing out, Reyes struck Genji with his head. Genji snapped back, blood pouring from his nose “Listen, this shit is a lot more simple than you seem to think. You ARE going to let Angela do what is required, or you WILL die. Is that clear enough to get through to you? Keep trying to be a tough guy and you and mr cowboy will be a lot worse off than some small bleeding" He said, matching Genji’s furious energy.
Genji started laughing, holding his nose, “You think you can tell me what to do!?” Genji said, narrowing his eyes, “You’re fucking wrong! I’m not like the cowboy... Hit me or him again and I will slit your throat!” Genji yelled, pulling back his metal hand, punching Reyes, “That’s for hurting Jesse! And this-” He pulled back again, only to have his hand grabbed by Angela. He stared at Reyes not seeing a punch, but a gash. He looked at his metal hand seeing bloody up shurkien. “S-shurkien...?  I didn’t know...” Genji stuttered, realizing he was in deep shit.
Reyes held his hand up to his face, feeling hot blood pouring down his cheek. “You fucked up boy…” he swung his clenched fist out, hitting Genji in the stomach. Some of the freshly healed wounds that were hidden under Genji’s armor reopened, the weak flesh pulled apart by the metal that covered them. He lashed out again, this time with his foot. Reyes swiped Genji’s feet out from beneath him, leaving him in a crumpled pile on the hard surface of the plane. “Angela, work whatever magic you did earlier, I’m tired of his shit”
Angela rushed to Genji’s side, seeing blood falling out of his mouth, “Reyes?! You went way to far!” She yelled, sitting Genji up. “Genji can you hear me?!” She asked in a worried tone, holding him gently in her arms.
Genji’s sight was blurry and he could hear a loud ringing in his ear. He gently held his stomach feeling where the stab wound had opened up. He cried in pain, but he had some strength left, “Fuck you! I’ll kill you! I hope you understand that! You’ll join my brother in hell after I kill him!” Genji screamed, pushing Angela away. Trying to stand back up, only to fall back on the ground.
“You aren’t the first person to promise that, and you definitely won’t be the last" Reyes muttered, staring in disgust at Genji as he lay on the ground. “Angela, I ask again Put. Him. Asleep.” He ordered, gritting his teeth as the blood ran in sheets down the side of his face, “Or I’ll take it upon myself" and with that, Reyes cracked his knuckles, making them pop loudly.
“Yes sir...” Angela said softly, grabbing the needle, moving towards Genji.
“DON’T TOUCH ME!” He yelled, pushing her away weakly.
“I’m sorry Genji... So sorry...” She said softly, sticking he with the needle, watching as his eyes rolled back letting the drugs take him to a deep sleep.
“J-jesse....” Genji mumbled before passing out, a couple of tears falling out of his eyes as he closed them.
Reyes stooped down, picking up Genji’s limp body in his arms roughly. He walked down and off the plane, making his way over to the doors of the base. He glanced over, seeing that Angela was following him “I expect more cooperation in the future Angela, no longer can we allow Genji to lash out like this. And from you too, do not make me ask twice for things… if I order you to do something, I expect that it be carried out.” His breath fogged in the chilly air, appearing like smoke every time words came from his lips.
“Yes sir...” Angela said softly, “Sir? What about Jesse? He’s not going to be happy about this...” She said timidly, seeing Genji’s dark, red blood fall onto the ground. They both walked into the base, seeing Morrison standing there.
“What the hell happened to your face? And who is that? The only information they gave was that you guys were coming back to HQ.” He said slightly confused about the whole situation that laid before him.
“This is Genji Shimada… A less than willing recruit" Reyes said, ignoring the question about his face. “Angela, let’s go. We’ve got to get this situation resolved. I’ll talk to you later Morrison" He called as the pair walked down the extensive hallway. The sound of Reyes's boots and Angela's heels clacking on the ground were the only sounds in the eerily quiet space. “You asked about Jesse… to be honest I don’t really care what he thinks, it’s why I’m the leader and he's the one who takes orders. He doesn’t know what’s best for the group, but I assure you he'll see the wisdom in this decision, if given enough time.” Reyes said, readjusting Genji on his shoulder as they continued walking.
