Chapter 1: The Prince and The Baker

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Felix swung his legs as he watched his parents eat happily, his fork simply pushing around the peas on the plate. He was bored, bored with the daily routine that never seemed to break or change in the slightest.

Listening to his mother and father drone on about world politics and the gossip between the neighbouring kingdoms. Apparently, Queen Margaret can't stand her own husband anymore and was having an affair with the neighbouring kingdom's king's brother.

It bored Felix he hand no interest in world politics or gossip. He glanced over at his sister who seemed to lack basic table manners, chewing loudly as she quickly ate the steaming food on the plate. Mind you she was only 10 years old and was only just beginning her tutoring to become a noble royal. "Hey.." he threw a piece of bread at his sister to catch her attention, her head snapped up as soon the food hit her ready to yell at him but Felix was quick to shush her waving his hand silently telling her to escape with him.

Standing from his seat claiming he felt ill and quickly walking from the dining hall hearing his sister follow behind him. Taking her hand as soon as they hit the hallway running down the long hall, out into the courtyard. Light rain fell from the sky wetting their clothes and mud formed around their shoes as they ran past the well-kept gardens, giggles filling their lungs as they slid over the mud.

Enjoying their minor bit of freedom as they chase each other through the garden playing the most one-sided game of tag there was, Felix easily catching his sister whilst she struggling to chase after him. Yelling about unfair he was being.

Chris stood in the doorway admiring the rain his father inside the kitchen behind him, the heat of the kitchen radiating off his back. "Chris come on, we need to finish cleaning so we can get home! Minho is waiting for me!" His closest friend Han or Jisung whined throwing his apron at Chris.

"Let him watch that pretty prince of his~" Jeong-in cooed lifting himself up onto the clean bench. Chris' cheeks flared realising he had been starring at the prince as he ran around mud splattering his clothes.
"Leave him, alone boys... And Jeong-in don't you have duties to attend to?" Chris' father came to the rescue bringing the boys attention back to their work.

"The princess disappeared, so I'm waiting until she runs in here demanding another piece dessert." Jeong-in smiled swinging his legs carelessly. Chris turned back to the kitchen stripping his apron off, hanging his and Jisung's off of two hooks by the door grabbing the broom.
"Seeing as the princess is currently drenched and covered in mud. The queen is going to have your neck." Chirs smirked watching the panic rise in the young butler in training, jumping from the counter rushing from the door screaming into the rain,


Chris chuckled sweeping up the floor of the kitchen until his father told them they had completed their tasks for the night, Jisung yelled in joy grabbing his thick coat waving goodbye and running from the castle grounds. Chris and his father taking their time as they strolled through the gardens to their small home on grounds, because the family never knew when they'd need an emergency meal.

As his father relaxed onto a lone chair pulling open a book he had begun reading this week, Chris set to work at making them dinner. The sun has long set working by gaslight only as he peeled potatoes and set them to boil whilst working a simple steak to join them with a light salad. Holding a small conversation with his father as he worked.

"How many years has it been, Chris?" His father asked setting his book on the table as Chris presented their dinner.
"For what?" Chris hummed sitting across from him, taking a sip of cheap wine.

"How many years have you been charmed by the prince?" His father chuckled cutting a piece of steak. Chris sighed sinking back into his chair.

"Almost 11.." He admitted quietly. 

Felix chuckled as he stepped out from his shower, quickly drying himself off wrapping the towel around his waist as he entered his large bedroom. The night sky flooding in through the open windows as he butler and friend slowly turned off the gaslights. 

"Changie.. do you think my parents would be mad if I just ran away for a while?" he asked quietly dressing into his pyjamas. 

"Oh most certainly, Felix." Changbin shook his helping the prince button up his sleeping shirt. "Your mother would probably have a stroke knowing her good little boy had run off without a plan."

"So.. if I made a plan I'd be fine?" Felix asked climbing into the centre of his bed like a child waiting to be tucked in. 

"And leave me here? Come on, Felix a few more years then your father will step down and you will take the crown then you will make the rules." Changbin chuckled tucking the younger into the large bed. "Now sleep. Or I'll get your sister to rain hell upon you tomorrow." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2019 ⏰

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