Chapter 2. The start of something new

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I spent most of the day exploring around the school grounds. Everything seemed to have taken a step back in time, in a grand way. I witnessed lots of students out and about but decided to keep to myself.

I ate lunch in the kitchen/dining room area. The table was old solid wood with too many chairs to count around it. I had come in late for lunch so I was again by myself. But I didn't mind, gave me a chance to take in all of my surroundings. I cleaned up after myself and decided to walk around outside more.

It really was a beautiful sight to see and I enjoyed the serenity of it all. I laid down in the grass under the trees at the edge of the woods surrounding the school grounds. Just closed my eyes and listened to nature, I felt the light breeze on my face. It was still sunny and fairly warm despite it being almost October. I relaxed more and fell asleep.

I woke with a start several hours later. I thought I heard a howl in the distance so I ran back to the school. I shook the thought thinking it was just my imagination. I didn't know what time it was but since it was dark I figured I was out there much later than I had meant to be.

When I opened the doors to the dorm room I didn't hear any noise so I quietly made my way back to my room. Still no sign of my roommate. I got into my pjs and laid down. Tomorrow was my first day and I wanted to be well rested. Pleading for my sleep to be free of the nightmare that typically plagued me.

I woke up bright and early at 6:00am, classes don't start til 9:00am. I'm the type of person who waits til the last second to wake up, throws clothes on and runs out the door; however, today was special! Today was the first day of the rest of my life, my new beginning, my chance to be more than what I was. That excitement stayed with me as I got ready for the day.

I took a nice shower, when I was finished I put on a nice pair of jeans and a pretty shirt. Nothing fancy to stand out, but nice enough to blend in. I put on my new tennis shoes, then brushed my teeth and hair. I was pretty much ready for the day. I went to the full body mirror and secured my necklace, afterwards I studied myself in the mirror.

I am 5' 6", not too tall but not too short. I was fairly petite, I don't have much muscle or even fat. No curves to speak of unfortunately. I don't look sickly but I'd say not too far off. My skin was soft and pale but almost lifeless. Only when I was embarrassed did any color come to my face. My blue eyes were pretty but pale compared to others. I have pretty brown hair that was down to the middle of my back. All in all I was okay with my appearance though I sometimes wished my body would mature some so I couldn't pass for a 12 year old. Either way, I don't really care all that much about my appearance.

I grabbed my book bag filled with some supplies provided with my scholarship, slung it over my shoulder, and picked up my trusty map. I glance at the clock to see it's only 7:00am now, so I grab a muffin and go out to explore the inside of the school building.

The school grounds were basically empty, even though it's such a big campus the only people I passed seemed to be teachers heading to the cafeteria or their class. I quickly made my way into the building. Outside may have looked like a castle but inside it looked just like a run of the mill school.

White walls and floors with black accents. Black lockers lined some of the walls. Plain windows along the walls and inside of the classroom. Nothing too fancy but it did look clean and free of graffiti, so I was more than happy with it. I roamed around the 4 stories of classrooms to find all of my classes, bathrooms, and the cafeteria. Once I was confident I'd be able to navigate my way around I went in search for my locker.

By now it was 8:30 and students were starting to pour in. Most seemed half asleep and grumpy. Most days I would've been right there with them, Monday's are the worst! But today was special and I was excited. When I neared my locked I saw a group of kids huddled around it.

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