Angela opened the door to the infirmary. She walked pass the waiting room, which had a couple of overwatch agents sitting. They all stared at Genji’s limp form as they walked by, she was quick to open one of the many white walled rooms. “He can stay here... I have to grab a few nurses to assist me, I’ll be right back...” She said softly walking out of the surprisingly big hospital room.
Reyes tossed Genji down, the springs of the hospital bed squeaking in protest under the weight. He looked around and saw a roll of paper towels on the wall. Reyes grabbed a handful and pressed them to the cut on his cheek. It turned bright red, soaking up all of the blood that had stained Reyes's cheek.
Jesse shuttered, gasping as he opened his eyes. He got his hands underneath him, pushing  himself up off the corrugated steel. He spat out a small bit of blood, wiping his lip with the back of his hand. “Goddam, what happened?” His mind suddenly clicked into focus. “Genji!!” he screamed, tearing off down the ramp and into the building through the hangar doors.
Angela walked back into the room with some other nurses, she looked over at one, “I gave him five... So, he can wake up at any moment... We don’t want that, so please put him under Anesthesia, and then get started!” She ordered, walking over to Reyes, “You need stitches... Oh and what do you think?” She held up a black, gray, and red arm with a Japanese symbol paint on the shoulder, “It means revenge...” She said quietly, also holding up a metal, gray mask with red and black wires hanging off the back of it.
“I think it’s a bit strange that you had that just lying around… but I wont question it" Reyes said, fascinated by the intricate designs of the cybernetics. He watched as she set it down gently and picked up a syringe.
“Reyes you ordered the best doctors and nurses in the world, and we don’t disappoint... We work fast and hard... I contacted what we needed and they delivered.” She said softly walking over to Genji’s limp body, who already had an IV in his left arm and a nurse over him, holding down a mask which held the Anesthesia.
“I must say, I’m impressed” Reyes said, nodding his head. In that moment a horribly loud clatter could be heard, metal instruments falling to the ground.
“I… told you… to leave him… alone!” Jesse cried out, bent over and gasping as he tried to catch his breath. “I… promised him…” he slowly stood back up, holding his fists up ready to fight anyone that tried to challenge him.
“Jesse, can’t you just leave this be? Genji is gonna be fine" Reyes said, throwing down the clump of bloodied paper towels. “Just fuck off for like an hour max, and then you’ll have your little friend back I promise" He said, preparing to fight Jesse over the matter. No matter what he had to do, Reyes wouldn't stop until Genji had the augmentations installed.
“He’s not breathing!” A nurse yelled from across the room, in a panic tone.
Angela’s eyes widen, hearing the words fall in the air. She ran over, “His body can’t take the Anastasia!! You two out now!” She yelled at Mccree and Reyes, and immediately went to work, doing chest compressions. A nurse pushed Jesse and Reyes out of the room and slammed the door.
Jesse cringed, hearing the door slam. He immediately turned back, banging his fist on the door “Let me in!!! Please let me in!!!” he cried out desperately, terrified that Genji was going to die. He started crying, falling to his knees. “Pleas…” he said, nearly whispering as his voice cracked.
Reyes stood, staring at the pitiful display Jesse was putting on. “Get off the ground for Gods sake Jesse. Crying fixes nothing" he said, completely unmoved by Jesse's tears.
An hour or so passed, and Jesse sat up against the wall with his hat in his hands. He fidgeted with it restlessly, jumping at any small sound that came from the hospital room. “Please be ok… you can’t leave me so soon…” he thought to himself, desperately hoping to get even a hint of Genji’s condition. In that moment Angela opened the door to Genji’s room, stepping out into to hallway, softly closing it back.
