★ | 136. man whore, skam

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 136: Man Whore, Skam
Word Count: 1558

"You're leaving again?" He asked, looking up at the guy getting dressed with tired eyes

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"You're leaving again?" He asked, looking up at the guy getting dressed with tired eyes. He frowned, pulling the blankets up to cover his naked body.

Chris nodded, putting his shirt back on and not even looking at him. "You know the deal. No sleep overs. I don't want you to get the wrong idea."

[name] scoffed and turned away from him, eyes narrowing in anger. Chris always acted like this. He didn't know why he still had sex with him. "Trust me. I'm not going to get the wrong idea. I get it Chris. You only want me for sex because if we actually were to become official you wouldn't be able to continue being a man whore."

"Don't sound so mad." Chris whined with that stupid pout on his lips, looking unaffected. "We made this deal before we got together. Don't tell me you're catching feelings for me." He slid over to the bed and leaned down so their faces were inches apart.

[name] rolled his eyes and pushed him away, rolling away to face the opposite direction. "I'm not that pathetic to fall for a guy who uses me." He snapped back, feeling his cheeks heat up. A sign that he was lying. Chris couldn't see his face though so he wouldn't know.

"Don't act like you're not using me as well." Chris sighed. "Whatever. You're being moody. I'm not dealing with this right now." He finished getting dressed and left the room.

[name] wondered where he would go. If he would go home, have a shower and go to bed or if he was already off to someone else's house to have sex again. He huffed in frustration, shoving the blankets off of his body and standing up, the mirror across from him reflecting his body.

Hickey's ran all up and down his neck and he rolled his eyes in annoyance. For someone who wasn't looking for anything official, Chris sure liked to mark him for everyone to see. "How am I supposed to hide this?" He questioned. He didn't want anyone to see because he would get asked a million questions about it.

Who was it?

Do they go to this school?

Was it a guy or a girl?

If people could learn to keep their mouths shut and mind their own business, he wouldn't worry about it. Looks like he would just have to wear another scarf. Deciding to push the thoughts out of his mind he went to run himself a bath. He needed some much needed relaxing time.

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For the past week, [name] had been ignoring Chris. Not answering any of his calls or texts and walking in the opposite direction when he saw him. It was the best way to get over his stupid feelings for the man whore. So far it was going good and he could see Chris was getting angry. Another positive.

He leaned against his locker and laughed as his classmate, Isak told him a lame pick up line. Some made tears come to his eyes and people locked over, wondering what was making the boy laugh so much. "You are seriously never going to get a guy with that."

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