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I'm here today at Yeonjun's apartment. The door was locked and luckily I had some spare keys his mom gave me. When I opened the door I saw something I could never imagine I'd see. Sohee and Yeonjun, kissing. I stood there and Yeonjun noticed me so they immediately got up and Sohee took her things and got out of his aprtment.

"What was that Yeonjun? Now you're cheating on me?"

"It's not what it looks like Y/N I could expl-"

I cut him off, "To all the I love yous that you've said to me, did you actually mean it Yeonjun? Do you?"

He stood there and froze. "Y/N...I'm sorry, please I'm really really sorry." he said in a soft voice. I left his apartment and went home.

He said sorry.

But I knew,

He didn't mean it.

𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐲 • 𝐜𝐲𝐣Where stories live. Discover now