“He’s all done... Everything went perfect... He’s a fighter that’s for sure...” She said softly, yawing at the end of her sentence, “I’m going to go on break... He’s still out, but could wake up any minute.” She said with a soft smile, then she turned away, walking down the long hall.
Jesse spring up, practically sprinting into the room. “Genji!” he shouted, all the nurses turned their heads, staring daggers at him. “Oh, sorry… Genji…” he whispered, going over to his bedside. Jesse looked down, seeing all of the things the doctors had done to him. A look of intense sadness came upon him “I… I’m so sorry Genji…” his happy demeanor completely replaced with disappointment. “I promised…” tears started to form in his eyes as he took it all in, he realized that he had failed to protect Genji as he said he would.
Genji’s slow breathing could be seen fogging up the oxygen mask around his mouth and nose. Black and red wires were attached to his mechanical arm, the back of his metal spine, and behind his helmet. They all connected to a big machine in the corner of the room. Some nurses walked out expect for one.
“Um... I am so sorry to bother you, but here is his stuff... We tried washing the blood strains out... It didn’t really come out all the way... I’ll just leave it here...” She said softly, placing the small box down, she also placed a sword next to the box. She looked at Genji, giving off a small smile, then she frowned. “He’s so peaceful... Reyes... Didn’t want me to tell you, but I thought it was only fair...” she walked back over, gently running her fingers through Genji’s green hair, “Reyes ordered to have his hair dyed black... It doesn’t seem like a big deal at first glance, but I feel that the green represents who Genji as a person... I didn’t think it was right... So, I just had to tell you” She said softly, letting her hand drop to her side.
“It ain’t right... Genji didn’t deserve to have any of this happen.” Jesse said, clenching his fist to try and keep his cool, “I don’t care what Reyes ordered, his hair stays green dammit” And with that, Jesse looked up into her eyes. “Please ma’am, you gotta keep it... I can't stand to see him changed any more than he already has been...” Jesse took his hat off, placing it on Genji’s chest. He ran his fingers through his hair, loosening it up from how it had been pressed down under the hat.
She sighed softly, “How about we ask him when he wakes up? Does that sound good?” She asked in a soothing tone. She walked over to one of the monitors, watching Genji’s heart rate. She noticed something in the corner of her eye, “Oh! That must have fallen out of the box!” She walked over picking up a picture, “Awe, this must be him! I can tell from the green hair... And... Uh... I don’t know the other person...” She said softly, handing Jesse the picture, “Genji sure is cute!” She teased, softly laughing, trying her best to lighten the mood.
Jesse gasped, he looked at the picture the nurse had handed him. “Thats... Hanzo... It’s gotta be” He thought to himself, looking at the man that stood behind Genji. He shuttered, “They look so similar... It’s like an older version of Genji, except if he was depressed...” He set the picture down on the box, not wishing to look at Hanzo any longer. “Yeah... Genji is pretty cute...” Realization dawned on McCree “Oh my god, I didn't mean to say that out loud, I am so sorry. Please don't tell him I said that” He cried out in embarrassment.
She giggled softly, “Your secret is safe with me Mccree...” She whispered, trying to hold her laughs in.
Genji moved his metal arm, gently touching Jesse’s hand. He barely opened his eyes, before he pulled away and rolled over, wincing slightly as he laid on his side. He curled up in a ball, and didn’t say a word.
“So you’re finally awake!!” Jesse said, bending over to pick up his hat that Genji had unintentionally knocked over when rolled. He dusted it off, pulling it expertly onto his head. “how do you feel?” Jesse decided not to mention anything about what they had done to Genji, planning on apologizing when it was just them in private without the nurse.
Genji stayed silent for a short moment, “everything hurts... I... How are you? You got punched...” Genji said softly, not making eye contact with Jesse. Every time he took a breath he could feel the oxygen mask fog up.
