LEOEL. I am leoel.

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'Leo!!' Hissed a voice from outside my window, 'Get your bag and come' it whispered. I glanced up, seeing only for a second the face of my older brother Theo, he's 14, I'm 11. Then his head ducks down, so only tufts of blonde silky hair are seen. I spring out of my bed, already fully clothed in a blue tank top, black leather jacket and camo- cargo pants. I slip in to my combat boots and swing my get-a-way bag over my shoulders. It is black. I push my waist length dirty blonde hair from my face and slip 2 hair ties on my wrist. I swing my leg up and out of the window, clonking it on his head and receiving a sharp smack. I haul myself out of the window and hang on to the piping. I glance down, head lamps of cars light the street below with a fuzzy orange colour, but they don't reach up to the 14th story window I just emerged from. Theo nods and whispers to me 'jam' for a moment I am confused. "Why do we need jam?" I think- no, not jam- Jamie, my seven year old sister. I scale the plumbing, and jump onto the ledge of her window, Theo right behind me. We tap on her window and her tear stained face appeared, startled for a moment, but then remembers the plan, she too is fully dressed and has pre packed. she pulls her bag on her back and we hoist her from the window onto our ledge. 'Leo, Theo' she whispers 'I'm scared' I glance back down at the street below us. heights don't bother me, but they sure bother Jamie. She still has double braids in her corn silk blonde hair, from this afternoon. I rub my hand across the scar above my left eye, as I do when I'm nervous and reply 'we all are. and we will be for a long time' I pause 'But we are here for you, I would say don't worry- but we should' I whisper. Theo lets loose a small chuckle 'ok, let's go'. We follow his lead, along piping and window ledges, with jam holding his free hand, me trailing behind.
Finally we drop down onto the paving and jog toward a small alley. we turn into it and Theo stops abruptly and I bump into Jamie and stumble past Theo. 'pretty girly' a voice cooes, a man of 25 with a thousand piercings stepped out of the shadows. Theo stepped back, pulling Jamie with him, he wasn't scared- oh no, he just knew that I handle my own fights, by myself. The man stepped closer 'who are youuu?' I glared at him, 'Leoel. I am leoel!' I launched my self at him, punching and kicking. I may not seem like it, being all skinny and whatnot, but I'm a gymnast and my muscles are stronger than your average D.I.Y man. The man was obviously not expecting this and was knocked out in 5 seconds flat. I kicked him aside. Theo chuckled and muttered 'poor guy' while Jamie stated ' we have no use for weaponds, we have a leoel' (pronouncing weapons wrong because of her average education) I smiled and we jogged on through the alley way to the next street, DANG! That was fun. Theo had to let me do that more often. 'Where are we going?' Jam asked to no one in particular 'Do you remember the field of cows? 'Yes...' 'Next to there is a run down abandoned shack, that's where we are going to stay the night'. Houston wasn't the best of cities, but at least there were some advantages, like the abandoned shack. that had been there for years. I glanced down at jam, she had a giant black jumper of Theo's (to be in disguise- apart from our hair) and a pair of my black cargo pants. We were most afraid for her, after what she's been through, to have the police looking for her after she's been recognised. I didn't realise it but we had already reached the shack, and Theo gently pushed the squeaky crooked door open and stepped inside. As I came through I rested my hand on the door and, typically, it fell. There was a dirt ground and a slight hole in the roof, from which moonlight filtered from. Theo gave me the "oh not again" look and I sheepishly smiled back at him. Jamie curled up in a corner and began to sleep, while I fitted the door back on. I looked at Theo, if you want me to describe him: he was hot. Blue eyes and pink lipped, like Jamie, unlike me, hazel eyes and blood red lips, but we were all beautiful. He had a sad look in his eyes that I knew all to well, but he said nothing, he just tried for a smile and went and picked up Jamie, resting her head on his lap.


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