“Aw nevermind me... I’ll be fine” Jesse said, gently sitting down on the bed with Genji. He felt the bed sink down under the extra weight. “Do you think you can get outta here? Hey nurse, how long till Genji can leave?” he asked, looking up at her from the bed as she went about messing with the seemingly useless things around her.
“Well Angela told me to keep him here over night, so we can make sure his vital signs stay stable, but it you promise to bring him back and if anything happens to him to bring him straight back for medical attention, then I see no problem with it!” She said happily.
“I really don’t feel like getting punched in the stomach again... or headbutted, so I guess I can get my revenge...” Genji said sitting up slowly, “Oh, yeah... You missed that part...” Genji said softly, taking off the oxygen mask.
“Dammit Genji why you gotta go getting in trouble?” Jesse asked looking as Genji slowly climbed out the bed. Walked over to the door, opening it for Genji, “Where would you like to go first? The Courtyard? Maybe the sleeping quarters? Or my personal favorite, the mess hall” Jesse mentally kicked himself for asking about a courtyard, knowing it might upset Genji to think about such a place.
Genji looked around the hallway seeing people staring at him, “Um... Maybe another time... I am regretting going out where everyone could see me... I don’t want people to fear me...” Genji said softly, slowly backing up in the hospital room.
“Them? Genji you ain’t gotta worry or give little heart about them. If they are gonna fear anything, it’ll be me” He said, unholstering his revolver, flashing it at the crowd of overwatch agents. They agents scrambled off in screams and shouts of fear, leaving the hallway completely empty except for Genji and McCree. He spun the revolver on his finger, slamming it back into the holster “Shall we?” He asked, offering a hand out for Genji, he smiled warmly at him.
Genji took Jesse’s hand softly, “Do you guys have a training facility? I would love to see that...” He said softly, moving closer to Jesse. Seeing the calm and compassionate heart that burns through Jesse’s body, this made Genji feel safe around him.
“Well sure we do... I’d be glad to show you” Jesse said, leading Genji to the center hallway of the building. He turned left, taking Genji to a large set of double doors “Right this way” He said, dramatically pushing them open to reveal a large course with targets set up all around the room. He delicately let go of Genji’s hand, again bringing out the revolver. Jesse took a stance, mentally locking on to all of the targets he saw. Six shots rang out, and six smoking holes appeared in the targets right over the bullseye.
“Just a little party trick I picked up” he said, reloading the pistol quickly with a flick of the wrist and a blur of motion as he reached for his belt. “What can you do Genji? Reyes and Angela seem quite intrigued by you…” Jesse felt his stomach drop, he saw that Genji seemed relatively unaffected by the events of the day, yet he still found himself falling guilty for allowing it to happen.
Genji looked around, he seemed to be in a daze, like he didn’t care about anything... He felt hopeless... He had completely given up on everything, “Um... I... I don’t know... I guess we’ll have to find out... Where do you keep your weapons..? I wonder if they have a katana for me yet...” Genji said slightly rambling off, looking at his mechanical hand.
“Oh yeah, wait here  and I’ll see what I can work out" Jesse said, smiling as he walked back out into the hall. “Maybe this’ll brighten his spirits…” he thought to himself as he delicately picked up the heavy katana from next to the box of Genji’s items. He slid it partially out of the sheath, and the angry stains of blood made him pause. “oh… well that won’t do…” Jesse whispered, he pulled it out of the sheath, causing the metal to ring out quietly. He wiped it down, spitting on a towel to get the crusted blood off.
“Here you go, I hope this is what you needed!” Jesse said as he walked back into the training course, going over to Genji with a huge smile on his face “It was a little dirty… I hope you don’t mind me cleanin it!”
Genji turned around, and fell silent seeing his sword. He started to laugh hysterically. His eyes glowing more with every second that passed. The red fury burning through his body. Tears fell down his face, but sadistic laughter fell from his lips. He aggressively grabbed the sword from Jesse. Shaking uncontrollably, “This... Oh my... How thoughtful!” He said, gripping the sword as he stared at the bots that lined the room. “I’M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU ALL!” Genji dashed over to three of the bots, completely destroying them with one swipe of the sword. He dashed again, stabbing two more, “YOU WILL ALL BURN IN HELL! BURN WITH HANZO SHIMADA!” He screamed, tears pouring out of his red glowing eyes. He dashed in the air, locking his eyes on four more bots, “Ryuujin no ken wo kurae!!” He yelled, throwing his sword against the metal, cutting straight through all of them. He fell to the ground in a heap, crying heavily, holding his head. “Revenge...” Genji simply mumbled out, laying on the cold metal floor, watching as his tears fell over his face collided with it.
“Genji!!” Jesse shouted, sprinting over to where he lay on the ground. Genji’s chest rose and fell heavily, flexing the armor that was covering his body. Jesse stopped short of Genji, looking at him. “A-Are you ok Genji?” he asked, nervously taking off his hat. “Genji, talk to me… are you ok?” Jesse started to inch his way closer, pausing every step or two to make sure that Genji wasn’t going to snap on him.
Genji moved away, He stood up suddenly, throwing the sword to the ground. “DIE! YOU DESERVE TO DIE! Die... Die... Please... I c-can't do this anymore...” Genji said, falling to his knees, looking at the sword that laid next to him. He gently picked it up, feeling the rage burning through it, in his shaky hand. He aimed it towards himself.
“Hey hey hey … let’s not go making any rash decisions there buddy…” Jesse whispered, holding his hand up to try and warn Genji away from attempting to harm himself. “Come on, don’t do that… please" as he talked, Jesse slowly reached his other hand down to his belt, grazing a flashbang with the tip of his finger.
Genji’s hands shook as he held the sword, “The world would be better without a monster like me... No one cares for me anyways so, it’s perfectly fine! I want to die! Just let me!” Genji yelled, slowly pushing the sword against his exposed skin, making it bleed slightly, “I’m sorry Jesse... I just can’t do it... I can’t stand this world anymore...” He said softly.
“Genji stop it!!” Jesse screamed, he ripped the flashbang from his belt. An earsplitting noise rang out, echoing through the training hall, and a flash of bright white was all Jesse could see. He stumbled blindly over to where he thought Genji lay. He collapsed onto the ground near where Genji also laid incapacitated. Genji had dropped the sword, only able to make a minor cut.
“p…pl…ease…” Jesse whispered, his mind completely stunned and unable to form words properly as he stammered.
Genji laid there is silence, holding his hand close to his chest, crying softly. “I’m... I’m sorry...” Genji finally mumbled out, closing his eyes tightly as tears slipped to the ground.
“It’s ok…” Jesse muttered, holding his head as it felt like someone had split it open. “I’m the one that should be apologizing… I panicked and didn’t know what to do” he said, crawling over to Genji to hold him in his arms. He could feel the tears that wet Genji’s face.
Genji wrapped his arms around Jesse, and hid his face in Jesse’s chest, “I hate this... I hate it so much... I hate myself... I hate my body...” Genji cried out, shaking in Jesse’s arms.
“I understand Genji… it’s ok…” Jesse whispered. He squeezed Genji tightly, content to lay there for as long as Genji needed him too. He could feel how Genji shook in his arms, and he felt horrible for it “This is my fault…” he thought to himself.
Everything went silent for a moment, Genji could barely even think. His mind clouded with terrible thought, and horrifying memories that made him feel so much sorrow. Then a buzz came from above them, Athena’s voice echoed through the room.
“Genji Shimada, please report to commander Reyes office... You have a mission.” She said in a calm tone. Genji sat up, and wiped his tears, “I have a feeling... I’m going back to Hanamura... To kill Hanzo Shimada... And burn down Shimada castle for good...” Genji thought to himself, “I’ll be all that remains of this pitiful criminal empire...” He thought, smiling sadistically.

All that remains: part 1Where stories live. Discover now